Monday, 29 April 2019

On Living In Interesting Times

I was listening to the X-22 Report this evening before dinner, and I got a message.  From a ‘flash’.  In a downloaded instant.

I have been wondering how I was going to inherit my kingdom.  Now I know. 

Let me back up a bit in this telling of my ‘insight’.  Recently - for whatever kicked it off; I forget, now - I have been thinking about how ‘we’.are, our solar system is, supposed to be traveling through space, on our arm of our Milky Way galaxy, as it is supposed to be moving/traveling as well.  This is all supposed to involve a/the Big Bang theory, that set everything in motion.  Expanding.  And as the Creation expands, everything in it stays relatively the same.  And thus, the stars are in their same positions in ‘the heavens,’ over our centuries.  And our view of them changes slowly because of the ‘precession of the equinoxes,’ i.e., because of the tilt of the planet on its axis.  And we are supposed to ‘come around’ in a Grand Round every 25,920 years or so, to where we were those GR years before (2,160 years in each ’sign’).  But how does all of that actually work??  If we are moving, and everything is moving/expanding as well…I couldn’t get my mind around it.       

And I remembered reading, quite a few years ago now, a book about the Photon Belt, and how we were supposed to be starting to move through it at that time.  But how did that work??  Is our solar system the only thing that is moving around in space???… 

I let it all go.  But now, I’ve got it.  Or at least, part of it.

Stranger in a strange land.  No more…

What am I talking about.  As to that specifically, another part of this preface

It is no accident that we talk about the Light and the Dark in metaphorical terms.  And I don’t mean just as in bringing things out into ‘the light of day’.  ‘Keeping things in the dark.’  ‘It dawned on me.’  They also stand for something else; something behind them.  ‘Of’ them.     

Photons - tiny packets of energy that make light throughout the universe - also carry information.  DNA captures light (their very health and function depends on it).  Without going into all this in any great detail,* it is enough here for me to say that 

we are passing through a region of the cosmos where things - all things - will be ‘brought to light’.

Notice how things are beginning to come out into the open?  To ‘the light of day’??  The truth about the Steele Dossier, and the phony Russian Collusion delusion??  And the ‘skeletons in the closets’ of the large and the small, the former including the likes of, say, Barack Hussein Obama, and Joe Biden.
And of course, Hill and Bill, under the pressure of an honest judge and the patience and persistence of the upstanding gang at Judicial Watch???  And on it goes.  And it is all just the beginning.  

Think, not just the Comey Report.  And the Declass.  And the IG Report.  And the unsealed indictments.  But think, as well, the truth about 9/11, and other false flag ops.  And about the Reval/GCR.  And Disclosure.

And Ascension.          

All things will be revealed.  Under the new frequencies coming in.  Dismantling the Old...  

We have rounded the final curve - for this dispensation of Time - and are heading for


As I say:

Fasten your seat belts.  And enjoy the ride.  Into

the Light.

We are heading into very

interesting times. 

* In David Wilcock’s ‘The Synchronicity Key’ he goes into all this - subject snd research - in very intriguing, and ‘insightful’, detail. 
   We are living in a live, conscious Source Field.  Which he also went into in his earlier book, The Source Field Investigations’.
   We are being given help along The Way.
   It is up to us to realize it.  And utilize it.

Time Of Transition

I have just watched a 3-part video film online entitled ‘Film: How Social-Justice-Warrior Students Took Over Evergreen College,’ about how a bunch of black students in particular - with white students in supporting roles; and the new (white) college president - took over the campus (in Washington State) for a number of days in 2017 in protest about ‘institutional racism’ at the (very liberal) college in particular (with some of the white faculty refusing to buy into the meme that they were, ipso facto, racist), and ‘social justice’ in the country in general.  The specific theme to the film was the fact that a Jewish professor refused to bow to demands of the mob (reminded, at one point, of the Nazis), and ultimately lost his job, but won a court case for some financial redress in the matter, at least  My basic takeaway:

I was reminded of another setting, I think it was in the film ‘The Killing Fields,’ about ‘Year One’ in Cambodia, in which there was a scene where a young female was seen calmly pulling a plastic bag over an old countryman’s head and causing him to suffocate to death.

Kill your parents.  (You know.  The usual revolutionary stuff.)

And the scenes of the students talking up their ‘revolution’ - in the cafeteria, a faculty meeting room, wherever - reminded me of the ‘self-criticism’ sessions in communist takeover countries, and ‘re-education camps’.  And how candidate Hillary even referred to such camps on the campaign trail   For the ’Deplorables’…

Yes, we are that close in this country.  

Now, let me be clear.  I am not saying that blacks do not have grievances in this country.  But may we all learn something from history.  (We are in a classroom.  What are you learning??)  Before we move on.  To post-graduate school, as it were.

And on that note...A fantasy of mine:

With Pres. Trump being too compromised to be able to take us all the way into the New, I would like to be given the opportunity to take to the airwaves - those same airwaves that are being closed down right now, in a concerted algorithm push by the near-monopoly mainstream and social media, to conservative thought (as ‘hate speech,’ or ‘racist,’ or whatever the label du jour, or all of the above) - and say something like:

‘Good evening.

‘I come before you to ask for your assistance as together we prepare America to be the flagship of the fleet of nation-states leading the people of this planet into the heavens - to the stars, and beyond - at this time of transition.

‘More on all of this, later.  For now:

‘This is your Captain speaking.

‘Fasten your seat belts.  And enjoy the ride.  

‘Interesting times are just up ahead.’

And I trust that at some point on this journey we will all be able to sing

‘Come, sing a song of joy
Of love and understanding,
Sing, sing a song of joy
Of love and understanding.’


that we made it.

At least,

most of us.

A shame about those who don’t make the trip.  But

their choice.

Friday, 26 April 2019

Letter To The White House...

...And Further Commentary

To: Pres. Donal J. Trump
     The White House

Date: April 26 2019

Dear Pres. Trump,

One of the eligibility requirements for the office that you hold is that the person needs to be a "natural born citizen".  The definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattell's 'The Law of Nations,' defines that term as a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens". (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.)   And as proof that that was, indeed, their intention, Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate to those proceedings, made a proposal there that the president need only be, quote, "born a Citizen" - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., that that person needed to be born 'of the country' - jus soli - and 'of the blood' - jus sanguinis.  BOTH PARENTS.

As a citizen of this country - and a NBC at that - I expect you to do what is necessary to set things to rights in this country - fully.     

Yours in truth,

Duane 'Stan' Stanfield


…and then, moving beyond the Drama (as e.g. in New Zealand with the UN’s small arms policy leading the way to the government there starting to go door-to-door and confiscating their citizenry’s weapons of self-defense; and that policy starting to be implemented in this country via the so-called Red Flag gun control laws; and Hispanic drug-cartel members and illegal aliens joining the U.S. military in order to compromise it, and under the command of many of Manchurian Candidate Obama’s appointees; and the poisoning of deer and elk in order to keep patriots from being able to live off the land when Der Tag is called and during the (attempted) takeover period; and the ‘new flu’ (actually a fungus) being rolled out as a bioweapon device, to get everybody vaccinated with toxic shots, and thus the moves in many states now to implement mandatory vaccinations, as the Darkside’s plans begin to come to a head, before Trump can cause any more damage to their best-laid plans): 

  The Game

I didn’t come here -
Down the octaves - 
To play The Game
Of third-dimensional
Life, in repetitive Time.
       I came here
To close it down,
      and open up
The Real Thing
For our next level
Of exploration.

Get with the mission
Or be left behind.
Your choice.

Sometimes I Feel

Sometimes I Feel

Sometimes I feel
Larger than life
Somehow, as though
I could swallow
It whole, or cut it
With the knife
             of Truth
Into little pieces,
         to digest it
Piecemeal, complete
With its moral midgets.


               Don’t hate 
The New World Order
Crowd.  Many of them
Are just misguided
Idealists.  But
Do not give in to them.
       They are of
The Dark.  Hold
Fast to, and them in,
      the Light.
And we will succeed.
So: Resist
And with all your might.

Deliverance is at hand
After we do what we have
                        to do

    The Process.
For, it is

And That

Thursday, 25 April 2019

The Law 101

'Nothing To See Here, Folks.
   Just Keep Moving Along.'

Shyster lawyers and law professors and judges picked the wrong country to ply their trade in, in attempting to make of The Law and the rule of law in this country a moveable feast, a so-cailed - by them - 'living document' subject to interpretation by them merely on the basis of their personal socio-political proclivities.  In playing a shell game of it, whereby words mean what they say they mean.  As in application of the satanic 'principle' that everything is relative; that 'there is nothing right nor wrong but thinking makes it so'.  That what is right is whatever advances one's agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.

All, as beautifully laid out in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'.  By the cynical, and sinister, philosophy of 'Whatever It Takes'.  'By Any Means Necessary.'   Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever it takes, to advance and accomplish your agenda.

And just so, do we have the bulk of the mainstream media (and social media) of our day.  Seemingly enamored of the idea that mud sticks.  Whatever advances your agenda, put it out there (with as much spin as you can put on it, like a curve ball); and if you have to correct it at some point, put your 'correction' - remember, it's all relative to them - on the equivalent of page 40.  In small print.  Days later.  And meanwhile, the mud is sticking.  Snicker.  Snicker.

No.  More.

Here We Go Again...

from YouTube: ‘Hannity: Far-left Democratic Party hits new levels of radicalism' - Fox News - April 23 
(Hannity commenting on and showing clips from a debate held on CNN of the Democrat Party candidates for the presidency.  Including Sen. Kamala Harris.  Sigh…
A relative has told me that the question about her birth status is over the apparent fact that neither of her parents were naturalized at the time that she was born.
Either we live by the rule of law or we do not.) 

1 second ago (April 25)

We are witnessing the utter trashing of the Constitution, and thus the end of the federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A.  It is my understanding that Sen. Kamala Harris is not a 'natural born' citizen, the definition of which is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  The whole POINT of which eligibility requirement for that particular federal office - and that particular federal office ONLY - was, and is, to make sure that the occupant of that office, who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, would have NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. (in this case).  We are seeing the natural consequences of the failure of the Republican Party to have called the Democrat Party on their nomination of another ineligible candidate for that office in 2008, and, to rub our noses in their [mutual] hijack of the rule of law in this country, that person's renomination, and re-election, in 2012.  I am talking, of course, about the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama.  And why would the Repubs fail to call the Dems on their ineligible candidate for that office?  We saw the answer to that question in 2012, when they allowed into the nomination process for that office their OWN ineligible candidates.  In the forms of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and one or two others.  None of whom is a 'natural born' citizen.

Just thus do nations fall.

I also saw this evening a clip of Lisa Haven’s where she was talking about the New Zealand Mosque shooting and the Church ones in Sri Lanka, and how differently the MSM in this country played the two events.  They emphasized, over and over, that the NZ one was caused by, quote, a “white supremacist,” and how, e.g. the Washington Post had a headline on the other one reading, ‘Christianity under attack: Sri Lanka church bombings stoke far-right anger in the West’.

Come again??   

Oh.  I get it.  A ‘white supremacist’ attacks Muslims in their place of worship in the one instance, and ‘far rightists’ are angry about a tit for tat against ‘them’ in the other.  Christians being, in this narrative, equated with ’whits supremacists’.  Or at least, that is the narrative being employed.  By the NWO crowd behind the agenda being played out on us all.  To stoke SOME kind of war.  Blacks against whites, and vice versa; Christians against Muslims, and vice versa; whatever it takes.  To divide and conquer. 

You never want a good crisis to go to waste, do you, Rahm???  

And I see on the Dave Hodges’ Common Sense Show that Google/Social Media is shadowbanning Christianity…

…and in the current issue of The New American is an article on ‘The War on the Cross,’ on how the far Left is pushing for all manner of such memorials to be taken down in this country…… 

My patience is wearing thin.  And I’m not even a Christian.  But I know a rat when I smell one.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

As I Was Saying...

They’re totally lying about the 5G roll-out, and that’s very GOOD news!


The 5G Energy Grid Cannot Be Deployed As Hyped 

This exposé ought to come as very good news for the many folks who are legitimately concerned about the ongoing 5G roll-out across America.
As it turns out, the Big Telcom corporations that are hyping the deployment of 5G are grossly misrepresenting the practical functionality of the actual 5G networks that have been supposedly activated locally.
First, don’t take it from us, read what the experts have to say about this “Scam of the Century”.

ROLL-OUT MISREPRESENTATION: 5G is simply not scalable beyond dense urban areas

If the reader understood the indisputable 5G facts presented in the preceding link, they now know that the 5G roll-out simply will not — CANNOT — be rolled out as planned and/or advertised.
For the foreseeable future, the deployment of 5G will take place primarily in the big cities and specifically in large venues where super-techies and cyber-geeks congregate to brag about their download and upload speeds.

5G hype debunked

For the uninitiated, the technology paradigm required for 5G networks to be fully functional is such that special 5G antennae must be positioned in a high-density configuration.  And, certainly in much higher density than the current 4G energy grid.
The signals of the significantly higher 5G electromagnetic frequencies and microwave radiation travel in much shorter distances.  Therefore, they require a multitude of cellphone and microwave towers and antennae to be placed wherever 5G is fully operational.
The good news is that will not happen in the rural areas or the suburbs anytime soon.
While it’s currently operating in some isolated urban areas, 5G will only be efficiently working in isolated pockets where all the technology is perfectly positioned and the signals are beaming flawlessly.  Even those high-intensity hotspots in those cities where 5G has supposedly ‘arrived’ will there be spotty service.

KEY POINT: You know it’s fake when the Big Telcom corporations sue each other and win because of patently false 5G advertising. See: Settled Lawsuit Proves 5G Advertising Is Fake

5G hotspots will become kill zones

The truth is that those few areas, where 5G is somehow made fully functional, will become KILL ZONES—literally.  These hotspots will become hot alright; so hot your skin will be fried as your insides are cooked…but you won’t even know it (also known as a soft kill).  Eventually, everyone’s brain will be scrambled.  Don’t believe us, read the following exposé.

The Kill Zones USA

Because of this inevitable outcome, the cities and various venues that boast about their new and improved 5G connectivity will become notorious as kill zones.  Who would ever want to step inside a location well-known for being a soup of exceedingly dangerous electro-pollution?!
As a matter of scientific fact, the 5G EMFs and microwave radiation will be disseminated at such unsafe levels that new laws will promptly be written to warn several classes of patients who suffer from various medical ailments and health conditions.  Yes, that’s how dangerous 5G truly is.
Why, pray tell, would anyone ever want to live inside the boundaries of such a perilous 5G kill zone? 
For those who disbelieve such an eventuality, please consider the following video: 5Ggate: 5g is not an upgrade, it’s a potential kill grid (Video)
What this really means is that 5G is a military deployment fully capable of carrying out genocide by those who control the kill grid.  This very real possibility is further discussed here: 5G GENOCIDE: The Most Lethal NWO Conspiracy of the Third Millennium

Anti 5G groups popping up all over the place

Because of the extraordinary backlash against what is essentially a deployment of 5G weaponry, communities everywhere are shutting it down.
Those who are grimly aware of the adverse health effects and severe medical consequences of exposure to 5G are on a mission to halt the roll-out by any means necessary.

ULTRA-SOS: 5G Roll-out Seriously Endangers Every Person on Planet Earth

The rapidly emerging grassroots advocacy groups are so fierce and furious that many cities and counties will be forced to suspend their respective roll-outs.
There are even those courageous anti-5G rebels who are going a step further when their loved ones are recklessly being put in harm’s way.  These people are quite livid that the government would even permit such harmful technology in residential subdivisions where young children and pets will be exposed to the hazardous frequencies 24/7.
As more folks awaken to the reality that 5G technology has completely avoided the mandatory testing for health and safety issues, they quickly climb on board the anti-5G train.  That untested 5G energy grids are being constructed prematurely has enraged people throughout the USA.
Some health advocates and environmental groups are so angry that they have resorted to this: 5G Roll-out Facing $1 Trillion Class Action Lawsuit.

Best way forward

The best way to proceed regarding the ongoing 5G roll-out, in spite of the highly sporadic and low-intensity deployment, is to stop it dead in its tracks.
Every person, every family, every community ought to assume that 5G is coming to a neighborhood near them.  Regardless of the practical obstacles already mentioned, the forces behind this absurd, yet deliberate, roll-out are the most powerful on the planet.  The moneyed interests behind this deployment also own the U.S. Federal Government—lock, stock and barrel.
Even the relatively low-level Telcoms stand to make huge profits when the various revenue streams are flowing at peak level.  And, the money-making that will occur during the build-out of the Internet of Things, alone, promises to be an extremely lucrative enterprise.
It’s crucial to understand that it’s the Internet of Things (IoT) that is at the very core of this New World Order scheme to control every person on Earth.  Only when the IoT is operating at full tilt will the NWO globalist cabal exert complete command and control over the entire planetary civilization.
Therefore, every wrench that can be thrown into the 5G juggernaut will serve to slow it down and prevent the planned lockdown of the world community of nations.


Everyone can do their part to force TPTB to abort the deployment of 5G.  Here’s one simple initiative for anyone who wants to begin today.

Here’s What Everyone Can Do to Stop 5G

While it’s true that the urban dwellers will get hit very hard by this frequency and radiation weaponry, eventually the suburbs and rural areas will be hardwired accordingly.
As the 5G technology is refined and made more cost-effective, the globalists will attempt to foist it on every community in America.
Therefore, we ask that every individual circulate this important video far and wide.

5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control (Video)

For it is a sufficient degree of education and awareness that will ultimately terminate 5G…
before it terminates US.
State of the Nation
April 23, 2019


5G & the Internet of Things

Capstone of the New World Order

It’s of paramount importance for everyone to be aware of this factoid: 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) represent the capstone of the New World Order agenda toward the establishment of a One World Government.
In point of fact, the Internet of Things can only be fully operational when the 5G power grid is functioning at full throttle.
The IoT is central to the globalist scheme to exert total command and control over every resident of Planet Earth.
From one critical perspective, it’s not the universally feared “implanted chip” that is the prophesied “Mark of the Beast”, it’s the now ubiquitous smartphone.
TPTB knew they could not force people everywhere to submit to chip implantation so they deceitfully tricked the global population into possessing a smartphone, which never leaves their person.  Quite ingenious, yes?  But also diabolical to the extreme.
It’s getting impossible to do virtually anything these days without a smartphone … … … by purposeful design—DEMONIC DESIGN!
Hence, it’s crucial to comprehend the satanic nature of the rapidly manifesting technological paradigm defined by the Smartphone, 5G, and the Internet of Things.  Not to do so will soon mean the difference between good health and chronic illness for many; life and death for the weak, especially the children and elderly, the immuno-suppressed and EMF-hypersensitives.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

On Lies And Damn Lies

...And Statistics

In my last blog I referred to the disgustingly dishonest tactic of the New World Order crowd in flooding this country with illegal aliens and other such likely voters in order to use their illegal votes to pry open the system to voting legally merely by ‘residents’.  This is as dishonest and corrupt as that other corrupt subject: AGW/Climate Change.  Thus goes the ‘debate’:

‘How do you feel about how we have made you feel about - I mean, how you feel about Manmade Climate Change?’


’See?  See?’

Indeed I see.  You charlatans. 

And so mentioned in an email response yesterday to a friend who sent me a link to an article, from an ‘academic,’ on ‘Climate Change Deniers,’ calling that ‘category’ the equivalent of a mental illness.  (Shades of the former Soviet Union incarcerating dissidents to The System on the very same spurious grounds.  Totalitarians all thinking alike.)  My response:

I will read this paper when I have time, but I am already put off by the premise.  I have done some amount of homework on the subject of Anthropogenic Global Warming-oops-Climate Change, and I can tell you that there is substantial evidence that it is but part of a political agenda; that the most important evidence is NOT that there are 'Climate-Change deniers' out there (yes, there are; include me as one), but that they have some good points, which the CC proponents have not bothered to look at, or don't want to.  There is something going on - as there has been over the centuries and millennia - but it has mostly to do with the Sun.  And so forth.  But I do appreciate the forwarding of the paper.  It helps me to see what the 'academic' thinking is on that side of the issue.

‘Be well


And synchronistically enough, today I received in the mail the latest issue of The New American, which has a cover story on this very issue; titled ‘Climate Change: It’s (Not That) Complicated’.  Well addressed, it points out the case for the public being bamboozled on this subject.


A couple of reasons.  For one, our Erstwhile Masters feel (there’s that key word in all this; and which allows our EMs to attempt to get gender-confusion past us, and accepted as ‘normal’ - another minority group, for class-warfare purposes) that there are too many of us on the planet, for its carrying capacity.  Some of them are honest about that, er, feeling.  Most of them are dishonest about it, feeling it because there are too many of us for them to be able to control well, in their totalitarian NWO.  So they are painting a bullseye on our chests, as CO2 emitters, and thus trophies for Carbon Credits.  Not just company executives proving how many employees they have eliminated.  (However they do it.  Just fired.  Or via an ‘event’.  Such as happened in 9/11.  In the modern-day equivalent of old-time ‘dead-peasant life insurance’ scams by property owners.)   But for individual bounty hunters.  And why not, when you have cut yourself off from any sense of life having any meaning beyond just in and for itself only…

The other reason has to do further with that desire of theirs to control us.  And is coming on line with more ‘bite’ via the 5G juggernaut.  Example:

‘Dear Resident of Record for (address):

‘It has come to our attention that you are using more energy than you are allotted for your official number of residents.  This is forbidden.  Thus, your energy allotment will be discontinued as of today.


‘Your Overseer

‘P.S. A reminder that it will do you no good to attempt to escape.  Your individual energy signature is on record.  And with The Grid in place, and our Quantum Surveillance System (QSS), we can track you anywhere.  And since our Community Patrol teams will not allow you to sleep rough, you have nowhere to go.  As I said: Goodbye.
     ‘And don’t make a mess of your departure.  Or we will debit the Social Credit of any or all of your Relatives or Friends.  Or a Smartcar will take you to one of our Termination Points for convenient dispatch.
     ‘Either way: You had a choice.  To live within our requirements.  Or not.  You chose the latter.  Do not ever attempt to tell any of your friends that you had no choice in the matter.
     ‘The matter, of our Brave New World succeeding in its glorious intent.’

Or words to that effect.*

Another reason for Pres. Trump needing to wake up, and get advice from outside of his current circle of advisors.  

Aka minders.

* Actually, it would take more the form of the person ‘of record’ being arrested and harvested of their organs before the dispatch of the body.  
   Probably to feed the fish in fish ponds, being harvested themselves.  Fish being such a good ‘brain food,' and all…

Follow-Up Open Letter

  To Pres. Trump

(Note: The Left in this country is trying to make it as though merely any resident of age (and the younger the better; for their having gotten to our youth over the years, via their takeover of the education systems in the country) can vote.  Having flooded illegal aliens into the country for just that purpose, and cynically and satanically using their illegal votes to make it legal.  Believers, as they are, and do, in the belief system that ‘There is nothing right nor wrong but thinking makes ti so’.  That all is relative; there are no absolutes. What is right is what is right for you.  How you feel about something.

Well, let me tell you how I feel about something:

I, for one, have had enough of this shit.

Given that the indoctrinated, and intoxicated, Left don’t believe in any absolute truth, only in each person’s individual truth, maybe even they, then, can, and will, understand me when I say, loud and clear - as loud as I can, have been rendered able to have a voice to:)

Dear President Trump,

As an American citizen whose vote and therefore voice has been wiped out in my home state, due to all the illegal aliens and other non-citizens (and otherwise ineligible voters, like the duplicate and the dead) having been and being allowed to vote here, I can and do say at least to you that you have my permission to CLEAN HOUSE.

I have been rudely and illegally disenfranchised.  I want my voice, and country, back.

Do something about it.

While you, and we, still can.

Very sincerely,

’Stan’ Stanfield
Drawing the line

Open Letter to Pres. Trump

  (& As Sent To The White House
                   This Date)

Dear Pres. Trump,

Yuma, AZ has been invaded.  It really is time for you to:

a) Declare martial law, and thereby pre-empt 'Catch and Release,' and send all illegal aliens out of the country;*
b) Increase border interdiction of IAs, phony 'refugees,' drug & gun runners, child sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, and ISIS & other terrorist-cell operatives, and activate the FEMA camp network to house them while they are being processed; 
c) Declare Sanctuary Cities and States as lawbreakers, and arrest the mayors and governors involved;
d) Go after interstate child sex trafficking rings, and bring that horrible 'business' to an END.  

This may trigger the enemies of this country to declare their Der Tag and activate the terrorist cells throughout the country.  
1) Be prepared; and 
2) act preemptively where known.

They want war.  Let them have it.  In more ways than one.


'Stan' Stanfield  


* Treating those who have had children while here on an individual basis - but stopping immediately the erroneous business of 'anchor babies'.  There is no such thing.  The 14th Amendment does NOT allow for such a thing.  That illegal business - and including so-called 'vacation junkets' - to stop forthwith.

Monday, 22 April 2019

If I Were President...

from YT: The Common Sense Show: ‘If I Were President’ - Dave Hodges - April 20
(Hodges listed a number of the decisions/actions he would take if he were president.  A fair-enough list; but he needs to think bigger.)

1 second ago - April 22

Dave, Please consider the importance, for this country to get back on track as a federal constitutional republic, of arresting BHO for having been a Usurper in the office of the presidency for not being a 'natural born' citizen, which is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  The definition is from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations' - and that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  And that way, all the legislation that he signed into law, and all the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he issued, and all the appointments that he made - including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts (a key factor here) - go with him, into the trash bin.  For it to be as though he had never been there.  For, he was never there legally.  And that brings up the obvious collusion in this matter of both major political parties of our day, and thus the need for their officials to be brought to court, on RICO statutes, found - by a cleaned-up judicial branch (using American Common Law, not Admiralty Law; another setting-to-rights issue) - guilty, fined, their officials jailed, and the parties themselves dissolved, for being the criminal enterprises that they are, and will have been proven to be, in this matter alone.  And that mens that Congress is suspended, awaiting CLEAN ELECTIONS throughout the country.  And we start fresh.

If we're going to clean up this country, we're going to have to do a thorough job of it.  And there's more.  But you get the idea.  Think big.

And of course, if it were me, I would in addition:

Institute NESARA, and thus bring in GESARA; thereby eliminating the fiat interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking system, replacing it with gold-backed money, and moving more into electronic transactions, now that it would be safe to do so (under New Management for the planet);

rein in the intelligence agencies, from their ‘spook’ activities;

immediately stop the rollout of (the terribly dangerous) 5G, and clean up the EM systems already in place that are monitoring and controlling us, and affecting us deleteriously;

immediately stop the attempts to roll out mandatory vaccinations throughout the country, and expose the agenda behind it;

switch the country’s emphasis from drug treatment - the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex - to prevention and ’natural’ medicine; and

eliminate the profit motive, in favor of sharing our goods and services with one another - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive: 

out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.  Out of, in a word:


But than, that’s just me.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

On Collusion And Obstruction - The Real Thing

I see, in the latest/March issue of (the excellent) Whistleblower magazine (issue entitled ‘Age Of The Hoax: How the progressive left creates, promotes and celebrates fake crimes’), that Pres. Trump has been accused of being a ‘racist’ not only because of his (national security) stance regarding the flooding into this country of illegal aliens, including drug and gun runners, child sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, and ISIS terrorist-cell operatives just waiting for Der Tag to be announced to them to swing into action.  But because of his position regarding the Charlottesville ‘incident’.  Which was a setup.  Complete with the appalling and abhorrent likes of soda cans filled with cement.  The Antifa thugs having come prepared to break heads.  Not just stage a counter-protest.  And when the original protest was canceled (at the last minute; to make sure there were plenty of attackable bodies there) by the governor, the police conveniently led the original (peaceful) protestors - to the illegal taking-down of a statue - into a trap, and then faded quietly away, out of the picture, to let both sides have at it.  For the waiting cameras of the (fake-news) MSM, to broadcast the (anticipated, and deliberately generated) melee far and wide, through their monopolistic megaphone.  In the concerted attempt going on to bring this country down, via orchestrated us-vs-them clashes just such as that one.

At ‘Ground Zero’ of ‘The Resistance,’ as the mayor was said to have announced for his poorly put-upon city back at the announcement of Trump’s election.  Which set up the whole dastardly business.  

If I were in charge, I would have that mayor’s, and the governor’s, cojones for breakfast.  But to continue.

So, that is what we are up against.  A ‘project’ leading to the equivalent of a Tet Offensive.

In MY country.

And that of millions of patriots like me…

Scurry, you vermin.

Your day is


The Light of Truth is going - at last - to shine through.  And send you creatures back into the darkness, where you belong.  While the rest of humanity gets on with living in the Light of

a New Day.  Alright.  Just not your arrogant, boot-smashing-in-a-face Darkside one.

Welcome to the start of a Golden Age on, and with, this planet, brothers and sisters of

the Light.

It’s time to shine.  And drive out the darkness


How's that for ‘totalitarian,’ you denizens of the deep???

Go on.  Scat.  You have no place in the higher realms.

As this planet, and all of its inhabitants who qualify, go Up a notch.  On the spiral stairway to the heavens.

One successfully graduated 'grade' at a time.

It all being a matter of resonance.

Be in the upgrade.

Or not.

Your choice.

On Keeping My Oar In

1) (Forwarded to a friend an excellent video on the dangers of 5G, and how it is being sold to us by hucksters, and worse.)

I think you sent me this before, but I wanted to make sure that you saw this.

Appalling stuff.  And these people think they have the smarts to rule us???


2) (Response to a friend who forwarded me an article about a local politician who is trying to get the local yokels to buy into the current (orchestrated) push for mandatory vaccination and who in doing so, in order to ‘address’ some concerns, quoted an allopathic doctor who scoffed that ‘you get more aluminum from drinking a can of soda than you do from a vaccine’.  My friend wrote a letter to the local paper pointing out the difference in the body’s response between ingesting aluminum and having it injected straight into the body, bypassing the gi tract.) 

Excellent response.  Well posted.  My hat is off to you.

Good luck with the matter.  Also with another key matter: to stop the use of LED in our streetlights, and the rollout of 5G.  An abominable technology.  Designed to kill us off (both bodily and sperm reduction/contaminating).  Or weaken us; but then Big Pharma can step in, with their bag of tricks, can't they......another key matter, of our times.........

We certainly live in interesting times.  No shortage of worthy causes to engage in.  To exercise our spiritual muscles by.  


3) from NewsWithViews: ‘Insanity, Stupidity, and Utter Chaos in the Wake Of The Muller [sic] Report Release: These Are Your Democrats America’  - Greg Holt - April 20
(A hard-hitting response to how the Dems are doing everything they can to spin the Mueller Report their way, to keep the farce going as long as they can, in order to keep Trump under their guns - and the truth from coming out.  Unfortunately, Holt thinks that “Trump WILL win in a landslide in the 2020 election,” and sees “a very distinct possibility that the Republicans will regain the majority in the House and keep the Senate”.  My  response:)

Dear Greg,

Thank you for this.  One caveat: The Republicans won’t accomplish in the 2018 elections what you suggest  unless they and public commentators like you raise holy hell in forcing the cleaning of the voter registration rolls throughout the country, and pushing for voter photo ID requirements in every state.  

The Democrats are going to go all out to steal that election, better than they thought they had in the 2016 elections.  Their whole scenario depends on it.  They will refuse to lose the country, including the judicial branch, to Trump, and his reaction to their revolution.  They thought they were on their way, until Reagan rode into town on his white horse from the West Coast.  To lose their great opportunity in 2016 to Trump was a terrible blow to them - it won’t happen again.  It will be civil war next time.  If we even get there.

Please help create a tidal wave of Electoral Integrity in this country.  Or the country is doomed, to be torn apart, by criminal elections.

Already in my state, of CA, voting is a crime.  More specifically, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting here is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce; a delusion, an illusion.  They don’t clean the voter reg rolls properly, and they allow illegal aliens and other ineligible voters on the rolls - and have NO ID REQUIREMENT!  It is disgusting.  Please do all that you can to draw attention to this crucial matter.

Thank you.


’Stan’ Stanfield  

So, I’m keeping my oar in.  But getting less and less patient with the process.  I understand that humanity has to ‘rise to the occasion,’ do the job of its deliverance from evil.  But I am getting more and more disgusted with the way things are going - the lying, and general deceit, and pedophilia, and all the rest.  And threats to the Unites States.  MY country…

I’m not going to be able to take it much longer.  Have to live in this environment, this toxic atmosphere.

Something’s got to give.

Today would be a good day for that in which to happen.  When a sizable portion of humanity is filled with the energy of Hope. And Regeneration.

Of Remembrance.  Of what we are here to do.  

And that is most assuredly not just to eat and sleep.

With or without toxicity.


P.S. The friend to whom I forwarded the video on 5G has replied, in part:

“I’m not sure whether this is appropriate or whether it might help, but..

“THE GAME IS UP  We are ‘living’ in a ‘world’ that is corrupt beyond recall.

“So now what?’ etc. etc.

My response, before going to bed, for another day at ‘it’:

Been feeling the same way today.  But with a little more staying power.

The Dark can't last much longer.  It has pretty well shot all of its ammo.  Or at least, enough is known about its plans to see the writing on the wall.  For those who have eyes to see.  

And one never knows what all is going on inside of our casing.  The power of photons, and all that.

Hang in there.  If only to keep me company.  :-)



And on that note:

Tomorrow is another day.