In my last blog (of earlier today) I announced that ”Help is on the way”. What did I mean by that. And what do I think of Pres. Trump, and his role in all that is going on.
A fair subject.
But first. A follow-up to that blog’s reference to ‘false numbers’ regarding the cv pandemic. Wherein such numbers can cut both ways.
Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show has published an article today titled ‘Fauci’s Research Fraud Endangers Every Life In America and Will Lead to the Complete Collapse of the Economy,’ which is important to note. Dr. Anthony Fauci being Pres. Trump’s major ‘expert’ on the likes of epidemics. A major error, from the good doctor’s connections not only with the Democrat Party (he sent a ‘love letter’ to Hillary during the 2016 presidential campaign, e.g.) but the CDC. But first: The study in question in this article.
According to Dr. Fauci (Dr. Faustus?), in a ‘study’ (actually, a review of other studies, and so not a study in itself; only an article) that he co-authored, and which was printed in the New England Journal of Medicine: The reproduction number/transmission rate of the CoVid-19 disease is 2.2 (which means that, on average, each infected person spreads the infection to an additional two persons) and the fatality rate is “akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)”. But something is wrong with those figures, according to other reports; they have been set deliberately lower than what is reported by other statistics researchers. As Dave Hodges (who has a background of “extensive academic experience in research and statistics”) puts it: “This article is the poster child for fraud.” And Hodges feels that Dr. Mike Adams has the pulse of the thing when he says, e.g,. that “his data shows the infection rate is doubling every three days,” emphasizing the role of the ‘velocity rate’ of the cv spread - a fact “totally ignored” by Fauci et al in their ‘study’. Hodges’s conclusion: “It strongly appears that the CDC is dedicated to spreading this virus. And this is where we turn back to the politics of the issue.
“The continued spreading of the virus benefits Democrats because our ineffective mitigation efforts are crushing the economy. Fausi's [sic] contrived ignorance will lead to more deaths and calls for much longer confinements of the public. The effect on the economy will be catastrophic and this endangers Trump's re-election and places the future of the Republic and our civil liberties at risk.
“This is the ultimate coup that does not involve the use of guns.”
So. Let’s get to the truth of the matter. The whole truth.
In the meantime:
Take neutraceuticals that boost immune function. And refuse to take anything that the CDC says as truth. For, the CDC is proving to be a rogue organization. Which has patents on vaccines. And so is, or at least appears to be, fine with epidemics, which require their vaccines to be used. As Dave Hodges puts it: the “CDC is the nation’s Vaccine Central dedicated to the spread of vaccines”.
And l will get to the ‘Help is on the way’ idea in my next blog.
First things being first.
P.S. A quick update (as well fromThe Common Sense Show): Symptoms of CoVid-19, as uncovered in the Far East and reported by the South China Morning Post:
Shrinking of the testicles, and reduction of fertility.
This, with earlier info that the virus seems to have been engineered for ‘ethnic specific’ targeting of Asian males. Of all ages.
And thus, a bioweapon targeted for depopulation to a particular part of the human genome.
And thus, more suspicion that this bioweapon was a product of such labs in the West, and was introduced furtively into China via Wuhan, for ‘distribution’ in that country first.
And thus, why there would appear to be a lot of smokescreen stuff emanating out of the U.S., where hospitals are being ordered, by higher-ups, to claim many deaths as due to the cv regardless of the truth of the matter; and why its, er, virility is being underreported, in order to let the virus spread as much as possible - and keep it from being treated efficaciously by the hypoxychloroquine cocktail (until a vaccine can come out in, you guessed it: 18 months) - and thus help camouflage its targeted effect primarily on Asian males.*
A lot of people in the West are due for a major uncovering for criminal conduct. And they aren’t all Democrats/socialists. Count a large number of capitalists among them. Who have been capitalizing on such as infections - and ill health in general -
long enough.
* As for all those cases reported out of Italy: A major factor there is that the north of that country is ‘infested’ with many Chinese (brought in for economic reasons). Not Italians.
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