Saturday, 14 March 2020

On Being More Equal Than Others

Oh, puh-leeze.  Some subjects really get up my nose.

I don’t know the ins and outs of a current brouhaha involving the U.S. Soccer Federation.  But it brings up the bottom line for me:

It is not ‘misogyny’ and ‘sexism’ to say that female athletic team members should not (artificially) be paid the same as male athletic teams which draw greater crowds, and including on the media, and therefore greater income to be able to afford to pay the athletes by, than female teams.*  It is, rather, simple common sense, and nonsense to attempt to declare otherwise.

This PC totalitarian tiptoe business has gone too far.  The word and concept of ‘equality’ has been hijacked by the NWO crowd, who really mean by the use of the term that some - them - are more equal than others, in the dispensation of (absolute) power and authority.

I will determine what is equality,’ says the Big Nanny State.  Just so do the ‘social justice’ warriors mean to extract reparations from the government - meaning, from the pockets of the taxpayers - for slavery, of over 150 years ago in this country.  And so forth and so on, in the hypocritical applications of terms like ‘fairness’ and ‘equality’.

Get thee behind me, hypocrites.

And P.S. This attempted gun confiscation nightmare by the far left wing of the Democrat Party needs to stop.  People have an inherent right to self-defense.   And especially from their government.  
     As I say: Common sense.  A little more of it, these days, could go a long way.

P.P.S. And speaking of March Madness: When are we going to put a stop to this crap about letting genetic/biological males (with male upper body strength) compete on female athletic teams, just because their (female-patterned) brains tell them that they are female - or even without that actual excuse, just on their own say-so??
     As I also say: Madness.

* And here I am reminded of the silly argument of a number of years ago that colleges and universities, because of a certain interpretation of federal law, needed to spend as much on female sports as on male sports.
   Ladies: When female football teams draw the same number of fans as male football teams, and therefore such income levels: Let’s talk.

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