Tuesday, 23 April 2019

On Lies And Damn Lies

...And Statistics

In my last blog I referred to the disgustingly dishonest tactic of the New World Order crowd in flooding this country with illegal aliens and other such likely voters in order to use their illegal votes to pry open the system to voting legally merely by ‘residents’.  This is as dishonest and corrupt as that other corrupt subject: AGW/Climate Change.  Thus goes the ‘debate’:

‘How do you feel about how we have made you feel about - I mean, how you feel about Manmade Climate Change?’


’See?  See?’

Indeed I see.  You charlatans. 

And so mentioned in an email response yesterday to a friend who sent me a link to an article, from an ‘academic,’ on ‘Climate Change Deniers,’ calling that ‘category’ the equivalent of a mental illness.  (Shades of the former Soviet Union incarcerating dissidents to The System on the very same spurious grounds.  Totalitarians all thinking alike.)  My response:

I will read this paper when I have time, but I am already put off by the premise.  I have done some amount of homework on the subject of Anthropogenic Global Warming-oops-Climate Change, and I can tell you that there is substantial evidence that it is but part of a political agenda; that the most important evidence is NOT that there are 'Climate-Change deniers' out there (yes, there are; include me as one), but that they have some good points, which the CC proponents have not bothered to look at, or don't want to.  There is something going on - as there has been over the centuries and millennia - but it has mostly to do with the Sun.  And so forth.  But I do appreciate the forwarding of the paper.  It helps me to see what the 'academic' thinking is on that side of the issue.

‘Be well


And synchronistically enough, today I received in the mail the latest issue of The New American, which has a cover story on this very issue; titled ‘Climate Change: It’s (Not That) Complicated’.  Well addressed, it points out the case for the public being bamboozled on this subject.


A couple of reasons.  For one, our Erstwhile Masters feel (there’s that key word in all this; and which allows our EMs to attempt to get gender-confusion past us, and accepted as ‘normal’ - another minority group, for class-warfare purposes) that there are too many of us on the planet, for its carrying capacity.  Some of them are honest about that, er, feeling.  Most of them are dishonest about it, feeling it because there are too many of us for them to be able to control well, in their totalitarian NWO.  So they are painting a bullseye on our chests, as CO2 emitters, and thus trophies for Carbon Credits.  Not just company executives proving how many employees they have eliminated.  (However they do it.  Just fired.  Or via an ‘event’.  Such as happened in 9/11.  In the modern-day equivalent of old-time ‘dead-peasant life insurance’ scams by property owners.)   But for individual bounty hunters.  And why not, when you have cut yourself off from any sense of life having any meaning beyond just in and for itself only…

The other reason has to do further with that desire of theirs to control us.  And is coming on line with more ‘bite’ via the 5G juggernaut.  Example:

‘Dear Resident of Record for (address):

‘It has come to our attention that you are using more energy than you are allotted for your official number of residents.  This is forbidden.  Thus, your energy allotment will be discontinued as of today.


‘Your Overseer

‘P.S. A reminder that it will do you no good to attempt to escape.  Your individual energy signature is on record.  And with The Grid in place, and our Quantum Surveillance System (QSS), we can track you anywhere.  And since our Community Patrol teams will not allow you to sleep rough, you have nowhere to go.  As I said: Goodbye.
     ‘And don’t make a mess of your departure.  Or we will debit the Social Credit of any or all of your Relatives or Friends.  Or a Smartcar will take you to one of our Termination Points for convenient dispatch.
     ‘Either way: You had a choice.  To live within our requirements.  Or not.  You chose the latter.  Do not ever attempt to tell any of your friends that you had no choice in the matter.
     ‘The matter, of our Brave New World succeeding in its glorious intent.’

Or words to that effect.*

Another reason for Pres. Trump needing to wake up, and get advice from outside of his current circle of advisors.  

Aka minders.

* Actually, it would take more the form of the person ‘of record’ being arrested and harvested of their organs before the dispatch of the body.  
   Probably to feed the fish in fish ponds, being harvested themselves.  Fish being such a good ‘brain food,' and all…

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