Tuesday, 24 March 2020

When Does A Bird Sing

Answer No. 1: In the spring.

Answer No. 2: After a storm.

The second answer is credited to Rose Kennedy, mother of JFK.  I don’t know the specifics of that bit of information.  All I know is that it fits with other pieces of the current puzzle (and stage of The Play) that we are living in, and through.  About to get to its End Times. 

With, fortunately, a happy ending.  With the likes of:

* Mass arrests of the Dark side players (and their unmasking, as to who is really what)

* A new and international  currency, simultaneous with

* a Global Currency Reset.

All of this, to help us move out of The Play 

and into

The Real Thing. 


By experiencing

our Oneness.

And with it, John F Kennedy Jr. can now come out of his self-quarantine.

And take a well-earned bow.

Along with all the rest of the Good Guys.

As we begin to sail on other seas.  And take our places 

in an expanded universe.

Beyond the one where animals - and higher primates - fight for territory.

With our pineal glands leading

The Way.

For those who are ready

in, and for, this Harvesting.

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