Thursday, 25 April 2019

Here We Go Again...

from YouTube: ‘Hannity: Far-left Democratic Party hits new levels of radicalism' - Fox News - April 23 
(Hannity commenting on and showing clips from a debate held on CNN of the Democrat Party candidates for the presidency.  Including Sen. Kamala Harris.  Sigh…
A relative has told me that the question about her birth status is over the apparent fact that neither of her parents were naturalized at the time that she was born.
Either we live by the rule of law or we do not.) 

1 second ago (April 25)

We are witnessing the utter trashing of the Constitution, and thus the end of the federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A.  It is my understanding that Sen. Kamala Harris is not a 'natural born' citizen, the definition of which is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof.  The whole POINT of which eligibility requirement for that particular federal office - and that particular federal office ONLY - was, and is, to make sure that the occupant of that office, who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, would have NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES.  Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S. (in this case).  We are seeing the natural consequences of the failure of the Republican Party to have called the Democrat Party on their nomination of another ineligible candidate for that office in 2008, and, to rub our noses in their [mutual] hijack of the rule of law in this country, that person's renomination, and re-election, in 2012.  I am talking, of course, about the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama.  And why would the Repubs fail to call the Dems on their ineligible candidate for that office?  We saw the answer to that question in 2012, when they allowed into the nomination process for that office their OWN ineligible candidates.  In the forms of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and one or two others.  None of whom is a 'natural born' citizen.

Just thus do nations fall.

I also saw this evening a clip of Lisa Haven’s where she was talking about the New Zealand Mosque shooting and the Church ones in Sri Lanka, and how differently the MSM in this country played the two events.  They emphasized, over and over, that the NZ one was caused by, quote, a “white supremacist,” and how, e.g. the Washington Post had a headline on the other one reading, ‘Christianity under attack: Sri Lanka church bombings stoke far-right anger in the West’.

Come again??   

Oh.  I get it.  A ‘white supremacist’ attacks Muslims in their place of worship in the one instance, and ‘far rightists’ are angry about a tit for tat against ‘them’ in the other.  Christians being, in this narrative, equated with ’whits supremacists’.  Or at least, that is the narrative being employed.  By the NWO crowd behind the agenda being played out on us all.  To stoke SOME kind of war.  Blacks against whites, and vice versa; Christians against Muslims, and vice versa; whatever it takes.  To divide and conquer. 

You never want a good crisis to go to waste, do you, Rahm???  

And I see on the Dave Hodges’ Common Sense Show that Google/Social Media is shadowbanning Christianity…

…and in the current issue of The New American is an article on ‘The War on the Cross,’ on how the far Left is pushing for all manner of such memorials to be taken down in this country…… 

My patience is wearing thin.  And I’m not even a Christian.  But I know a rat when I smell one.

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