Wednesday, 17 April 2019

A Brief Religious History

Easter is upon us.  A fitting time for a brief look at the religious history on the planet. 

Which is basically involved with astronomical elements, aka astrotheology.  The Easter business is about the resurrection of life in the spring.  There were many ‘vegetation’ gods over the centuries and cultures, personifications of the theme.  As for this business of ‘themes’: All of the themes in the so-called New Testament story were extant at the time, in relation to other godmen.  Many of whom were also known as the son of God.  Or God’s son.  Aka God’s sun - the Sun.  Which disappears from view in the Northern hemisphere for three days at the time of the winter solstice, being buried in the tomb of the underworld, and then comes miraculously back to life three days later.  Born annually - from a cave, or manger; as the ritual was personified - at December 25th.  In rituals long predating that of the Christian era.

An unfortunate fact of life in our time is that so many of our youth no longer read books, rather, get their info via their smartphones.  Thus, they will never respond to recommendations of reading material.  Therefore, I will post here a brief reference to this subject from an excellent book on the specifics of the subject, called ‘The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold’ by a woman who wrote some of her (consummate) research material under the pen name of Acharya S, as in this case (aka D.M. Murdock).  This, from her chapter titled ‘The Characters’:

“We have seen that there is no evidence for the historicity of the Christian founder, that the earliest Christian proponents were as a whole either utterly credulous or astoundingly deceitful, and that said ‘defenders of the faith’ were compelled under incessant charges of fraud to admit that Christianity was a rehash of older religions.  It has also been demonstrated that the world into which Christianity was born was filled with assorted gods and goddesses, as opposed to a monotheistic vacuum.  In fact, in their fabulous exploits and wondrous powers many of these gods and goddesses were virtually the same as the Christ character, as attested to by the Christian apologists themselves.  In further inspecting this issue we discover that ‘Jesus Christ’ is in fact a compilation of these various gods, who were worshipped and whose dramas were regularly played out by ancient peoples long before the Christian era…

“The Jesus tale incorporated elements from the tales of other deities recorded in this widespread area of the ancient world, including several of the following world saviors, most or all of whom predate the Christian myth…”

There followed quite a long list of such personifications of the traits.*  

All this, of course, is not to say that there is no God.  It is to say that we need to look deeper into the subject, than we have, in our current religions.  

And hopefully, move beyond ‘religion’ - belief - itself.  Into the realm of


And nothing but.

Before we descend terribly into error.

On a global scale.

Light bearers, man your parts to play, in this Drama of our times.  

And for all


* The Major Players:
   Attis of Phrygia; Buddha (Gautama being but one of a longs series of Buddhas); Dionysus/Bacchus;  Hercules/Heracles; Horus/Osiris of Egypt; Krishna of India; Mithra of Persia; Prometheus of Greece; Serapis of Egypt; Zoroaster/Zarathustra; and on it goes, throughout our history on this planet, Saviors and Sons of God. 

   Personifications, all.


P.S. I have referred to D.M. Murdock's research as 'consummate'.  Not to imply that others have not added a considerable amount to the oeuvre.
     One of whom is Ralph Ellis, in his series of books culminating in his 'Jesus, King of Edessa'.  And Flavio Barbiero's 'The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a  Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia'.  And a 'crowning' book to the whole specific subject area: 'Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus' by Joseph Atwill.  The latter demonstrating how members of the imperial household of Vespasian the Father, Titus the elder Son, and Domitian the next in line, conspired to attempt to get first the Jews to stop their incessant rebelling against the yoke of Rome - because of their belief that a militaristic Messiah was going to come and save them from their enemies - and secondly the gentile subjects of the Empire, to believe that the Roman emperor was verily God.  Or at the very least, a God.  To be obeyed.  As told to the Jews: to 'render unto Caesar what is Caesar's,' because their (created) pacifistic Messiah's 'kingdom is not of this world'.  
     And thus the message of despots in our day, in having infiltrated the Christian religion, and attempting to get their flocks to obey the authority of the day.  
     Once they can get Trump out of the way.  For having spoiled their best-laid plans.  Which often happens.
     With both mice and men.
     But then, how would the current generation know about this sort of thing. 
     When all they know is what has been taught to them, by a taken-over educational system.
     And what appears on their smart phones.    
     Doing their thinking for them.
     To the potential slavery of us all.
     Except for our erstwhile masters.
     Getting closer to the outcome that they have hungered for, for a very long while.
     But then, we're talking about 'History' there.
     And everyone knows that the victors write the history.
     Complete with the likes of airbrushing out of photos the images of those who have fallen out of favor with the masters. 
     As happened in the history of the Soviet Union.
     The Soviet who????...............
     I rest my case.

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