Sunday, 21 April 2019

On Keeping My Oar In

1) (Forwarded to a friend an excellent video on the dangers of 5G, and how it is being sold to us by hucksters, and worse.)

I think you sent me this before, but I wanted to make sure that you saw this.

Appalling stuff.  And these people think they have the smarts to rule us???


2) (Response to a friend who forwarded me an article about a local politician who is trying to get the local yokels to buy into the current (orchestrated) push for mandatory vaccination and who in doing so, in order to ‘address’ some concerns, quoted an allopathic doctor who scoffed that ‘you get more aluminum from drinking a can of soda than you do from a vaccine’.  My friend wrote a letter to the local paper pointing out the difference in the body’s response between ingesting aluminum and having it injected straight into the body, bypassing the gi tract.) 

Excellent response.  Well posted.  My hat is off to you.

Good luck with the matter.  Also with another key matter: to stop the use of LED in our streetlights, and the rollout of 5G.  An abominable technology.  Designed to kill us off (both bodily and sperm reduction/contaminating).  Or weaken us; but then Big Pharma can step in, with their bag of tricks, can't they......another key matter, of our times.........

We certainly live in interesting times.  No shortage of worthy causes to engage in.  To exercise our spiritual muscles by.  


3) from NewsWithViews: ‘Insanity, Stupidity, and Utter Chaos in the Wake Of The Muller [sic] Report Release: These Are Your Democrats America’  - Greg Holt - April 20
(A hard-hitting response to how the Dems are doing everything they can to spin the Mueller Report their way, to keep the farce going as long as they can, in order to keep Trump under their guns - and the truth from coming out.  Unfortunately, Holt thinks that “Trump WILL win in a landslide in the 2020 election,” and sees “a very distinct possibility that the Republicans will regain the majority in the House and keep the Senate”.  My  response:)

Dear Greg,

Thank you for this.  One caveat: The Republicans won’t accomplish in the 2018 elections what you suggest  unless they and public commentators like you raise holy hell in forcing the cleaning of the voter registration rolls throughout the country, and pushing for voter photo ID requirements in every state.  

The Democrats are going to go all out to steal that election, better than they thought they had in the 2016 elections.  Their whole scenario depends on it.  They will refuse to lose the country, including the judicial branch, to Trump, and his reaction to their revolution.  They thought they were on their way, until Reagan rode into town on his white horse from the West Coast.  To lose their great opportunity in 2016 to Trump was a terrible blow to them - it won’t happen again.  It will be civil war next time.  If we even get there.

Please help create a tidal wave of Electoral Integrity in this country.  Or the country is doomed, to be torn apart, by criminal elections.

Already in my state, of CA, voting is a crime.  More specifically, is to aid and abet in the commission of a crime.  Voting here is a scam, a sham, a fake, a fraud, a farce; a delusion, an illusion.  They don’t clean the voter reg rolls properly, and they allow illegal aliens and other ineligible voters on the rolls - and have NO ID REQUIREMENT!  It is disgusting.  Please do all that you can to draw attention to this crucial matter.

Thank you.


’Stan’ Stanfield  

So, I’m keeping my oar in.  But getting less and less patient with the process.  I understand that humanity has to ‘rise to the occasion,’ do the job of its deliverance from evil.  But I am getting more and more disgusted with the way things are going - the lying, and general deceit, and pedophilia, and all the rest.  And threats to the Unites States.  MY country…

I’m not going to be able to take it much longer.  Have to live in this environment, this toxic atmosphere.

Something’s got to give.

Today would be a good day for that in which to happen.  When a sizable portion of humanity is filled with the energy of Hope. And Regeneration.

Of Remembrance.  Of what we are here to do.  

And that is most assuredly not just to eat and sleep.

With or without toxicity.


P.S. The friend to whom I forwarded the video on 5G has replied, in part:

“I’m not sure whether this is appropriate or whether it might help, but..

“THE GAME IS UP  We are ‘living’ in a ‘world’ that is corrupt beyond recall.

“So now what?’ etc. etc.

My response, before going to bed, for another day at ‘it’:

Been feeling the same way today.  But with a little more staying power.

The Dark can't last much longer.  It has pretty well shot all of its ammo.  Or at least, enough is known about its plans to see the writing on the wall.  For those who have eyes to see.  

And one never knows what all is going on inside of our casing.  The power of photons, and all that.

Hang in there.  If only to keep me company.  :-)



And on that note:

Tomorrow is another day.

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