Thursday, 25 April 2019

The Law 101

'Nothing To See Here, Folks.
   Just Keep Moving Along.'

Shyster lawyers and law professors and judges picked the wrong country to ply their trade in, in attempting to make of The Law and the rule of law in this country a moveable feast, a so-cailed - by them - 'living document' subject to interpretation by them merely on the basis of their personal socio-political proclivities.  In playing a shell game of it, whereby words mean what they say they mean.  As in application of the satanic 'principle' that everything is relative; that 'there is nothing right nor wrong but thinking makes it so'.  That what is right is whatever advances one's agenda and what is wrong is whatever impedes it.

All, as beautifully laid out in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'.  By the cynical, and sinister, philosophy of 'Whatever It Takes'.  'By Any Means Necessary.'   Lie, cheat, steal.  Kill, even.  Whatever it takes, to advance and accomplish your agenda.

And just so, do we have the bulk of the mainstream media (and social media) of our day.  Seemingly enamored of the idea that mud sticks.  Whatever advances your agenda, put it out there (with as much spin as you can put on it, like a curve ball); and if you have to correct it at some point, put your 'correction' - remember, it's all relative to them - on the equivalent of page 40.  In small print.  Days later.  And meanwhile, the mud is sticking.  Snicker.  Snicker.

No.  More.

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