In the current issue of The New American magazine there is a very interesting article entitled ‘World Government Summit: What You’re Not Supposed to See’ which says, in part:
“These assembled worthies [at the annual three-day WGS event this past February in Dubai], whom the WSG [sic] describes as ‘world leaders, international organizations’ representatives, thinkers, and experts from over 150 countries,’ weighed in on a host of heavy topics, as they discussed ‘shaping the future of the world.’ Indeed, according to the WSG [sic] website, the organization sees itself as ‘a global platform dedicated to shaping the future of governments worldwide.’ ‘Each year,’ it says, ‘the Summit sets the agenda for the next generation of governments.’…
Ever heard of it? No?? Well,that’s part of the deal. So that us little people of the world won’t stir up too much of a fuss over “their globalist plans” for us…
“‘Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,’ the fearsome electronic image of the Wizard of Oz bellowed at Dorothy. That command, of course, was aimed at directing her attention away from the real ‘wizard,’ who was pulling the levers behind the curtain…”
I wonder how many of us ‘little people’ these days understand that the story of the Wizard of Oz was actually all about money. The Wizard of Oz being a reference to gold, as in ounce, and the term standing for it, i.e., oz. And Dorothy being on ‘the yellow brick road’. And in the original story, she was wearing silver slippers…
We are getting rather close to the crux of the matter, here. The whole matter. Of life. And in our times in particular.
Anybody with eyes to see can see that we are at a crucial juncture at this time on this planet. That we have been ruled over by some rather unsavory characters. Characters in the Human Drama. Now coming to a close. As we move into the anteroom of
the Real Thing.
Since we are going to get rid of their form of exchange - their money system: of money as debt - their rule over us and this planet is over. As we move into a whole New Era for humanity; one in which we recognize that we are all gods. Gods in the making. Facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of
The One.
The All That Is. Was. And ever will be.
Not to be ruled over by anybody but our Selves. Our Higher Selves. And ultimately, our Highest Selves. The highest that we could ever be. As creators in our own right. Creators of galaxies and flowers. Of bees and bacteria.
Of all that is, because that is of our most basic nature. Beyond that of the higher-primate template that we incarnate into on this level. In order to go to school. To learn lessons in. Ultimately, to graduate from.
Get ready for a graduation. One among many along
The Way.
This is going to be an interesting ride.
Life as we have known it.
About to change.
For the better.
On our way
The article went on, in referring to the major role that David Rockefeller played in all this:
“(I)n the 1991 Bilderberg Conference, Rockefeller commented off the record, in remarks that were meant only for the elite attendees:
“‘We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and otter great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.’”
Ah yes. Auto-determination. As in ‘government of, by, and for The People’.
As sovereigns in their own right. As the ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ that they are. By their higher natures.
About to be really activated. As we head into a -
the -
New World.
Sans the Power Over Others (POO for short) of our erstwhile masters. Treating us like sheep to be sheared, cattle to be corralled, and culled at will. At their will.
Not that of their Source who sent them.
To play a role in a Drama.
Now reaching its denouement.
Thanks to just such role-players as they have been.
Have taken on.
And did almost - almost -
too good a job of it.
But The People
are back.
And just in the nick of time.
Rather than that of Old Nick.
As personified by these players on the stage of Life.
As personified by these players on the stage of Life.
Life as we have known it.
About to change.
For the better.
On our way
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