Sunday, 14 April 2019

Say NO To A Lot Of Things...

...But to 5G Especially

Just a quickie.  As things heat up to their Conclusion, on the one hand, and Beginning on the other, a word of advice:

As responsible American citizens, please do your homework on two subjects in particular, which our erstwhile masters are attempting to roll out on us in a big way:

* The phenomenon of mandatory vaccination laws; and

* The 5G 'gimmick'.

I am disgusted with Pres. Trump on the second issue, having just seen a brief video clip wherein and whereby he was pushing the 5G rollout.  He has obviously been brainwashed by his handlers on the subject, made to think that it was simply all about our competitive position in the world.  It is not.  It is about putting all of humanity - those who don't know how to avoid the damage - in extreme danger, from the radiation from the satellites, cell towers, and neighborhood transmitters that will cover every block of every city with EMFs already known to do damage to human biological systems.  And this is going hand in hand with the push by the same next of vipers - the NWO crowd - who are pushing mandatory vaccination laws.  Because vaccines contain, and can contain, substances not just dangerous to our health.  But to our very lives.

As I say: Things are heating up.  In many ways.  Do your homework. And become part of the solution.  Not part of the problem.

A word to the wise.

P.S. A brief comment on vaccines (besides the mercury and aluminum that they contain; and their use by TPTB to inject anti-fertility agents into 3rd World young females; and their use to introduce the HIV virus into the gay community; and their use to introduce killer agents into the rest of us cattle):

Dr. Moskowitz Calls Vaccination "Counterfeit Immunity" 

But why? Well, in part, because vaccines use toxic adjuvants to aggressively overstimulate a TH2 humoral response to cause antibodies to be made against injected antigens while bypassing the all important TH1 cell-mediated immune response which only gets activated during a natural infection process. That means there is no conferred immunity during vaccination, disease is not prevented (though it is suppressed - hence, outbreaks) and death is not prevented. In fact, vaccines destroy immune capacity by causing the immune system to go haywire with all of the toxic ingredients used to agitate it, and that leads to chronic health problems, injury, permanent damage, and death. Want to know why we are vaccine free? 

                                    -  on Stop Mandatory Vaccination - Larry Cook - April 13 2019


P.P.S. A good source for info on the 5G matter: State Of The Nation 2012.

All of this greed, graft and satanic activity will clear up when we go to the new money system, and wring corruption out of our scene.  But in the meantime, you have to do your part.  It can’t be done for you.

Or you don’t get the credit.  And that would defeat your purpose for having chosen to incarnate at this tlme.

Part of that purpose.  The other:

To see in

The New.


P.P.P.S. from ’TX Bill Is Demanding Medical Safety Testing for Vaccines' - Dave Hodges - April 13

Stan Stanfield Sat, 04/13/2019 - 22:20
  • Dave, it's not just the mercury and aluminum in vaccines, causing all sorts of mayhem in our bodies, that is the problem with them. And it's not just the stress on the infant's body that they cause that results in SUID/SIDS (particularly with low vitamin C levels to help counteract the stress). And it's not just the anti-fertility agents that our erstwhile masters lace them with, to try to cull the human population to their NWO-desired levels. It's the specific killer agents, too.

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