Friday, 19 April 2019

Heading For Home

In my last blog I talked about such things as The Path and The Way.  I’d like to enlarge on that theme a bit here.  It feels timely.  And Timely.  

When I was deep in my search for capital-t Truth I came across a very interesting set of facts.  In a section of Central America they have a tale of a god-like figure called Quetzalcoatl, translated as the Plumed, or Feathered, Serpent, who taught them their civilizing aspects, of planting & harvesting and time-telling and so forth; and who, in ‘the end’ - at some point - was said to have sailed away, on what they called - within the confines of their vocabulary, and as translated as best as possible - a ‘raft of snakes’.  

Now, let’s think for a moment.  Quetzalcoatl.  The ‘quetzal’ part is a bird.  Thus, a bird-like serpent (the ‘coatl’ part of the name/description).  And a ‘raft of snakes’…I don’t recall that I had come across the subject of Reptilians at that point in time.  But I stored the info away for future reference; and in any event, some of the pieces fit together at that point.  A flying ‘creature’ - something out of the ordinary to the natives - ’sailing’ away.  Flying away.  On a ‘raft of snakes’.  A perfect description, for them, of an image that we have seen in our time: a rocket, with a trailing exhaust, of what could well be called, in an attempt to describe the culturally indescribable, fiery ‘snakes’.

And there is more to the story.  In that there is another ‘player’ in their cosmological tale.  A role, as equally important: a ‘character’ called Tezcatlipoca.  I don’t know what the name stands for.  But the character is a ‘dark’ image of Quetzalcoatl.  Meaning, not a ‘pure’ image; but one as seen through a ‘Smoking (smoky) Mirror’.  That is, that there is something occluding about it/the ‘figure’.  And it is at that point that another piece gets put into place: 

that Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl are considered as twin brothers.  


At this point, let me switch to modern times, and the impression that a leader of the spiritual community where I spent the major part of my adult life had on this sort of subject.  David Spangler, a young American ‘guru’ at the time - this is circa the late ‘60s/early ’70s - heard about the community (even though it was very small at the time) and visited it, and was so impressed with it and its founding principles(1) that he stayed, and became its co-leader, for three years (1970-’73); whereupon he returned to the U.S. - along with a number of the members, who had been attracted to the place via his writings in the first place - to continue on his own path (though he visited a number of times over the following years).(2)  In one of his books (collections of articles that he wrote while a member there) he talked/talks about the ‘roles’ of both ‘the Christ’ - a spiritual station, embodied by an individual or individuals - and Lucifer, as equally important in the story/Drama of Life.  Lucifer being the lord of involution - i.e., coming into matter (for its schooling purposes) - and ‘the Christ’ being the lord of evolution - i.e., beginning to come out of (the pull of) matter, i.e., the lower grade of our schooling.  

I had never heard of that concept before.  But having come across the story of Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca some years earlier, I could relate to it.

As could those aborigines in the jungles of Central America…

The point:

Lucifer has a role - and a vital one - to play in The Drama.  And in fact, without him

there is no Drama.  

No School, for apprentice gods.  Given Choice as part of their development.  On the elementary level.

The Way, then, leading through a Dark valley, to 

the Light.

Of a new Day.

A New Dawn.


And I would dare to say

we’re there.


In a wholesale


With such widespread dishonesty and corruption in general going on, and attempts, well-advanced now, to take down this country, and by and with that malignant act blow out the light of essential/individual Liberty on and for the planet, all setting up its reaction, we are clearly rounding the turn and heading for 


And so I will take over now.

With all so-aligned Lightworkers and -bearers.


The Dark side has been in charge on this planet long enough.  It’s time for a change.  Time for

the Real Thing.    

And to acknowledge the whole of the experience.

For its Purpose.

That being

our graduation.

To higher and higher levels.  On

the Path.

P.S. As for the Reptilian aspect of Quetzalcoatl:
     I understand that there are ‘bad’ Reptilians and ‘good’ Reptilians.
     Sound familiar??

P.P.S. I think there is a difference between 'Lucifer' and 'Satan' in all this.  'Satan' would appear to be a soul who has deliberately mocked the Creator, in staying bound in the lower regions, and hungers for power on his own terms (which he gets from unaware and corrupt incarnates); whereas Lucifer is playing a vital role in The Process.
   We'll find out.  In time.
   And out of it. 


(1) The community - the Findhorn Foundation - was founded by a British couple, Peter and Eileen Caddy, and their spiritual partner, a Canadian woman named Dorothy Maclean.  Peter’s ’shtick’ was 
‘Work is Love in Action’ and ‘Perfection in All Things’ (‘Give of our best in all that you do; for if you don’t, you are letting yourself down, you are letting down Spirit, and you are letting down all those around you who could have been inspired to give of their best by your example’); Eileen’s - who received channeled messages, upon which the community was founded - was ‘Unconditional Love’ and ‘Claim Your Christhood NOW’); and Dorothy’s was ‘Cooperation with Nature,’ based on her perceived connection with the realm of the Devas, which reportedly are the ‘architects’ of the forms behind Nature - not just flowers and such, but mountains and rivers, and even nations.
   It’s all quite a story.  But a long one.  Another time, perhaps.

(2) I went there at the beginning of 1976, after having heard both Peter and David talk about the place at a spiritual convention in Santa Monica at the end of ’75.  I was primed for just such a move, after spiritual events of my own.  All, another story.

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