Tuesday, 3 March 2020

At A Loss For Words - Almost

I find, after completing my way through the current issue of Whistleblower magazine(1) - titled ‘In Love With Lying,’ subtitled ‘For Today’s Enraged, Power-Obsessed Democrats, Deception Is A Creative Force’ - I am almost at a loss for words.  Not only regarding this litany of the outright lies and general deceptions of the far Left - which caused me to scribble words and comments throughout its pages, regarding, essentially, The Big Lie being inflicted on the American people by these denizens of the dark, and including the mainstream media which has given them their megaphone; all of which caused me to respond with language that is not always fit for public consumption, and thus has left me, briefly, almost wordless.  But also regarding how well the authors of these articles have skewered their subjects, in exposing the underlying mendacity of the far Left crowd, in their attempts to take down this country, and turn it into merely a part of the totalitarian New World Order which is the goal of TPTB currently afflicting this country, and the world, in their perennial quest for Power Over Others (or POO for short), in attempting to deny our free moral agency, and leave us bound up tightly in their global gulag, like cattle to be culled, sheep to be sheared, over and over, amen.  But hey - the far Right is involved in this whole scene and scenario, too. 

What am I talking about.

I am talking about the likes of there being two sides to every story.  Example.  In my daily mail today I received two letters highlighting my point.  On the one hand, I have received a mailing from an outfit calling itself ‘American Rivers,’ which blasts Pres. Trump, because he “Plans to Roll Back Environmental Rule Everyone Agrees On’ (quoting The Hill in the heading of its covering letter to the mailing).  The letter, and enclosed material (for action!), is chockfull of evocative warnings about the dangers to “America’s rivers, wetlands and wildlife” that Pres. Trump is posing, to the point of leaving the unsuspecting reader to think, at the end of this appeal (including, of course, for financial support), ‘What a terrible guy this Trump guy is’.   But my note to me scribbled at the end of the screed and spiel reads: ‘Is this propaganda??  What’s the other side of the issue???‘  For I am reminded of other material that I have received in the past, from ‘the other side of the aisle,’ which has uncovered the fact that there have been massively onerous regulations imposed on property owners under the Obama (illegal) administration, regarding the nation’s ‘waterways,’ and puddles on farmers’ and ranchers’ land from rains that they dam up to water their stock, which gives away the underlying purpose of this demonizing of Trump on this issue: the desire of the far Left to a) take away basic property rights in the nation (if you can’t use it it’s not really yours), and b) ‘rewild’ the country, putting a huge percentage of it off limits to even human visitation, let alone habitation - i.e., the ‘Eco-warrior’ crowd at work and play.(2)

I am as concerned about ‘the environment’ as any reasonable person.  But there is more going on here than meets the casual eye.  And I resent - and, truth be told, detest - propaganda.  From either side of an issue.

Which brings me to my second example from my daily mail.  This mailing was from an outfit calling itself ‘Convention of States Action,’ which is attempting to bring about “an Article V Convention of States”.  Which is all well and good - on its surface.  (“ I agree that Washington, D.C., is out of control, and that the politicians and bureaucrats who got us into this mess will NEVER fix it themselves.  ‘We the People’ need a solution as big as the problem!…’Whereas, Our federal government is on a dangerous course.  The unsustainable debt combined with crushing regulations on states and businesses is a recipe for disaster; and…’”)  But I have read other material, over recent years while this Article V initiative has been pushed, that warns that ‘a runaway Article V convention is possible,’ and that it could be hijacked by the far Left, in their devious ways of dealing with all such matters - and which is actually part of their playbook, truth be told. 

To give the ‘COS Action’ people their due, they point out that such an event is, if not impossible, at least improbable, in that “Any proposed amendments cannot become part of our Constitution until they are submitted back to the states and three-fourths of them (that’s 38) vote to ratify”.  But let me propose something, given where the country is at, and the world; and regarding a/my reply to the next and last question on their little pamphlet of “seven honest questions,”(3) reading: “7.  Is there a better solution?”  My reply:

Yes.  Given, and in connection with, the GCR/RV pending: that we all  - ‘Democrats’ and ‘Republicans’ in this country alike - go up a notch, and ‘inherit the kingdom’ - finish The Process that we have been in for a very long time on this planet, and have a harvesting of souls, ready for post-graduate ‘work’.  

And let’s

get ‘er DONE.  

And stop with all the foreplay.                              


(1) actually, it’s the January edition.  WND, the parent organization to the (excellent) magazine periodically has financial difficulties which cause it to have to skip a month or two - but they always extend the subscribers’ subscription to cover the situation.  We, the People are fortunate that they somehow have the patience to maintain the ability to get the issues out.  The magazine is an important piece of Americana.  I for one would hate to see it fold. 

(2) Aka Watermelons, for being green on the outside and red on the inside.  That is, not just honest-to-goodness environmentalists.  But, rather, deceitfulnists.

(3) - “to know if it’s time for We the People to call an Article V Convention of States”


P.S. As for my scribbles in the margins of the articles in the magazine - with bucketloads of ‘hypocrites!’ being thus called out, on their lies and deceit on just about every page - which periodically became almost ‘beyond the pale,’ as it were.  An example.
   The last article in the issue, on ‘the issue,’ talked in part about how “a writer for a mainstream leftwing publication [accused] ordinary Americans of being fascists” because, with the article quoting from said essay, “‘Hallmark movies are fascist propaganda’ because of their ‘authoritarian’ and ‘aggressively conformist’ attitudes.”  Ah; so.  And just so, in such eyes (as I scribbled in the margins), ”the U.S.A. is ‘hopelessly bourgeois’ - to many Jews; who want to run things themselves, their way; chafing under Christian ’societal oppression’ as they are, and have been for so long that they can taste it, like bile in their throats.
     “This, all in part because of their thinking of themselves as ‘The Chosen People’.  Born to rule.  Not to be culturally and politically subservient to Christians: who, as some of them (i.e., the Jews) know, are living a lie.  A lie concocted primarily by a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus; adopted (along with a number of his Jewish priestly-lineage friends, and their families) into the imperial household of the Flavians for services rendered to them, in an attempt to quell the incessant, and infuriating-to-the Romans, rebelling of the Jews against the galling yoke of Rome; this particular revolt ultimately, in what has become known to the world as 70 A.D./CE, ending in tragedy for the Jewish people as a whole as a consequence.” Except for the remnant saved by Josephus, ‘to live to fight another day’.  Which tragedy they indeed overcame, in part, by the creation of a new religion, designed to get its adherents to “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,” and to obey such authority, as being “of God,” because “My kingdom is not of this world;” the ‘My’ being a fictional creation by Josephus & Co. of a Messianic figure, to the Jews and the Gentiles, of a pacifist, rules-obeying nature, not of the militaristic nature that the Jews of the time, and for a long time, were expecting, to lead them to victory over their enemies, with that belief thus fueling their constant rebellion against The Other.  With Josephus writing himself into the story as a character named Saul, become Paul.  “Another story.”       

I undoubtedly won’t be able, come March 31st, to share this sort of commentary with my readers, since Google has chosen to outlaw, as of that date, any comments on their platforms that cause, or even just ‘could’ cause, “harm” to its readership (or itself, in, say, a lawsuit, by activists, who are ready at a moment's notice to shoot down any sign of Reaction to their Marxist attempts at takeover of this country; all of this having long been planned for).  And so, dear Reader: Get used to reading only what your EMs want you to have access to.

In their wondrous - to say, in reality, malodorous - New World Order.

Or - very possibly, now: its opposite.

The NWO of our EMs being the reverse image of

the Real Thing.

Coming to a theater of operations quite near


As we speak.


P.P.S. Further on the subject of almost being at a loss for words:
     A friend has sent me an article that talks about - i.e., pooh-poohs - “misinformation” regarding the CoVid-19, consisting of its being ‘rumored’ as being man-made.  Ladies and gentlemen: That virus is , by all intelligent looks at its construction, a (bio-warfare) weapons system.  Designed, to all appearances, to a) tank the economy, in order to hurt Trump’s re-election bid (which would be an undoubtedly terminal blow to the best-laid plans of our EMs); and b) get us to to be forced to take a weaponized vaccine tor it, or be put in a FEMA camp.  And not for medical treatment.  Or that incarceration to be accomplished simply on the basis of a declared mass quarantine.
     These people - the ‘globalists,’ as opposed to the ‘populist’ President Trump and his patriot backers - mean business.  Have, for a very long time.  And we opponents of their plans need to as well.  In order to finish
     The Process.  And thus, move Up a notch.
     All, of us.  Who qualify.
     From the inside out.
     Which may well make for some strange ‘bedfellows’.
     But the pieces don’t know what is in the mind of
     The Player.
     The better to prepare you for your highest potential, my dear.

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