An Honest Left-Winger
Eric Blair
Was an honest left-
Who saw the danger
Of unfettered power
From both the Right
And the Left
From the cleft-
footed hoof
Of Lucifer.
P.S. Speaking of the dangers of authoritarianism, from either the Left or the Right:
I have just found out that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump administration ‘had not provided an adequate rationale for including the citizenship question in the 2020 Census, so it was pulled’. Um…since the Census is used to determine such things as the number of representatives of the CITIZENRY for representation in the Congress, I find it hard to believe that the Trump administration failed to include that COMMON-SENSE factor in their ‘rationale’. In any event: I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Supreme Court couldn’t figure that out for themselves.
So they must not be up to the job that they have been chosen to administer.
And with the additional factor that the judicial branches of government in this country have allowed millions of non-citizens to infect our voter registration rolls as well -
it is obvious that that branch of the country’s tripartite governments needs to go, until it can be cleaned out, and people with common sense can be appointed to the judicial branches of this country.
And since it is also obvious that the Democrat and Republican Parties colluded in allowing a usurper, in the form of Barack Hussein Obama, to be a candidate for and even occupy the office of the presidency of the United States - and even to rub our noses in their pile of, er, deceit, for two terms - their authorities need to be jailed, the organizations fined, and dissolved, for being the corrupt organizations that they have proven to be, if on that (major) charge alone.
And if Pres.Trump is not man enough for the job,
I will do it.
And the government will be on my shoulders, at least until things can get better organized here, in the cleaning up of this mess of things
that both major political parties have engaged in, and are responsible for.
Proving the perspicacity of Eric Blair. Better known as George Orwell.
And as in the term ’Orwellian’.
The Left has the right idea - i.e., of humanity living as One - but the wrong means. Which means we must supersede the Moment and engage in A New Order of Things entirely. Because
it’s time.
Or haven’t you noticed how systemic corruption is taking over in this country. And around the world. As humanity has largely lost sight of
the Point.
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