A member of the Mormon family that I am currently living with, in Utah, has come back to the nest from losing her jobs in Southern California/the greater L.A. area. She is, if not quite the black sheep of the family politically, at least in that camp: an anti-Trumper, but in the nature of an anti-capitalist, and more explicitly, being anti-Big Business, but figuring that Big Business is a natural outgrowth of capitalism. Thus, she is for ‘socialized medicine,’ and ‘hence’ (and on her low-income life category) for ObamaCare. The female half of the head of this household - her biological mother - called me in to talk with her about this issue, advertising me as someone who is ‘very knowledgeable’ about all of these things. Not the best of invitations, considering the heat of the space in these times, but there you go. Life’s little interactions with Itself.
I opened by sharing my knowledge of socialized medicine in the UK, and how it was approaching its collapse, due to various outgrowths of that approach to healthcare, especially as how it engages in ‘triage,’ in the sense that old people are cut off from care as soon as they start to appear to be too big of a burden on/to The System, rather than with a private system of health insurance, whereby people pay for their care fairly regardless of their age. The ensuing conversation ranged over quite a range of social interactions, with this twenty-something young woman bringing in not just issues of ‘sustainability’ - how big corporations don’t care for the environment in their mindless pursuit of profit (a point with which I agreed) - but ‘immigration’ as well: how poor people are exploited by the capitalist system, and kept poor on purpose, for the sake of their ‘bottom line’ costs. The upshot of my responses was along the lines of a) how capitalism wants people to have money in order to be able to buy its products; b) how ‘exploitation’ comes as well from ‘little’ people gaming the systems, and thus further corrupting the people involved; and c) how both sides of the ‘debate’ have valid points, but d) how the real bottom line in the matter was that "We need to be as concerned about Big Brother as we are about Big Business;" and I shared, in closing my engagement with that little process, with the ideas that, as remarked on by the French priest and anthropologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,"‘We are spiritual beings having a human experience" - that "we need to get back to basics," that the point of life is not to make money, that, as Gandhi said, 'We do not live in order to eat and sleep, we eat and sleep in order to live" - and how I liked the Korean national flag, with its Yin-Yang symbol, and how both the 'black’ and the ‘white’ sides have a little of the other side embedded in them: that we are up against - especially with the fact that the coronavirus making the rounds now was a bioweapon, man-made by some very evil people who want to rule the world - a fundamental battle between good and evil; but that ultimately, the Light will prevail. The head of the household present for this interaction between her uncle and her daughter seemingly concluded the conversation at this point by pointing out how, in effect, it was ever thus; but because I knew where she was coming from - in her strong faith in her religion - before I left the room, concluding my part in the conversation, I appended the idea that, just as both sides of the political process have some truth in them, ‘some people’ in general would have to wake up to the fact that they didn’t have a monopoly on the truth. However she took this little last-minute sally of mine I don’t know; and I left the room murmuring something about this all being part of a much larger subject.*
A little more on that note.
Dear Leftists:
1) As to your PC approach to issues and principles like freedom of speech: I am ’offended’ every time the MSM pulls a Pinocchio - what about my pain?
2) Did you really think that you could get away with loading the federal government’s National Emergency stimulus-package response to the wrecking of the country’s economic system occasioned by the quarantining effects of the current coronavirus pandemic with all manner of extraneous items from your political wish list? Like securing Voting by Mail, and Same-Day Registration, and Early Voting, and even the elimination of the various State requirements for photo ID - all, measures by the Left to attempt to further corrupt the voting process? Anything to attempt to defeat Trump in November?? ‘By Any Means Necessary’???
Shameless, tin-ear, partisan stuff, especially when people are suffering so terribly, both in person and in spirit. You people deserve to be voted out of power for a hundred years, for all your disgusting measures, designed to give you Power Over Others for totalitarian purposes.
And if we were going to continue along that line, of Education on this planet, that is precisely what I would hope for you. But as it is:
See the honorable amongst you on the Right -
to say the Light -
As we move on from this Big Opportunity point, into
the total
* As to the matter of size: We both agreed that such matters as healthcare were best dealt with on the smaller/local level. But on that note, she didn’t actually concede my point about ObamaCare during the conversation: that it was actually unconstitutional, in the American system of government, whereby we were a “federal constitutional republic” and such matters as healthcare were not part of the federal government’s domain/area of responsibility, and how I felt that the younger generations were not properly educated as to that issue.
That may have been a bridge too far for her to take on at that point.
P.S. As to those who would worry that the Trump administration would do what the NWO crowd would do in this state of National Emergency, in using the pandemic as cover to fasten totalitarian controls on the country: I appreciate their concerns, in taking, for example, the recent E.O. signed by Pres. Trump to criminalize the ‘hoarding’ of medical equipment. The NWO crowd would use that device to obtain control over such essential material, as a form of blackmail, to dangle over the heads of their, er, people, as a means to keep them in line. As with taking control over the food supplies. But I would believe the Trump administration in this particular matter, as spoken by AG Barr, and referenced at Breitbart News: “Barr said that people hoarding medical goods and materials on an industrial scale for the purpose of manipulating the markets would be affected, not businesses obtaining supplies for operation.”
Granted, that could simply be smokescreen stuff, as I say, in the wrong hands. (And the likes of my niece’s daughter, in her anti-Trump -and anti-Big Business - obsession, could well think that it was so in this instance.) But there is plenty of evidence that Pres. Trump is furthering the cause of the White Hats. And so I for one would trust him to do the Right thing.
And if the NWO crowd has, in fact, gotten to him, and this is part of their POO agenda: He will be called on his capitulation to those powers. Because nothing can stop the Light from coming through now, and winning The Day for The Light.
P.P.S. Further to my comment above - my warning - about the dangers of Big Brother compared to those of Big Business:
New Zealand is now an “authoritarian monster” (in the words of one of its residents).
1) A mass shooting (at a mosque; with some dubious features to the event, a la various false flag ops in the U.S. of similar design, and perhaps - or undoubtedly - intent) led to gun control.
2) There was little (apparently ab. a 5% compliance rate) of voluntary turn-ins; thus the citizenry is now under both warnings of very long prison sentences for dissenters and outright gun confiscation, the latter being taken under the cover of martial law declared because of the (man-made) coronavirus pandemic.
I rest my case, vis-a-vis sincere left-wingers/anti-capitalists, who don't, apparently, understand the gravity of the situation, as to the actual intent behind the move to the Left going on, all over the world.
N.B. The word out of New Zealand also refers to the country being “overrun” by Chinese. Which is a feature going on in other parts of the world.
And about which less sincere left-wingers than my niece’s daughter will be quick to use the demonizing smear-word of ‘racist’. Because that is all part of the revolutionaries’s attempts to stifle the anticipated Reaction to their takeover plotting. All very Marxist in ideological orientation.
Who have part of the picture. But not all.
And so my niece, and her fellow believers, are not the only ones who will have to experience some cognitive dissonance.
In the very near future.
And speaking of ‘compliance rates’: Businesses in Nevada are being ‘visited’ by police ’compliance teams,’ the state’s quarantine measures including the suspension of the licenses for stores and businesses that have not voluntarily closed. With the same sort of thing going on in El Salvador as well, including the closing of its borders.. Whose (conservative) president also went so far as to tell his people that “World War III has begun”. Amidst his deployment of banks and artillery.
What do tanks and artillery have to do do with fighting the coronavirus?? Or is there another “invisible enemy,” like the one that Pres. Trump has referred to???
…along the lines of a Red Dawn invasion, long planned by the NWO crowd. (With over a thousand Chinese nationals having been apprehended recently on California’s southern border with Mexico, attempting to sneak into this country.) To attempt to seal their (totalitarian) control over the world.
Which has no secrets. In true reality.
(The unreal world being this world of form, on the formative edges of (a sea of) energy; in order for us facets of our Creator Source to experience separation and individuality, for educative purposes; thence to put Service to Others before Service to Self, and one's illusory ego.
As it has been said: "To awaken is to become aware of (our) Oneness, to know that All are One". And thus to re-cognize - on a higher turn of the spiral, leading us inexorably Home again - that that As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves - literally. Because -
altogether now:
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And it is time now to
put first things first.)
(The unreal world being this world of form, on the formative edges of (a sea of) energy; in order for us facets of our Creator Source to experience separation and individuality, for educative purposes; thence to put Service to Others before Service to Self, and one's illusory ego.
As it has been said: "To awaken is to become aware of (our) Oneness, to know that All are One". And thus to re-cognize - on a higher turn of the spiral, leading us inexorably Home again - that that As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves - literally. Because -
altogether now:
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And it is time now to
put first things first.)
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