Saturday, 7 March 2020

On Cleaning House

Item.  I’m not sure why any country that would allow a private consortium to be in charge of its monetary policy, including the currency printing machines, and not at the very least requiring an audit, should be saved from its remarkable stupidity.  But the U.S. is too important to the world to be allowed to go down because of its folly.

Item.  Scotland - in much of the same spirit as demonstrated by Red China’s (despotic) Social Credit policy - is now to monitor your ‘jokes’ online, and  the sites that you visit that share such ‘jokes’.  (Against…whom, precisely?  The government??  Some specially protected ‘class’???…)
     N.B. Around this time I am thinking about the situation in this country - at least in the past - whereby burning the national flag is a form of protected ‘speech’ .  Whereby the demonstrator can’t be hauled into court on the basis that his/her action ‘might’ cause violence.  (Or lends to a ‘violent’ atmosphere.)  Or because the action is ‘offensive’.  Or hateful’.  
     And speaking of something being ‘offensive’:

Item.  I see that Portland, OR - a sanctuary city, no less - has a double standard regarding ‘the law’ whereby if you criticize the city government for operating a Red Light Camera Fraud - where (it has been proven) the Yellow light time has been cut, so that many motorists speed up to make it through the traffic lights, and thus can be nailed for speeding - you can be fined, and can even potentially go to jail.
     (Are ‘they’ deliberately trying to create a citizen’s revolt in this country?  So that they can crack down even harder on us??  In order to implement their Red China-like draconian controls over us??? …which brings me to:)

Item.  The policy of ‘Catch and Release’ under Obama - whereby those seeking to enter the U.S. under the asylum’ label were allowed to be free in this country until their hearing date; whereby many were never to be seen or heard from again (unless they got caught breaking more laws here) - was curtailed under Trump, by having them have to wait in Mexico until their court date, but which common-sense policy has now been blocked by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Which predictably has triggered a rush for the border by, er, ‘asylum seekers’.  

While the good times roll.  Until Trump can play another card.  And, of course, until then, the country is susceptible to a consequent weakening of the likes of CoVid-19 containment and mitigation measures…

Two things.

One. The far Left, obviously, is at war with this nation, in hoping to turn it into a top-down, despotic regime like Red China, where the state determines and runs your life to within an inch of it, and they - las well like the Bolsheviks of old - run the state. 

And Two.  Pres.Trump: Just close the borders down, under marital law measures, and start

Cleaning house.

That response may well play into the hands of those who are attempting to cause Crisis in this country for the Opportunity that it affords them, in the consequent freezing of civil liberties, to take it over.*  But the bigger point is


it’s time.

To move beyond the pieces of The Process.  And get to

Synthesis.  Aka

Completion.  Moving us closer to

Ascension.  Out of the Old.  And into

the New.

For those who can handle heights.

* Remember Rahm Emanuel’s comment on camera, how “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”??  It’s a classic maneuver.
   By those in the know.  And so inclined.

P.S. And speaking of how ‘details matter,’ as I did in my next-to-last blog; this:

from Red Right Times/Videos: ‘After Obama’s Birth Certificate Is Released One Supreme Court Chief Justice Drops MAJOR Bombshell’ - Tori McNabb - March 7 
(Ref. to a) Obama’s half-brother outing a copy of BHO’s bc, true or not, from Kenya; and b) former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, who has said time and again that ‘he doesn’t believe that Obama was born in America’.  Sigh…
I am OrangeTree.)
OrangeTree - March 7

People, people...all any of us has to do is look up the definition of a 'natural born' citizen as the term was understood to mean by the constitutional Framers.  And there it is, in the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters: Emer de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'.  A 'natural born' citizen is a person "born in the country, OF PARENTS WHO ARE CITIZENS" (my emphasis).  And thus, the whole 'birther' thing has been a red herring.  He has sworn that his birth father was Barack Hussein Obama Sr.: he was toast right there.  For, that eligibility requirement for that particular federal office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. 

The Republican Party authorities apparently decided not to make an issue of it because they wanted to run their OWN ineligible candidates for that office, ON THE SAME BASIS - i.e., that they were/are not natural born citizens.  (Among them: Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.)  The American people have been asleep at the switch of their country, from a federal constitutional republic to a despotism.  They need to wake up to that fact - and fast.  For, there will be a price to pay for that inattention to the details of their government.  And that price will grow, the longer we live in Error.

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