In my last blog I made reference to the Mormon relation-family in which I have become domiciled in my old age,(1) and to the Mormons’ strong emphasis on ‘the family’. Which is all well and good. But I have to bite my tongue sometimes about ‘the Mormons’. Or, specifically speaking, about their Church’s leadership. Concerning one issue in particular.
Let me be clear. I totally support the Church’s attitude regarding the importance of ‘the Family’. It is, indeed, the bedrock of a society - or at least, of our Western society, with its emphasis on the Individual, as against the idea, and primacy, of ‘the collective’ - i.e., of having a superstrong state, ruling over the Individual. And just so has the ‘human experience’ come down to the wire, in a fundamental battle between the two ideals. To say: Are we going to be self-governing individuals, sovereigns in our own right and responsibility; or are we going to become merely serfs to the overriding power of The State?
The Constitution for the United States of America(2) makes it clear which our nation’s Founders intended it to be, for this nation, among the world’s community of nations. To act as an ensign for all. But we have fallen terribly susceptible to the enemies of such an ideal for humanity; who want Power Over Others. (Or POO for short.) Rather than the Truth, that we are all ’spiritual beings having a human experience’. And need now to rise to our highest potential, in that regard. Not submit - like beaten dogs - to our lowest.
My Message to the Mormons:
Mormons: Your leadership is letting you down, leading you astray. For pertinent example: Your Church is founded on the experiences of a man whom you consider a prophet, and, indeed, the Prophet; with your Church leadership supposedly following in that (prophetic) line. But on the strength of one of your Church Founder’s prophecies - called ‘the White Horse Prophecy’ (3) - you should have risen in rebellion to the Constitution-wrecking, illegal election(s) and administration(s) of Barack Hussein Obama; which perverse phenomenon opened the door to the very potential collapse of the U.S.A. into socialism, and, as a consequence, becoming but a part of the totalitarian New World Order of our, and the world’s, erstwhile masters (whom I call the/our EMs).
So, stop your hymn-singing and GET TO WORK.
P.S. And directly after posting this blog I ‘happened’ to go to the blog site of Dave Hodges (called The Common Sense Show) and ‘happened’ to check in directly on his article entitled ‘Jury Nullifcation [sic] Is Every American’s Answer to Corrupt Leftist Judges’. Which also reminds me of the conversation that I had at the dinner table last night with the heads of this household, when the discussion got around to voting, and I explained to them the horrible, and horribly corrupt, condition that things had gotten to in that regard in my home state of California, and how I - strongly - recommended that our Electoral systems should be taken over - supported by the military - by CPAs who, with the use of our quantum computer abilities these days, could clean up our voter registration rolls, one; and two, operate the precinct and counting systems, so that they are not controlled by either major political party (with reps of both major political parties and an Independent allowed to monitor the elections; if there are even those political parties intact come this November). That is to say: If we MEAN BUSINESS about bringing Election Integrity into ‘play’ in this country.
And dip every voter’s finger in purple dye if we have to. To CLEAN UP THIS ATROCIOUS, AND EMBARRASSING, MESS.
What a fine mess has been made of MY country…
(1) which family’s ‘leaders’ are involved in a choir practice in the alcove beside the front door, and immediately adjacent to my bedroom, as I speak, on this Sunday midday, after they have returned from their Church services proper. A very Church-active, and -aligned, family; around which, basically, their whole life revolves. Which has its downsides; particularly in relation to their being, as well, citizens of the United States, whose structure requires the citizenry to be the sovereigns. Not the state.
A factor which I will now be addressing directly in this blog.
(2) And notice that I didn’t say ‘of’ the U.S.A. Which is a clue to the (long-)intended overthrow of this nation. Which scenario will become clearer, as The Battle reaches its climax.
(What battle?
The Final Battle. Before
Of those who are ready to ascend.
And continue on
The Path.)
(3) In which Joseph Smith is supposed to have prophesied that (parenthetically speaking) ‘the day would come that the Constitution would be hanging by a thread; and the Church would come to its rescue’.
(What battle?
The Final Battle. Before
Of those who are ready to ascend.
And continue on
The Path.)
(3) In which Joseph Smith is supposed to have prophesied that (parenthetically speaking) ‘the day would come that the Constitution would be hanging by a thread; and the Church would come to its rescue’.
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