Friday, 5 April 2019

On Money And Mouths

II have had to curtail my giving ways because a) my rent has been raised twice from a comfortable level in relation to my basic Social Security income, and b) I had spent half of my savings on various and sundry worthy causes anyway, and, not getting any younger, needed to start looking after my own potential needs, especially in relation to health and medical care.  I had to go cold turkey on it all, not being able to draw a line.  But recently I have relented a bit, for some meager but no less sincere contributions to three worthy causes in particular.  

The first was to the M.F.P.A. Inc,, standing for Mouth and Foot Painting Artists.  ‘Over Fifty Years of Self Help’ they say, to these magnificent people who are not letting their various physical conditions determine who they are and what they can do.  What they can do is paint magnificently.  If I had a house I would have at least one of their works up on my wall.  They don’t want a hand out.  Not having the use of their hands anyway.  They simply want to make their own way, prove their worth, given the reality of their personal physical condition.  I couldn’t let them down, in the annual show of their talent and request for financial support as well from their ‘agent’.  

And that opened the spigot a little for me.  My next such response was to CAGOP - the California Republican Party.  They have a new chairman now, in this case a chairwoman, and to judge by her covering letter, she is sincerely interested in the views of her ‘constituents,’ in the form of a Party Survey on our priorities.  It gave me an opportunity to castigate the Repubs in this state for not doing more to force the long-in-control Democrat administration into a cleaning of the voter registration rolls in this state.  Which are desecrated by untold thousands into potentially millions of illegal aliens and other ineligible voters.  On this state’s way to consolidating such voters into a legalized force (‘Hey - just  being a ‘resident’ should be enough to qualify to vote, surely.  Hee hee’), as part of the agenda by our erstwhile masters to ‘land’ their New World Order in the former land of the free and home of the brave.  I sounded off on the matter strenuously.  And put a little donation money behind where my mouth was.    

The third such contribution, the notification about which I received in my mail just yesterday, was to the Legal Defense Fund for Jerome Corsi.  If you are an American, and reasonably aware of what is going on around you, you know what this is all about.  For the others: It is about the brutal fact that Gestapo mentality has taken over in the federal administration of this country.  Until Pres. Trump can drain the swamp of these reptiles and vermin.  In this case, the Hillary supporters on the Mueller Special Counsel team - which was loaded with such creatures* - did everything they could, including threatening to put him in jail for the rest of his life, to intimidate him into coming up with something, anything that they could use to hammer Trump with, in a plea deal.  He refused their, er, entreaties, but, with the conclusion of the Mueller Investigation, the Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Judiciary Committee are still going after him, and he expects to be subpoenaed “at any moment”. 

This is not about legitimate politics.

This is the stuff of thuggery.  Not democracy.

Or maybe it is the form of ‘democracy’ that our Founding Fathers warned us about, as to why they bequeathed to us a republic, based on the rule of law - the form that we could expect from these, our erstwhile masters, if they ever gain the upper hand to rule in this country.

We have been warned.

Are you listening?  Watching?  


Doing anything to head such Darkness off???

Your country needs you.


* “(T)hey let it be known from the very beginning that they despised me. 
   “They hate the books I’ve written, going back to NY Times best-sellers like ‘Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry’ and ‘Obama Nation.’
   “And of course, they have a special disdain for the bombshell book I released earlier last year that ruthlessly exposed the Mueller investigation — ‘Killing the Deep State.’”  (Italics in original)
   As I say:
   Just not with the truncheons.
   And, if we patriots have anything tis say about the matter:
   Not ever.


P.S. While I’m in a lecturing frame of mind; a word to my fellow Americans:
     You are letting your culture be controlled by Hollywood.  Hollywood is infested with people who want to bring this country, and its basic culture, down.  By “basic” I mean the basic values laid down both by the Founding Fathers - i.e., limited government, free enterprise, freedom of expression, a nation functioning under a belief in God, and therefore the people embodying wholesome values as befitting a nation founded under godly principles, of basic honorable dealings with one another, in living a life with respect for one another and the rule of law, not under the despotic rule of men - and the majoritarian culture of Christianity, and the values associated with that religion.  Specifically, for example, as with the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, and so forth.  In sum: the admonition to love one another.
     Yes, there are questions about the actual historicity of the man called Jesus.  And yes, human circumstances can change.  But God does not.  And it’s time to put our house in order, and get back to living our daily lives in alignment with godly principles.  
     Basic principles.  Not base ‘principles’ any longer

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