Monday, 29 April 2019

Time Of Transition

I have just watched a 3-part video film online entitled ‘Film: How Social-Justice-Warrior Students Took Over Evergreen College,’ about how a bunch of black students in particular - with white students in supporting roles; and the new (white) college president - took over the campus (in Washington State) for a number of days in 2017 in protest about ‘institutional racism’ at the (very liberal) college in particular (with some of the white faculty refusing to buy into the meme that they were, ipso facto, racist), and ‘social justice’ in the country in general.  The specific theme to the film was the fact that a Jewish professor refused to bow to demands of the mob (reminded, at one point, of the Nazis), and ultimately lost his job, but won a court case for some financial redress in the matter, at least  My basic takeaway:

I was reminded of another setting, I think it was in the film ‘The Killing Fields,’ about ‘Year One’ in Cambodia, in which there was a scene where a young female was seen calmly pulling a plastic bag over an old countryman’s head and causing him to suffocate to death.

Kill your parents.  (You know.  The usual revolutionary stuff.)

And the scenes of the students talking up their ‘revolution’ - in the cafeteria, a faculty meeting room, wherever - reminded me of the ‘self-criticism’ sessions in communist takeover countries, and ‘re-education camps’.  And how candidate Hillary even referred to such camps on the campaign trail   For the ’Deplorables’…

Yes, we are that close in this country.  

Now, let me be clear.  I am not saying that blacks do not have grievances in this country.  But may we all learn something from history.  (We are in a classroom.  What are you learning??)  Before we move on.  To post-graduate school, as it were.

And on that note...A fantasy of mine:

With Pres. Trump being too compromised to be able to take us all the way into the New, I would like to be given the opportunity to take to the airwaves - those same airwaves that are being closed down right now, in a concerted algorithm push by the near-monopoly mainstream and social media, to conservative thought (as ‘hate speech,’ or ‘racist,’ or whatever the label du jour, or all of the above) - and say something like:

‘Good evening.

‘I come before you to ask for your assistance as together we prepare America to be the flagship of the fleet of nation-states leading the people of this planet into the heavens - to the stars, and beyond - at this time of transition.

‘More on all of this, later.  For now:

‘This is your Captain speaking.

‘Fasten your seat belts.  And enjoy the ride.  

‘Interesting times are just up ahead.’

And I trust that at some point on this journey we will all be able to sing

‘Come, sing a song of joy
Of love and understanding,
Sing, sing a song of joy
Of love and understanding.’


that we made it.

At least,

most of us.

A shame about those who don’t make the trip.  But

their choice.

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