Friday, 5 April 2019

Just Sayin'

Just sayin':

I don't take kindly, and more and more so, to the way that my country is being treated.  Especially by its Fifth Columnists.  In the form, mostly, of members of the Democrat Party.  Termites in that formerly respectable part of the two-pary system in this country.  But also, in the Republican Party as well.  For different reasons.  In the first case, and for example (there are others): Allowing, even encouraging, illegal aliens (and others hidden amongst them, scheming to do outright damage to this country) to flood into this country, for their votes, and breakdown of the white and Christian majority in the country; and in the latter case, shortsightedly, for their cheap labor.

Both 'camps' ignoring what life is all about, really.

The point of life not being to make money, and/or to gain Power Over Others (POO for short).  It is to awaken to your essential self; to your true identity.  As 'a spiritual being having a human experience'.  In order to learn lessons.  And thereby, progress on your spiritual path.  To your Completion.*  As a fitting fractal of your Creator Source.

And to avoid getting stuck in the web of the matrix, the classroom in which this lesson-learning takes place.  As so many souls have.  Both as humans.  And as other entities.

As for those earth-bound humans: Many of them are feeling dread and panic these days.  As Dark-side players in the Drama going on.  And beginning to draw to a close.  As the level of consciousness rises, as to what all has been going on.  And with our general awakening.  From within.

God being no dummy.

Get on the Right side of The Process.  While you still can.

And to help this Process reach its Conclusion.

You will be glad you did.

And so will many others.  Of


A/k/a We, the People.


*  Ultimately, in the Transcendental realm.  Try to get your teeth into that one, if you can.

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