Thursday, 19 March 2020

What's The Truth?!

  Before The Plunge II

And now - with the gurgler blocked, and things swirling around and around in the various circles of Hell - comes a flood of confusion.  

Item.  It would appear, from a look beneath the surface of what we are being told, that things regarding the coronavirus are “clearing” in China -

because they are not testing for it.*  

And what of what are being called ‘rebound’ cases there, where individuals who had been cleared of the virus are coming down with it again??  ‘Oh, that is due to [what are being called] ‘imported’ cases.’  

Right.  Nothing to see here.  Keep moving along.  On the treadmill to a further circle of Hell.

Which brings me to

Item no. 2.  With economies around the world tanking, the circumstance is giving rise and impetus to the idea of a Universal Basic Income (UBI).  Where the governments will pay people not to work.  Which puts everybody further under the thumb of the almighty State.  Which, then, can be in total control of its subjects; food being a weapon of war.  In the wrong hands.  Which circumstance, then, can lead more easily to Depopulation.   

Of people whose sense of self-worth is wrapped up in their job.  No job - no sense of self-worth.

What’s a ‘mere’ person to do?

My answer.  The answer:

Don’t be, consider yourself, a subject of a sovereign.

You are a - the - sovereign.

As a spiritual being having a human experience.

And don’t forget it.

And more than that.

As I concluded my last blog:


Your Christhood


The bottom line:



And it’s time for You

to declare

a Jubilee.

And a Restart.

On this planet.

Under New Management.

From those who would manage it under the rubric of

the reverse image of

The Real Thing.

Now being called into being.  As part of a -

The -


Leading us all to


Or at least, those of us sovereign beings who are willing to drink of those waters.  And leave the polluted waters that we have been drinking of, and from,

behind.  In our eternal quest for


Of the lessons to be learned along

The Way.

* A ploy employed by the Red Chinese mandarins for the government to attempt to rescue the country’s economy.  Not beholden to Truth, as they are.  But rather to Whatever It Takes to accomplish their end.  
   ‘By Any Means Necessary.’
   The philosophy that the NWO crowd is attempting to enthrone in the U.S. as well.  There being no absolutes.  All being relative.  In their Marxist philosophy.  Of ‘what is right is whatever advances my agenda, and what is wrong is whatever impedes it’.  A recipe for disaster.
   As we are experiencing at this time.
   For lessons to be learned.
   Or not.
   N.B. And as well, at the same time there are those who are claiming that the whole coronavirus ‘thing’ is a hoax.  And we have been down this particular road before.  In such ‘tools’ employed by our EMs as false flag ops. Including such actual tragedies as 9/11.  But all, as covers for the outworking of an agenda.
   But to continue.
   (But hopefully, not for long.)


P.S. And the call for the closing down of our borders?  
     On its surface: A good idea, until we can get a handle on the virus ‘thing’ (whatever the whole truth is there).  But underneath the surface: A dangerous creature lurking.  Threatening our civil liberties.
     As 9/11 accomplished (with the passage of the hypocritically named PATRIOT Act).  And as with any attempt by ‘the government’ - federal or state - a) to control the food supply, and b) either to block further gun purchases or to confiscate those already out in the public arena.
     The latter is the mark of the totalitarian beast from time immemorial.  Don’t let it happen in the U.S.   
     That is all.
     For now.
     You know the drill.
     Or should by now.
     Being an American citizen, and all.
     (And for those of you who aren't: Take heed in your own possible ways.  And know that
      Help is coming.)


And on that latter note:

P.P.S. The X22 Report for Thurs. 3/19 has intimated that, with an anti-viral drug showing “encouraging results” in treating CoVid-19, the Trump admin is in an excellent position to use the collapse of the economic system to further the cause of the White Hats, and return power ‘from Wall Street to Main Street’ - i.e., eliminate the Central Bank system, as part of the return to sound money.  I think it’s more a matter of going forward than going back.  My comment at their website:

“One could say that this (bioweaponized) coronavirus scare is the Crisis allowing the NWO crowd to have their Opportunity to dismantle the entire world's economic system in order to take over control of the world, and install their one-world currency for their one-world government.  But on the other hand, the X22 Report says that Pres. Trump and the White Hats have used the virus scare as cover for THEIR plans.  So: Who in fact is in charge?

“I would say that the Answer is: God.”

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