In my last bog, of earlier today, I mentioned how there was a question if the two major political parties, at least as they exist today, would even be around for the elections in November. What did I mean by that.
I have referred to this subject before in these pages: how, in the setting of things to rights in this country, that would, or at least could, consist of arresting the authorities of both the Democrat and Republican Parties, on suspicion of collusion in the usurpation of the very office of the presidency of the United States, in the matter of Barack Hussein Obama v. the U.S. Constitutional Republic; and, on the (inevitable) event of a - legitimate - court of law(1) finding them guilty, jailing said authorities, fining the parties, and dissolving them, for being the corrupt enterprises that they will have been found to be, even in a court of law, under RICO statutes. And that being the case, the U.S. Congress, and state legislative bodies, including their governorships, would by necessity have to be dissolved, and new elections held, for representatives of The People on federal, state, county, and local levels.. And so the American people will - would - have to ‘reconstitute’ themselves in other political bodies. But hold on. Let’s look at this matter a little closer. To say:
The American system of government has developed a two-party system, in order to defend the nation against the potential tyranny of the other - as long as we were not “angels,” in the perceptive words of James Madison.(2) But what could happen when ‘men’ start seriously to own their intrinsic natures - as ’spiritual beings having a human experience’? That is to say, when such a time comes to fruition. Either by Necessity, or by cosmic chronology??
I won’t speak to the latter subject. I don’t know enough about that potential, involved in human affairs. (Although a lot of history does seem to be cyclical.) But I can tell a state of Necessity when I see it. And we are clearly at that stage of development now. As humans, facing a/our Crisis point.
To say as well: Our Transformation point. Aka a/our Turning Point.
Into the home stretch…
What I see: A - final - confrontation, between rule by the Individual as the sovereign, and the Collective as the sovereign, ruled over by a self-appointed elite.(3) As in the former Soviet Union, and the current Red China. The latter of which examples of Power Over Others (or POO for short) believe that there is no God, that all things are relative, and that they might as well control all things as not. Or even should. Believing, somehow - although they also believe, as I say, that all things are relative - that it is ‘scientific’ for them to believe so.(4) And with this Process ‘complicated’ by the matter of ‘religion’. To wit:
On the one side - that of the Individual, as a sovereign being - is the belief in a God; and so, of the Individual as a child of God. But which God?? There are many different religions. And plus, on the other side - i.e., the believers in a Collective outcome for humanity - are the Muslims, with a belief that commands them to ‘kill the infidel’. (Similar to the earlier days of the Christian Church.)
What to do.
I’ve got it. I think. In summation:
We go for Truth.
And the Truth is, that none of our religions have the Truth; except in part: In a belief in a larger context for life, included in the idea of ‘a God’.(5) That is to say, in the idea - and the awareness - that there is a larger context for life as we know it, which includes this material-level life as a part of it (and but a part of it). And now, with the (medical technology-enabled) advent of such as Out Of Body Experiences and Near Death Experiences - the ability of people to come back ‘from the dead’ and tell their tale - we have some proofs of that larger context. So, we should be living as if there were ‘a God,’ and not as if there were not, as we are doing, largely, at present. But with the various religions needing to give way to the (whole) Truth to come out. Because they are standing in the way of
the Process.
Coming to a head.
Whereby our Next Steps are to be
together. As One.
In reflection of
The One
that we are all a part of. For being
spiritual beings having a human experience. And now, about to
transcend that experience. As we move Up -
or, perhaps better described, In -
a notch. or two. On our Way
And reflect our enhanced understanding, and awareness, into our environment. As what could be called
And to meet Others -
other planetary expressions of The One -
along that Way. In a part of the Process that has been called
(1) That is to say, an American Common Law, or Natural Law court; not one of these faux Maritime/Admiralty Law courts (with their gold-tasseled American flag ‘presiding’ over the proceedings) that infest this country these dark days, in the pretense that We, the People have been ‘lost at sea’ and therefore have lost our natural rights according to ‘the law of the land’.
(2) The Federalist Papers, No. 51.
(“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”)
(3) And thus why America (specifically the United States thereof) - in being the prime champion of the Individual on the planet; which frame of mind, including its corollary of free institutions, like free speech and property rights, has resulted in major progress for humanity as a whole, in many areas - has had a legitimate right to claim for itself ‘exceptionalism,’ and consider itself special.
The collectivists to the contrary notwithstanding.
(Hey - who saved the Soviet Union from being overrun by the Nazis??
And look at the thanks that we got for it.)
(4) That is, the Marxist ‘take’ on things.
N.B. There is also, in this camp, the perverted idea of those Jews who have been called Khazarian Mafia, or Rothschild Zionists, of being of ‘The Chosen People,’ and so they add a religious motif to this situation, of some thinking of themselves as ‘born to rule’. So that is a piece of this picture as well. Coming to
a Conclusion. Which may well not be that thought of by those in that ‘superior’ camp. And in fact, will undoubtedly not be that thought of by them. As their position is but part of a Process, which moves beyond the pieces of the Process.
The ‘thesis’ and ‘antithesis’ resolving into a Synthesis. But to continue.
(5) There is considerable evidence that Christianity is false, for anybody with an open mind to be able to see for themselves. (And which I have dealt with in these pages before.) And the Jewish god seems, to me, to be simply a tribal god - one of many, in those days in ‘our’ history on this planet. As looked into, rather scientifically, by the likes of Zechariah Sitchin, in his collection of (very persuasive) books on the subject. And my research into all the other religions ‘tells’ me, at least, that they are all aspects of, reflective of, their times, and are not capital-t Truth. So, we need to go, not for ‘religion’. But for scientific spirituality.
To say: for Truth.
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