Thursday, 18 April 2019

Bordering On Insanity

How our erstwhile masters think:

from ‘All Signs Point to UN Imposed Medical Martial Law Coming to the Southern Border’ - Dave Hodges - April 17
(The CDC, which holds a patent on the Ebola virus (and all future strains of it), also is partners in a vaccine tor it.  What could go wrong???…)

The rule also gives the CDC ultimate authority to carry out medical tests and treatments, stating that “the individual’s consent shall not be considered as a prerequisite to the exercise of any authority.” That’s medically unethical, says Hodge [a professor of public-health law and ethics at Arizona State University], since informed consent has been a bedrock of medicine for decades. “If you don’t get it, you could have additional quarantine, but you don’t get to force informed consent on people.”…

Quote from an article in The Atlantic magazine.  The article itself goes on:

These revelations from The Atlantic are concerning enough. However, the CDC policies are simply expanding the power of medical martial law and when one examines the fine points, it is a license to remove “undesirables”, “deplorables”, and political opponents from society and can do so under the guise of protecting the public. This is where America will truly learn the finer points of FM 39.4 (ie FEMA camps) as the issue of medical martial law was decided under the Obama administration…”  (allowing the UN to come into the country and ‘administer’ ‘resettlement camps’ under the excuse of ‘handling a medical crisis’…)*

This is also the sort of thinking behind the ‘Red Flag’ laws going on the books of various states, whereby just about anybody can report a person for being a potential danger to society and get their guns taken away from them.  All for the good of society, of course.  Meaning, in reality: for the good of the NWO crowd attempting to sabotage and hijack this country.

Quite a scenario.  Be interesting to see how it all plays out.  In

The End

* The article quotes from a previous article at this site:
    ‘Does anyone think that it is very strange that the UN is taking over the training for the newly formed Mexican National Guard which is replacing the Mexican government's Federales? In an April 9, 2019 Washington Post story, the WAPO thinks that is endeavor is perfectly fine with the ultimate intention to flood the United States with crippling blow with a number of incoming immigrants to be so great, that America will never recover.
   “The United Nations claims that it is taking over "human rights" training for a domestic military force. This is double talk to cover the fact that the UN is taking over Mexican law enforcement. And why would the United Nations be interested in taking over Mexican law enforcement? I can give 160 million reasons on why the UN is taking over this so-called "training" role because the UN has set the number of illegal immigrants  designed to enter the United States in the next 2 years at 160 million newly invited guests for dinner.” 

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