Friday, 6 March 2020

The End Of The Road

'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...'

So, here we are.

Where is that, exactly.


A Transition point.


The 3D world’s PTB have been plotting their takeover of the planet for a very long time, and have come very close to it, now, with the U.S.A. - and its federal constitutional limitation on national power - a crucial key to their takeover plan.  Thus the likes of 9/11, and the consequent weakening of said constitutional limitations through such means as the NDAA, and (the Usurper) Obama’s E.O. 13603, and the Patriot Acts 1 & 2.  And now, of the ‘novel coronavirus’ pandemic, leading to potential quarantines, and filling of FEMA camps with the citizenry.  All, to help bring in a one-world dictatorship, called - by the perps themselves - the New World Order.  With the pandemic leading to a ‘liquidity crisis’ that has the potential to doing in not just the global economic system but the nation-states themselves; both to be replaced by a New Economic Order featuring first a Global Currency Reset and then a cashless society altogether.  The better to control you with, my dears.

OR -

in the Right hands -

bringing in 

The Real Thing:

A kingdom of the heavens.  Characterized by a higher degree of ambient consciousness.  Moving us up - 

to say, more precisely: allowing us (as we reflect it into our environment) to inherit  -  

a higher level of reality.  Featuring such technology as I briefly outlined in my last blog.*   And thus, leaving behind the conditions of life that spawned the creation of ‘classes’ of people, economically.  As we move into a state of


And all of the perks that go with it.


Part of the heavenly realms.

And of the schooling that we have been involved in.

As gods in the making.

Now, readying, for


into the higher reaches of said school.    

And Path.

To our rightful inheritance.

Once we qualify for it.

Consider The Process

One of 

earning our wings.

* Before we move beyond even that.  Into our Light bodies.  Out of these meat suits.  Which we have inhabited long enough; in order to get all the lessons - as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - out of this level of ‘reality’ that we possibly could.  Before leaving this classroom behind.  And graduating into a new, higher level of reality.  One more closely aligned with - as made up of - the higher dimensions.  On our way
   The richer for the experience in such a school.  And schooling.

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