NOW Hear This
Our local food and household-supply stores, here in the mountain-sheltered Middle Valley of Utah, have been denuded of their wares by the modern-day locusts that are the people themselves, because the ‘novel coronavirus’ scare has now reached even here. And next may well come the call - the demand - for everybody to be vaccinated, with a ‘fortuitous’ vaccine; prepared for us, along with the bio-weaponed virus itself,(1) by our Erstwhile Masters. Aka our EMs. Aka the New World Order crowd. Behind which are the Cabal; the Illuminati; the Black Nobility; a nest of vipers known by, as well, other such names. All, dedicated to the collapse of the Established Order, in order that their New World Order can take over. With the world to be run like a fiefdom. Wherein all are equal, and some are more equal than others. To say: a world with masters and serfs - the latter consisting of those incarnate souls whom their masters allow to live, in order to do their bidding.
With Eric Blair having perceptively warned us of this Day.
Although not understanding that it was all to be part of a larger Plan.
Part of a playbook, for this 3D realm. Wherein life is a school. And the Purpose is to graduate.
Not get stuck in the lower grades thereof.
And not get ‘stuck’ by their hypodermic needles. With a load of toxins, including even a mark of death.
The American public, including its so-called medical profession - better known as the medical- pharmaceutical complex. Even better known as the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex - has known, or at least has had access to information, for at least thirty years, of the terrible side effects of vaccines; including, but not limited to, the following (iatrogenically-induced) conditions:
ADD/ADHD(2), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).(3) Allergies.(4) Asthma.(5) AIDS/HIV.(6) Epilepsy/seizures. Guillain-Barre syndrome. OCD (another variant of ‘subclinical encephalitis’ - brain damage). SUID/SIDS.(7) And I could go on, with this outrageous litany of medically-induced harm.(8) But you get the picture.
I hope.
Of - in toto - the New Day dawning. With such features as free energy devices. And anti-gravity devices. And replicators (tuning into the sea of energy and DNA that we swim in). And ‘Med Beds’. And teleportation. And. And. And……
Once we release our hold -
our grasp -
on the way things are. And tune into -
fully -
the way things can be. If we accept
Truth -
the complete Truth -
as our star to guide by.
(1) made up of strategically selected parts of other viruses. Not a natural process
(2) Aka LD (for Learning Disabilities), and PDD (for Pervasive Developmental Disorder), and PDD-NOS (for PDD-Not Otherwise Specified). And I am sure other, perhaps even more creative, names.
N.B. The medical-pharmaceutical-government complex actually recognizes - i..e., admits to - what they call ‘vaccinal encephalitis,’ i.e., that vaccines can cause brain damage. But what they won’t admit to - in order to avoid falling foul of what is called the Vaccine Court - is the whole spectrum of conditions of what could be called sub-clinical encephalitis.
Ah. But they have come close. When said Vaccine Court did recognize such a category of (vaccine-induced) conditions, which has attracted the name attached to it of ADEM, for ‘Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis’.
Which is vaccine-induced brain damage by another name.
Can’t spook the customers - I mean, the subjects - I mean, the citizenry - from lining up for their shots, now can we. Because they are so valuable to, er, society. For eliminating the ‘childhood diseases,’ and all. The mortality rates for which were falling before the advent of the vaccines for them - and even of those such diseases for which there has been no vaccine. As yet - due to cleaner water and better nutrition and hygiene practices. But shhhh - don’t let them know that. They might start acting up, and refuse our, er, wondrous medical modality for them. And then where would we be.
Out of business, largely.
But to continue.
(As long as I can. Before Google’s new ‘Community Standards’ kick in at the end of this month; and they give themselves the right to censor anything that might ‘harm’ somebody. Or somebody’s agenda. As in calling into question the whole vaccine process. Before we can be subjected to a nationwide mandatory vaccination program. Designed to submit the herd to our EMs tender mercies.
(3) I used the timeframe of “at least thirty years” for the m-ph-g complex to have known about the terrible side-effect dangers of vaccines by dating from the publication of the book by Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D - a leading, if not the foremost, medical historian of the day - called ‘Vaccination, Social Violence And Criminality: The Medical Assault On The American Brain’. In it he summarized the research to that time - to say, more clearly, even at that time - that indicated the link between vaccinations and autism. He and Barbara Loe Fisher had come out with the book ‘DPT - A Shot In The Dark’ even five years before that, in 1985; which helped generate sufficient public pressure on their Congress reps to come up with at least some sort of answer to the problem. (Unfortunately the ‘answer’ provided at that time was to eliminate the drug industry from liability for their vaccine products, which has resulted in a) the taxpayers having to pay for the relatively few damage payout claims that make it through the onerous Vaccine Court process; and b) the drug industry coming up with more and more very profitable vaccines that they don’t have to bear the side-effect-damages brunt for.
Sweet. And corrupt as hell.
A condition about to change. Along with all the other manifestations of corruption in our society. Which can’t abide in the Light of
the New Day dawning.
(4) To the ingredients of the vaccines, which the body’s immune system recognizes as ‘other’. Such ingredients including casein (milk products), gluten (wheat products), MSG/glutamic acid, human aborted fetal tissue (i.e., ‘itself’ - and thereby what are known as ’autoimmune conditions’), squalene (ditto), and other niceties of the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex. All designed to, er, make us healthier.
Or something.
Can you say ‘customers’?
Or like, say, ’serfs’??
(5) Vaccines, having brain-damage properties, having the potential to damage one’s cranial nerve systems, thus affecting our breathing.
(With the Buteyko Method of breathing attempting to overcome that pathway damage, with some success.)
(6) The AIDS virus having been introduced into the ‘gay community’ via what was billed as a vaccine for Hep B. Thus setting the ‘tone’ for widespread bioweaponized viral infections.
(7) In conjunction with a couple of other factors. Briefly: a) The infant inoculations put the baby’s body under stress. If the baby does not have sufficient vitamin C in his/her system, to ‘absorb’/deal with the stress, the condition is a form of scurvy, and the baby’s heart just stops beating. Alternatively, b) Toxic gases outgassing from the baby’s crib mattress can also cause Sudden Unexplained Infant Death/Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. (This can be countered by sealing the mattress in a cover. Check the Internet for details.
While you still can.)
(8) We are told - made to feel - that ‘the benefits of vaccines far outweigh the risks’. But do they.
Among the adverse effects: They keep the body’s immune system from being able to develop true immunization - which the (thus-‘treated’) mother can then pass on to her baby in utero, thus protecting it in its initial stages of development until its own immune system can kick in and take over. One. And two: It is not as though there are not treatments for the childhood diseases - which don’t have the dastardly side effects to them that the vaccines have - and that allow the immune system to develop, and thus confer lifelong immunity. Some are: Vitamin A for measles; large doses of vitamin C for even polio; colloidal silver for the DPT triad; the list goes on. And that way - it is worthwhile to repeat - the child has the benefit of lifelong immunity conferred by the diseases; and with mild forms of the diseases; and without the damnable side effects that the vaccines have. It is thus win-win.
If we will just wake up to it.
And to so many other adverse situations in life.
Which have answers to them.
Depending on the degree of our awakening. From the slumber imposed on us. By both the far Left and the far Right.
Different motives. Same result.
And the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power.
Different motives. Same result.
And the same nest of vipers at the top of the pyramid of power.
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