April 1st. A timely day to take stock of how we have been fooled. As humans in general, and specifically as Americans.
First, there is the construct itself. 3D life. This cosmos. With all sorts of clues in it, including such things as synchronicities, to indicate it as such. The Big Fool, that one.
For what purpose, you ask?
There are two main schools of thought on that one. Roughly characterized as Dualism and Non-dualism. The school of thought of Dualism holds that there is a demiurge in charge of this realm; an ersatz god, for not having a creative ability on its own, but feeding off of us humans, in particular our baser emotions (k/a ‘loosh’), as its source of energy, and lustful satisfaction. And we - to say, our souls - are constantly reborn here, on the Wheel of Karma, giving it a constant source of satisfaction. And occasionally a soul can escape the Wheel, by engaging in ‘good deeds,’ and moving on its Path, to wherever. So: Reject life in toto. The other school of thought, of Non-dualism, holds that All is part of the Divine Plan; that this 3D realm is a realm of Choice, of Duality-Polarity and seeming Separation, as part of our training, as gods in the making, being fractals of our Creator Source.
I hold to the latter school of thought. That the Dark side of The Process is a necessary edge for us souls to hone ourselves against, in our spiritual development.
But it is hard sometimes not to acknowledge the closeness that the first School is to the Truth.
And speaking of.
I can’t tall you how disgusted I am with much of what is going on these days. To deflect us from the Truth. Including the trashing of the very notion of Truth. Sometimes I want to shake many of you, and say something like:
‘I am ashamed of you people. You have either allowed yourselves largely to be conned by con artists or you are attempting to be the con artists yourselves, in this matter. This terribly important matter, of life, and the Purpose of life. And ‘this terribly important matter’ not just for this country. But for the world. But to speak to my fellow Americans at this point: By buying into the prevailing ethos, laid down by our taken-over education system, and enhanced by the entertainment industry, and promoted by the mainstream and social medias - our ‘institutions,’ of "the long march through" - you are buying into the canard that there is no objective truth; that all is relative, and so we should live our lives accordingly.
‘A sense of morality? All is relative. Lie, cheat, steal - kill, even? No sweat. Whatever It Takes. By Any Means Necessary. What is ‘right’ is whatever advances my agenda and what is ‘wrong’ is whatever impedes it.* All that matters is Power Over Others.’
Poo for short…
I could go on. But you get the idea. Of how those who are intent on taking over and then down this country - in order to establish their totalitarian, top-down New World Order on its ashes - are going about it. And doing such a good job of it.
So far.
I trust that enough souls will awaken to their true natures - as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - and go for the Light. In time. And Time.
But it’s your choice.
To see through the matrix that you have been given to live in.
And come out the other side.
The stronger - more wise - for the experience.
Tomorrow is another day.
In what realm for you, Citizen???
P.S. Speaking of ‘tomorrow,’ and corruption: I don’t mean to imply that the latter is all on the side of the Left. Example.
Dear Congress: We are $22 trillion - that’s trillion. With a T - in debt. And you are still spending, and thinking of spending, like there is no tomorrow??
But perhaps that is the point.
What say you, Democrats and Republicans alike???
As for you both allowing illegal aliens to flood - flood - into this country, and not allow the executive to turn them back at the border.……….......
* That’s how, e.g., the Left can characterize Pres. Trump’s attempts to do his job, for being responsible for the national security of this country, in wanting to build a wall on our southern border, as being ‘immoral”. It is. To them. In their perverted sense of such things.
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