Thursday, 19 March 2020

Circling Dante's Hell

 Before The Plunge

In my last blog I talked in part about the titles to some of the articles in the current issue of ‘Verdict,’ the monthly newsletter of the (non-profit and bipartisan) governmental watchdog Judicial Watch.  Another article therein was titled ‘De Blasio’s New York Slips Toward A Crisis Of Crime & Disorder’ - but which could have been about clear signs of rising disorder in many American cities.  I found it interesting to read this particular article before two ‘events’ occurred.  

The first was my ‘happening’ to watch a YouTube video the night before last,(1) shortly before calling it a day, of a recent interview by Greg Hunter, of his ’ USAWatchdogdotcom’ show, with Steve Quayle.  If you don’t know about Quayle, he is a sort of modern-day Jeremiah - of eschatological proportions - and during his spiel, he quoted from Matthew 24: 6-12.  For those of you who are not familiar with this quote, it involves the classic biblical verses, and Christian belief: 

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.  See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

“And these are the beginning of sorrows…”

Quayle referred, in his remarks, to the current ‘pestilential’ (and manmade) coronavirus making the rounds on the planet, in pandemic form.  But he might just as well have mentioned another ‘sign’ that took place in the last 2 days now if it had occurred before his talk, and if he had had heard of it.  Which brings me to my second ‘event’:

Yesterday morning the family with which I am living at this time - a Mormon family; the ‘Mormons’ more accurately known as ‘the Latter-Day Saints,’ and, even more accurately, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (whichI I had been born into, but left many years ago, after much researching into the matter) - asked me if I had felt the earthquake early that morning.  Responding in the negative, I was informed, a bit excitedly, that there had been an earthquake, just above the ‘5’ mark on the Richter scale, here in this Middle Valley of Utah, which had reached quite a ways north and south, and had even caused “Moroni’s trumpet” - on a statue of a figure placed at the top of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City - “to fall off”.(2)     

All of which is very, well, eschatological, as I referenced.  But hold on - 

there is more.  To ’Matthew’s’ commentary.(3)  When ‘he’ goes on, in that same chapter, and writes - or at least is quoted as writing:

“And [the Son of Man] will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.(4)

“You also, when you see all these things, know that it is near, at the very doors.”(5)

And then comes the ‘but wait’ moment:

*Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things are fulfilled.” (v. 31-34).

“This generation”??  Not to keep you in suspense too long, let me cut to the bottom line here:

that afforded by Joseph Atwilll, in his remarkably researched book titled ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus,’ wherein he makes the case - and a very solid one it is - for the blunt fact that what we call The New Testament is/was fraudulent, in that it was put together by members of the Roman imperial household of the day - known as the Flavians, and consisting principally of the emperor Vespasian, his eldest son Titus, and younger son Domitian - and especially by a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian named Josephus, who became an adopted member of said household for services rendered to the emperor.  Those services?  Helping Vespasian become emperor, in order to ingratiate himself into the Roman’s good graces, in order to help the Jewish priestly lineage - of which he himself was a member - ‘live to fight another day,’ after the Jewish zealots of the day brought ruin down on the heads of their brethren, culminating in the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD/CE.  The gambit: A work of fiction about a ‘peaceful Messiah’ counseling obedience to authority, set back at the beginning of the generation which saw the destruction of the Temple (a generation figured as 40 years in those days).  And ‘the Son of Man’?  He has already come.  In the form of Titus.  Who chastised the Jews for - according to the concocted story - not heeding the words of their pacifistic Messiah.   

It is an important read.  And if true - as it seems, off the considerable and detailed evidence that Atwill puts forth, if nothing else of the enormous amount of literature on the general subject that has been compiled over the years - then it needs to be acknowledged.

And if these are, indeed, the ‘last days’ of an Age,

then we don’t have to think that they will be accompanied by terrible destruction.

Except of the old ways.

And good riddance to many - if not most - of them. 

Especially the ‘principle’ of interest-bearing money.

But more on that, anon.  

But soon.

Very.  Soon.  

P.S. I am struck by one thing in particular, in all this:
     How, even though there is solid evidence for the reasoned conclusion that the whole thing about Christianity was made up, 
     some of the pieces fit so well.
     In the fiction - or, perhaps more accurately, the ‘illusion’’ - that is Life itself.
     Being, in, er, reality, a school.
     The purpose of which is to graduate.
     At the least,
     to a higher grade. 
     As we - or at least, those who choose to - now face the trumpet call:
     ’Going Up.’ 
     Not for the totalitarian, and even outrightly satanic, New World Order crowd to win the day, in “fundamentally transforming” the United States of America into the image that they want to impose on it, and going down that gurgler, characterized by POO (i.e., Power Over Others).  But to help all of humanity move further on the path
     of Truth.  Which is the only Way to get to our ultimate goal.  
     Of being At-One with our Creator Source.  
     A piece of which we all are. 
     And just as well, then, that that statue on the top of the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City has lost its trumpet, in heralding a Coming from the east.  That Coming is, in (this) reality, in the hearts of all those incarnate souls who own their true natures, and - to quote the main message of one of the founders of the spiritual community where I spent the major portion of my adult life - 
     Claim Your Christhood NOW.         


(1) The house’s Wi-Fi was down yesterday, so I wasn’t able to post anything then, or follow anything.  On the Independent/Alt media.  With President Trump, I find the MSM, by and large, dishonest, and what is, and can fairly be largely described as, fake news.  Sad. 
   But that’s our EMs for you.  Masters of Deceit. 

(2) ‘Moroni’ being, according to the Mormon’ religion (and the Encyclopaedia Brittanica), “an angel or resurrected being who appeared to Joseph Smith on September 21, 1823, to inform him that he had been chosen to restore God’s church on earth. Four years later Smith purportedly received plates of gold from Moroni, who, as the last of the ancient prophets, had buried them in a hill called Cumorah (near Palmyra, New York) some 14 centuries earlier”.

(3) Whoever ‘Matthew’ was, really.  With many researchers into Christianity questioning the authorship of all of the Synoptic Gospels (plus that of ‘John’); which seem to have just had some disciples’ names attached to them, for ‘cosmetic’ purposes - i.e., to give them added credence, and verisimilitude.  The rest of the Gospels being clearly identified as coming from Paul.
   About whom there is also some question, from modern-day researching.  But to continue.

(4) And here I feel it appropriate to mention that at this time, in this setting, classic signs of a change in the seasons are sprouting up from gardens everywhere in the neighborhood.  First came the crocuses, and now there is a lovely spread of daffodils round about.  Snow may yet fall again.  But ‘the signs’ of a change are clearly there. 
   But to continue.  

(5) “All these things” also consisting of the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there.  In what is reckoned, according to our Western calendar, as 70 AD/CE. 

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