Tuesday, 2 April 2019

'Hold Still, America...

...You're Not Done Being Screwed Just Yet'

Roughly speaking...

Once ensconced in his purloined position of preeminent power, the Usurper began to oversee the establishing of nn illegal surveillance state in this country,(1) readying it for the kill.  But when the electronics expert in charge of the operation began to get concerned about how things were going in that regard, in relation to the spying on the Trump campaign camp going on - a la that of the Nixon end of days - the NWO minions in the Obama FBI office helped to hatch a plot to cover their, er, traces by getting a FISA court warrant taken out to monitor for 'suspected' Russian Collusion amongst the Trump campaign staff, and hopefully to include him personally as well.  Thus was born the (DNC and Clinton campaign-funded) Steele Dossier, and that whole sordid story.(2)  Now beginning to be paid closer attention to, with the getting out of the way of the phony Mueller Special Counsel investigation.

I for one can hardly wait for the final outcome of this story.  And with it, the interdicting of the screwing of Lady Liberty.  Which has been going on

long enough.  And giving birth to all manner of slimy creatures.

Straight out of 1984.



(1) started under his predecessor in the Oval Office, with the orchestrated creation of the (cynically so-called) Patriot Act

(2) The story also involves the leaking of the DNC emails, showing the collusion between the DNC and the Clinton campaign camp to steal the Democrat primaries from Bernie Sanders, and the subsequent murder of the apparent leaker, Seth Rich; the whole Russian Collusion thing being a diversionary tactic to deflect attention away from the real Russian Collusion story: that involving Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation.  But to continue this particular chain of evidence.

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