Monday, 16 March 2020

On Horatio's Philosophy

      One Fine Day

One fine day, back at the spiritual community in the north of Scotland which I was a member of for many years of my adult life, and when I sat on the community’s Management Group for being the ‘focaliser’ of the community’s Education Department, we met, in the spring, in a small office building at the central location of our somewhat widespread community, being on the shore of a peninsula forming one side of a pleasant bay.  I go to the trouble of pointing this out, because our location -complete with the occasional cry and sight of seagulls - may well have had something to do with the incident which I am about to share with you.

It was occasioned by the fact that we, er, ‘religiously’ opened our meetings with either a ’minute of silence’ or a led meditation.  In this instance we were having a short meditative space, thence to share whatever we got in the silence with the rest of the group.  My sharing consisted of my telling them a piece of imagery that I had ‘happened’ to get: Of a seagull, flying from left to right across my field of consciousness, on a straight line, wings flapping gently in the calmness of the scene.  My interpretation of the imagery, that I shared with the group, was that ‘Things go up, and things go down; but things go on.’

Things go up, and things go down, but things go on.  Like a heartbeat, and a body.  A body of ‘kin’.  A family.  A tribe.  And, writ a bit larger, one’s fellow countrymen.

Now, you can say that it is ‘indoctrination’ to teach children love of their country.  But good citizenship breeds good manners.  Civility.  Yes, we can be ‘planetary citizens’ too, with an encouragement to ‘Think Globally  - Act Locally,’(1) especially in regards to environmental issues, which impact on us all, both in our ‘big’ and our ‘small’ orientations; which can be called, with good reason, our congregations.(2)  But caring for the welfare of your immediate fellow citizens - rather than the huge Commons - brings the civilizing factor ‘closer to home,’ as it were.  In one’s day-to-day life; making it real, rather than merely theoretical.

As part of a Process.  Of ‘civilizing’ us.  Of raising our consciousness.  Ultimately to such levels, as planetary.  And beyond.  Materially.  And spiritually.

What has happened, in that Process, is that some among us Earthlings have decided to want to rule the world with ‘a big stick’ - take over the Collective for ulterior purposes.  Under the mental sway of what can be called ‘dialectical materialism’ - Marxist/atheist philosophy.  But, as Shakespeare(3) had Hamlet say, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,/ Than are dreamt of in your philosophy”.   The chief among which is that ‘Life’ - material-realm life -  is not the be-all and end-all of existence; that that Life has a Purpose beyond just in and for itself only.  That Life is a school.  The Purpose of which is

to graduate.

Into higher and higher grades of ‘it’. 


The Creation.

Ultimately, to become Creators ourselves.

Having become One - perfectly; fully - with ours.

P.S. On a side note here; but pertinent:
     The Mormons have this idea - as they put it (have had it put to them): ‘As Man is, God once was; as God is, Man may become’ - as part of their belief system.  I find that curious.  It resonates as Truth with me.  (After all, we - i.e. to say, our souls; not our wet suits, designed to allow us to live and move and have our being on this deep level/frequency/vibration/dimension of Life - are facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of our Creator Source.)  But being a Christian religion, it has unTruth built into it, at its core.(4)  So - what to do?
     Continue to explore, our ‘surroundings’.  
     And as T.S. Eliot put it:
     “We shall not cease from exploration./ And the end of all our exploring/ Will be to arrive where we started/ And know the place for the first time.”      


(1) As I got engaged in at one point during my time in said community, when I left it for a year to go to New York City and be involved with an NGO called Planetary Citizens as it was acting as the secretariat for a global project - called The Planetary Initiative (‘For The World We Choose’) - which used the above theme as its rallying call.

(2) I feel the need to note here briefly that at that time - this was in the early ’80s - our focus environmentally was scientific, mainly on harm being done to the ozone layer particularly by the environmentally obtuse overuse of spray cans.  Not on the unscientific rationale of ‘Man-made Climate Change’ that is distorting the Environmental issue these days, for geopolitical purposes of the Dark side, in using - attempting to use - that ‘theme’ to gain Power Over Others (or POO for short), and, especially now, the Full Monty of global control.  Read as well: global gulag.  But to continue.

(3) Whoever he was really.
     (The Akashic record knows.)

(4) For more on which, see esp. The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, a preeminent work of scholarship by Acharya S (the pen name of D.M. Murdock).  And esp. within it her chapter on ‘The Characters’.
   (“The Jesus story incorporated elements from the tales of other deities recorded in this widespread area of the  ancient world, including several of the following world saviors, most or all of whom predate the Christian myth…”  etc.  And I see, in looking back on my margin comments whilst checking into said chapter for a brief but telling quote to include here, that at some point in my own past I noted on this page: “So…it’s an intriguing meme.  Built into our psyches??  Activated in one Era after another?  To keep us ‘on our toes’??… Thinking beyond just the moment…”)
   And to note also that, as ‘good’ followup to this book, I recommend Joseph Atwill’s Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus as to what precisely was behind that story and its ‘incorporation’ of said elements.   

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