Thursday, 26 March 2020

Evil Unmasked

It is looking more and more as though I was very fortunate to ‘be taken out’ of California late last year.  It was for personal financial reasons; but one never knows what all is behind such things in our lives.

Example.  L.A. County - where I was living - has stopped testing for the coronavirus currently making the rounds on the planet, and deeper into this country.(1)  Which halts isolation attempts, in the ‘containment’ stage of the handling of a/the virus/an epidemic, and reflects the choice/decision to go just to treatment of infected patients.(2)  And speaking of the latter stage of such operations:

Sacramento County in the same state has stopped with quarantine attempts altogether, and is freeing high-risk people, in effect, to spread the virus.  

Plus in California, the Kaiser-Permanente health group has banned the private use of N95 masks - a better kind of mask - by its medical staff/employees while treating cv-infected patients (calling it “insubordination”).  One can reasonably ask: What the hell is going on?  Are some health care authorities deliberately trying to spread the epidemic in the U.S.??

And then there is the fact that at least two states have outlawed the use of - dirt cheap - hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of the infection.  A treatment - with a drug long used (very efficaciously) against malaria - which has received a number of positive reports - from frontline doctors - about its efficacy against this virus.  Which fact Pres. Trump has commented on, and is encouraging further investigation into its use in this regard.  Which some in the MSM are laboring to undercut, on the grounds that it is not tested for this use, and so should not be used in that capacity.  But doctors have the right to use and prescribe a drug for reasons other than its stated use, if they have reasonable grounds for that decision - and generally, and especially in an emergency, the right to investigate anything for such use. 

And perhaps it is this position taken by Pres. Trump which has caused the NPR in Seattle (a hotbed of, er, liberals) to stop broadcasting his cv-updating press conferences; citing the excuse that he is giving out “misinformation” on them. 

“Misinformation”?  As in citing a potentially excellent treatment for the virus??  Which will bring the epidemic in the U.S. to a screeching halt???  And thus, undercut some people’s agenda.  In using it to collapse the country’s economy, and thereby help them a) weaken Pres. Trump, and b) pick up the pieces, occasioned by the ‘principle’ of Crisis creating Opportunity…

I smell something beyond rotten, rather, very evil going on here.  With the far Left - and more precisely, the NWO crowd (which includes some players on the far Right; with a pyramid of power actually involved here, with the same nest of vipers at its top and behind the scenes) - operating with the philosophy that Anything Goes.  Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary.  To accomplish their mission.  Of total control over the planet.  

And thus, that they are being used as pawns by the (Dark) entities even behind them. 

With humanity about to wake up to all of this.  This scurrilous activity on the planet.

Which has been going on

long enough.

P.S. And I have just discovered that the founder of a generic drug company, which had come up with a copy of the drug in question here, has been killed.
     Shades of Seth Rich.
     And so many medical people involved with questioning the safety of vaccines, and their role in such as the autism epidemic.
     And the deaths associated with what has been called being Arkansided.
     And.  And.  And……
     As I say:



(1) With considerable evidence in that it was man-made.  Lending further to my premise in this blog.

(2) Yes, The people can still practice 'social distancing'.  But not to test for something is a cynical way to keep the potential info from being known.  No testing - no numbers.  And especially with this virus, which has a very long incubation period, for symptoms to be detected.  So that the longer that it circulates undetected, the worse the infection numbers will be.  
   And deaths.

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