I see, in the latest/March issue of (the excellent) Whistleblower magazine (issue entitled ‘Age Of The Hoax: How the progressive left creates, promotes and celebrates fake crimes’), that Pres. Trump has been accused of being a ‘racist’ not only because of his (national security) stance regarding the flooding into this country of illegal aliens, including drug and gun runners, child sex traffickers, MS-13 gang members, and ISIS terrorist-cell operatives just waiting for Der Tag to be announced to them to swing into action. But because of his position regarding the Charlottesville ‘incident’. Which was a setup. Complete with the appalling and abhorrent likes of soda cans filled with cement. The Antifa thugs having come prepared to break heads. Not just stage a counter-protest. And when the original protest was canceled (at the last minute; to make sure there were plenty of attackable bodies there) by the governor, the police conveniently led the original (peaceful) protestors - to the illegal taking-down of a statue - into a trap, and then faded quietly away, out of the picture, to let both sides have at it. For the waiting cameras of the (fake-news) MSM, to broadcast the (anticipated, and deliberately generated) melee far and wide, through their monopolistic megaphone. In the concerted attempt going on to bring this country down, via orchestrated us-vs-them clashes just such as that one.
At ‘Ground Zero’ of ‘The Resistance,’ as the mayor was said to have announced for his poorly put-upon city back at the announcement of Trump’s election. Which set up the whole dastardly business.
If I were in charge, I would have that mayor’s, and the governor’s, cojones for breakfast. But to continue.
So, that is what we are up against. A ‘project’ leading to the equivalent of a Tet Offensive.
In MY country.
And that of millions of patriots like me…
Scurry, you vermin.
Your day is
The Light of Truth is going - at last - to shine through. And send you creatures back into the darkness, where you belong. While the rest of humanity gets on with living in the Light of
a New Day. Alright. Just not your arrogant, boot-smashing-in-a-face Darkside one.
Welcome to the start of a Golden Age on, and with, this planet, brothers and sisters of
the Light.
It’s time to shine. And drive out the darkness
How's that for ‘totalitarian,’ you denizens of the deep???
Go on. Scat. You have no place in the higher realms.
As this planet, and all of its inhabitants who qualify, go Up a notch. On the spiral stairway to the heavens.
One successfully graduated 'grade' at a time.
It all being a matter of resonance.
Be in the upgrade.
Or not.
Your choice.
As this planet, and all of its inhabitants who qualify, go Up a notch. On the spiral stairway to the heavens.
One successfully graduated 'grade' at a time.
It all being a matter of resonance.
Be in the upgrade.
Or not.
Your choice.
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