An article in the current issue of TNA (the magazine referenced just previousl), under the heading of ‘Growing Trend: Putting Interests of Criminal Aliens Before Those of Law-abiding U.S. Citizens,’ contains the following comments:
“A panel discussion on February 15 on MSNBC Live centered on the special agents [known as BORTAC, for the U.S. Border Patrol Tactical Unit] being sent into sanctuary cities to arrest illegal aliens…A frequent guest…mentioned that the action ’means that this [Trump] administration is doing anything that it can to terrorize the Latinx [sp.?] community.’
“[An attorney] then added: ‘I’m going to go a little bit step further and say that this isn’t just to terrorize the Latino communities. It is also for Trump to score political points with his base because cruelty is the point. The more he can show that he is cruel against immigrants of color — also very important to point out because you never see any talk of illegal immigrants from Europe or anything like that. It’s the brown immigrants.’”
Because….um……perhaps………because an illegal alien is an illegal alien? Of whatever race or religion or nationality?? I mean……
…and “cruelty”. And “to terrorize”…
I really need just to cut to the chase here. This is all simply outright deceitful propaganda.
It all depends on whose ox is being gored, eh, comrades? ‘You say potato and I say potahto’?? Everything is fair in love and war???…
And then, further on in the article, there is this doozy:
“Not all the news that is fit to pint is apparently fit for us to read. In February, the New York Times clouted the president for his ‘scathing rhetoric on immigration,’ apparently overwhelmed that ‘he used the term ‘illegal alien’ at least five times during the State of the Union this month.’ Talk about shock and awe! That just happens to be the correct legal term, as has been pointed out by the Department of Justice and reinforced through its use by the Supreme Court, among others.
“The perpetually affronted ‘woke’ community, to be sure, is offended by the term and it has been dropped from some ’liberal publication stylebooks. And New York City, which is one of the sanctuary cities that shields lawbreakers from immigration laws, has outlawed its use. Really. The Commission on Human Rights there not long ago banned the use the term of ‘illegal alien’ by employers, housing providers (including hotels), and law enforcement — declaring that it is ‘discriminatory.’ Violators — that is, practitioners of the First Amendment — may be fined up to $250,000 per offense.”
First of all, surely this is a misprint. $250,000? Surely the Bolsheviks haven’t taken over to that extent in New York City. Surely not? Surely??
Secondly. Presumably the, er, correct expression is ‘undocumented worker,’ or at least, ‘undocumented immigrant’. But can we all agree that in either case, that is simply a euphemism? If we were being honest about the matter?? Beyond the politics of it???
Which is getting heated up to the point, now, of open warfare.
And I would hate to see that happen, in this country. At this time.
This crucial time. For Breakthrough. Into
something completely
Like, say,
living our lives by total Truth.
And leaving all the POO behind.
P.S. And just to set the record straight, on the BORTAC units; there is this, from the same article:
“Embellishments and hyperbole are common among those seeking to take Trump’s job. That includes Elizabeth Warren — who vowed in February that, when in the White House, she ‘will make sure that these raids that sweep through our neighborhoods stop. We will not engage in this kind of deportation. It is wrong.’
“Here’s what is wrong: her assertions. ICE has been clear on this, such as in the following public letter issued not long ago. In part it reads:
“ICE makes targeted arrests every day; ICE does not conduct ‘raids.’
“ICE does not conduct raids or sweeps ad does not operate roadblocks or checkpoints. The use of these terms evokes images of indiscriminate enforcement actions taken without probable cause. Nothing could be further from the truth.
“ICE focuses its limited resources first and foremost by targeting those who pose the greatest threat to public safety and border security.’”
The article also goes into the terrible business of ‘Motor Voter laws,’ whereby the far Left has succeeded in making it easier for their cadres amongst illegal aliens - and other non-citizens - to get registered to vote. As they are attempting to do under the current quarantine situation. This, Elizabeth, is what is “wrong”.
Before the Bolsheviks take over totally in this country, and I can no longer speak my piece in the country’s social media, let me say, here and now, as clearly as I can, my position on this whole subject:
If someone is in this country illegally, they need either to self-deport, or they will be deported.
Full. Stop.
A caveat:
If they have not committed any further crimes whilst in this country, they can apply to come back in - through the front door this time. Where there is a Welcome mat.
Which is not out outside the back door. Or the side windows. Or under the ground.
To all prospective immigrants, and those in the country illegally at this time:
Take your pick.
P.P.S. And this business about places like San Francisco where the residents (and undoubtedly people from surrounding areas) know that the police won’t respond if they take goods from stores worth under $950?? And the storeowners and employees can’t respond because of anti-gun laws, and have to watch helplessly while hoods help themselves to their ill-gotten gains???
A true American Tragedy. To be tolerated
no longer.
Help is on the way.
And speaking of that aspect to all this:
1) Five (liberal) states have outlawed the ability of doctors to issue prescriptions of a particular drug for treatment of the circulating pandemic infection that is proving to have excellent results. Why the ‘prescriptive’ law?? Ah.
And speaking of that aspect to all this:
1) Five (liberal) states have outlawed the ability of doctors to issue prescriptions of a particular drug for treatment of the circulating pandemic infection that is proving to have excellent results. Why the ‘prescriptive’ law?? Ah.
Read on.
2) I see, from a couple of different sources, that the coronavirus numbers - of both infections and deaths - have been found to have been pumped up.* Why? In order to get us to “surrender our rights, break the economy, and put us into servitude,” as a commenter to an article at Dave Hodges’s The Common Sense Show put it today. And as for the duration of the quarantine being touted as 18 months, this same sharp-eyed citizen (who also monitors Steve Quayle) pointed out that that amounts to 6+6+6. And further commented on the apparent fact that the satanic forces are ‘bound’ to “TELL us ahead of time what they are doing”.
As they did regarding their 9/11 caper, for example. In a feature of life called ‘predictive programming’. Apparently in place to test our level of awareness.
This Time being a showdown battle between good and evil, and all.
(‘But I thought you weren’t a Christian,’ I hear some of you say.
I’m not. But I am also not in the habit of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.)
* E.g.: A Stanford U study says that the cv numbers are exaggerated to a “great magnitude”. And hospitals around the country are being told, by higher-ups, to indicate the cv as the cause of death regardless of the truth of the matter.
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