Monday, 16 March 2020

The Royal Highway

In my last blog I referred to research indicating that the Christian religion is false - “has unTruth built into it, at its core”.  That is, in the form of not a character of history, but of a story.  A story originally designed to be a ticket out of the despair of a defeated Judaism - caused by Jewish zealots attempting to rebel against the power of mighty Rome - in order for, on the one hand, some Jewish priestly-lineage men and their families ‘to live to fight another day,’ and on the other hand, the Flavian imperial family to be able to rule over the Judaean part of their Empire without the Jews constantly ‘kicking against the pricks’ of their servitude to Rome.  How to do this?  By neutering their Messiah.

The fuel for the constant rebelling of the Jews against the yoke of Rome was their belief in a militaristic Messiah who would come and lead them in defeat of their enemies.  How to overcome the power of such a belief?  By pretending that their Messiah had come, but in the form of a pacifistic Messiah, who counseled them to “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” - to obey authority, and that ‘His’/their kingdom “is not of this world,” but of the next, and in the meantime, in this one, just shut up and take your dutiful place in the Empire, like all the other of its subjects.

And thus - in rebellion to that yoke - why The Chosen People have been attempting to overthrow authority over them ever since.  In the main way: By subterfuge.(1)  In the main such way: By planting a cuckoo in the Roman nest.  By taking over the new religion growing out of the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there, based on this idea, of a pacifist as their Messiah; whose religion could, then, yoked to the might of Rome, be used to accomplish their goal another Way.

The main figure in this deceit was a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus become - after being adopted into that imperial household, for services rendered to it - Josephus Flavius.  Also to become known as Saul become Paul, of ’New Testament’ fame.  But a leopard by any other name, etc.  In this case, the leopard being the original religion of the Jewish tribe, whose tribal god - apparently one of the Annunaki, ‘Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came’ from an eccentric planet tied to this solar system called by them Niburu(2) - engaged them in relentless war with their neighbors.  Triggered, very possibly, by their constant attempts to rule over them, and thus incurring their wrath, and reaction.  Although, in those days of yore, the human species, even without, er, ‘help from on high,’ had reason enough of their own to so engage, in the way of their ‘natures’ as a higher species of primate, and its being subject - still - to such imperatives as ‘the survival of the fittest,’ and territoriality, and so forth.  Slow to grow up into their higher natures, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  On their Way to becoming gods - indeed - in their own right.  But subject to the lessons learned along that Way.

With some of those incarnates showing signs of having bought into the enticements on and of the lower steps on the spiral stairway to the heavens  

Spiral, because we keep returning to the scene of our karma, until we clear it.  And then can move

On.  And Up.

As our better natures dictate.  Ever calling us Up out of ourselves.

Our lower selves.  Into -

and by -

our higher Selves.

To press On.  

Further On.  To



With pit stops along

The Way.

The Royal Highway.

Which leads in the opposite direction to the likes of those Medical Martial Law FEMA camps which are being readied, not for victims of the (bioweaponized) ‘novel coronavirus’ - they don’t have any medical facilities.  But for ‘dissidents’ to the New World Order crowd’s plan for humanity.  Long in planning.  And about to be sprung

on them.  Because

Life has Purpose.  And that purpose 

is Good.


(1) As chronicled throughout what has become known as The Old Testament.  Full of as much deceit as what has become known as The New Testament.
   (Yes yes: Warnings of 'the anti-Christ,' and all that.  My advice, in weathering the stormy waters upon us:
   Cultivate, and keep listening to, the still small voice within.  That's your ticket to a better life ahead.   

(2) See Zechariah Sitchin’s monumental works of research on this subject.

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