Sunday, 8 March 2020

'Hey Hey - Ho Ho - The CDC Has Got To Go'

So Pres. Trump was criticized by the Dems and the MSM propagandists for immediately imposing travel restrictions to China in January regarding the coronavirus outbreak there, being called by the far Left a ‘racist’ for his alertness in defending Americans from that threat;(1) and then was criticized by the same crowd for not doing enough sooner regarding the threat, in the way of assigning monies to defending from it.  Trying to have it both ways again, eh, gang?  That seems to be part of your MO: Spin things any way that you can.  Don't worry about being consistent.  Anything goes.

Whatever It Takes.  By Any Means Necessary...

As for the federal monies assigned to the task - meaning, more clearly, the taxpayers’ money - there is the interesting wrinkle in this story of the CDC at first dragging its feet to get out test kits for the virus - effectively allowing it to spread undetected in the populace - and then being paid handsomely to deal with the crisis that it itself helped to create.  Sweet.(2)  And speaking of money:

Another interesting wrinkle in this ’story’ is how it feeds into TPTB’s desire to bring in a cashless society; with the warning put out that the virus can be on paper money, so let’s go to digital currency now.  Um, how about just quarantining the notes for a particular time period, and then letting it circulate?  Ah, but that wouldn’t allow TPTB to activate their plan to do away with the possibility of ’black market’ transactions by making all financial transactions digital, and thus traceable.  Would it, gang?

And speaking of quarantining:

The other side of that coin is how quarantining us, via the ’employment’ of a life-threatening virus, would allow the creation of a police state - unchecked power over the lives of the citizenry.  As I say: Sweet.

And how TPTB have succeeded in infiltrating ChiCom military into this country, under the cover of running ‘solar farms’ - read: bases - positioned near Air Force bases.  The better to deter our defenses, when Der Tag is declared.  

But not to upset best-laid plans.  

Just not to let them go too far.  

Before American patriots take over The War Games. 

P.S. And not to say that such ‘winkles’ as digital currency isn’t a good idea.
     In the right hands.  As we move from Process 
     to Completion.   


(1) Example: “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia - hysterical xenophobia - and fear mongering”: Dem presidential candidate Joe Biden.

(2) Including the ‘wrinkle’ reported in the Independent Media of how the CDC was involved in planting a CoVid-19-infected person in a mall in San Antonio, to walk around for hours, and thus help spread that which would soon ‘earn’ them a huge amount of money.  Besides helping TPTB to bring the infection into this country.
   (Psst.  NWO-crowd: It’s about time that you, and the likes of you, ‘got’ that everything is known.  Because Life has Purpose, beyond just in and for itself only.  And there is a record of everything.  For the Law of Karma to work.  For us apprentice gods.

   But to continue.) 

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