In my first posting here yesterday I referred to the subject of reincarnation. I have heard it said that reincarnation - the notion of it - undercuts the notion of the sanctity of life. That after all, if you’re just going to be born again (not in the Christians sense), that cheapens life. Cheapens one’s attitude towards life.
But to think that way is to fail to grasp the whole picture. Is to fail to ‘get’ that reincarnation - the fact - is a proof that there is more to life than just in and for itself only. That life has a purpose. A Meaning. Ultimately, that the life you save is your own.
Having said all that cosmic stuff: How do I feel about abortion. The subject of the cover story to the current issue of TNA magazine.
This is a complex subject. Which brings into the picture under consideration the whole idea of the U.S’s form of government. Of a federal constitutional republic. Of what level on which do such subjects become legally engaged.
First things first: Abortion.
Not being a female, I can only imagine what it must feel like to find out that you are inadvertently pregnant. And that could be affected by what age you are. And your life circumstances. And so forth. But as to the fetus itself:
This is a vessel for spirit to be expressed on this level. In this realm. As such, ‘it’ is not to be taken lightly. This business that was engaged in so lightly, and callously, by so many females (in particular), leading up to and after Roe, that ‘it’ is only a minuscule bag of tissue, was and has been extremely demeaning, to life and to the process of life itself. And has tended to corrode the idea of the sanctity of life. And as such, is to be abhorred.
Having said that: No female should have to bear the child of her rapist. That is to demean life also. Is to inflict a form of violence on top of an act of violence. So. What to do.
The bottom line should be not to inflict further violence. At the very least, to a fetus that can feel pain. At that point - and at whatever other ‘point’ the fetus is viable, and therefore a human being potentially on its own - it should be brought to term; and if the mother doesn’t want the child, it can be put up for adoption. For which, I understand, there are a huge number of takers, couples who would love to have a child, and for whatever all reasons, have been unable to do so, put the initiating pieces together, on their own.(1)
Now. The subject of the legalities of the matter.
This is a complex matter all on its own as well. Bringing up the incorrect attitude of many Americans, about their, quote, ‘constitutional rights’. Usually in reference to one’s ’First Amendment rights’.
Listen closely:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Emphasis added. The First Amendment, as is the case with all the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, is a list of prohibitions against the federal government. And the list is just a set of examples of such prohibitions; as clarified by and in the 9th and 10th Amendments. The federal government being one of limited and delegated powers - “few and defined,” in the rather authoritative words of the man largely, and fairly, known as the Father of the Constitution, James Madison. The People’s basic rights, in this U.S. form of government, need to be secured for them in their state constitutions.
Which brings up the 14th Amendment. Where, for the first time, the Constitution under which the U.S.A. functions began to refer to matters from the national government to the States. To wit:
“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
The purpose, of this post-Civil War amendment, being to secure American citizenship for the newly freed black slaves, and all the rights and privileges of said citizenship. So, for the first time, the U.S. Constitution began to refer from the federal/national government to the States.
Note: This amendment does NOT give carte blanche to the federal government to encroach on what is called state’s rights willy nilly; does not say, in effect, ‘All the rights and powers formerly reserved to the States or to the people shall now reside in the federal government.’ The citizenry still live under the rule of law of their individual State constitutions - the “due process of law” it referred to. But ‘the 14th’ has been played like a fiddle, by shyster lawyer types - including judges - fiddling with the law, and been made to say more than what it actually says, and its authors meant. As the nation has been cut adrift from its moorings in the rule of law, and been made to ply the waters of duplicity and deceit, in said shysters taking the nation away from its moorings in the law’s original meaning and intent, and been made to be a pretense of itself, as ‘a living document’.(2)
Which has gotten us into a whole can of worms. Including the fact that the 14th Amendment was never rightly ratified.
Along with some of the other amendments to the original contract.
As I say: A can of worms.
So. What to do.
I’ve got an idea.
I’ll take over now.
And take us into
the New World
just waiting for us to see it on the horizon.
And sail there. With the U.S. being the flagship of the fleet of nation-states embarking on that Source-blessed journey.
As we all listen to
our Higher Selves.
And move out from under the weight of
The Play
My Message to The American People
Start living up to yourselves. Not down to yourselves, as poor sinners needing someone else to save you. Save yourself. As the child of God that you are, and of right ought to be.
And together, we will change the course of this ship of state a bit, and head for the sunlight of
a New Day.
The true sunlight. Of the true
New Day.
(1) Which brings up another major subject on its own. But to continue, here, for now.
And to also note at this pause point: To a female whose brain has been ‘masculinized,’ to whatever degree on a spectrum, a fetus could well feel like a tumor growing in her, and she could well want to get rid of it - have it excised - with that sort of feeling dominating the situation. All of which is another subject, to this particular blog.
(2) This has been pretended under a ‘principle’ called ‘incorporation,’ whereby shyster lawyers and judges have pretended that it has happened, whereby all of the original/previous powers left within the jurisdiction of the states were ‘incorporated’ under the wording of this amendment into being under the jurisdiction of the federal government. But that was, has been, and still is a fiction
Needing to be dealt with.
Including how we do have some basic rights as U.S. citizens. Not just citizens of our respective states. What a mess.
As I say: …
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