My Fellow Americans:
I come before you today to give you the apparently still, and tragic, news to you that you have almost - almost - sold out your country. More specifically, that while you have been largely asleep, just doing your personal thing, you have been sold out by your politicians, of both major political parties; your mainstream media, which you have allowed to become extremely, and dangerously, monopolized; and your educators, who have failed to give you a decent grounding of information regarding the history and government of your country. And not just by accident, But by measured, and sinister, intent and agenda. The agenda of totalitarians, to take over this country, as the main stumbling block on their way to the takeover of the entire planet. That is to say, the attempted takeover of the entire planet. By devious entities, looking to enslave you to their ambitions. Of total control over you. To treat you like sheep to be sheared, cattle to be corralled and culled at will. Their will. Their demonic will.
As they work with the Marxist, and atheistic, idea that there are no absolutes, that everything is relative; that ‘there is nothing right nor wrong but thinking makes it so’ - that what is ‘right’ is whatever advances one’s agenda and whatever is ‘wrong’ is whatever impedes it. Including even scientific truth.
Two plus two equals four. Or five. Or whatever ‘you’ want it to equal. As one rationalizes the matter according to the ‘principle’ as noted above, about what is right and what is wrong, to the relativists amongst us.
And so one can understand, to a certain extent, by such devious measures, how they got away with purloining the presidency of our country - and almost, almost, the country itself - by that Usurper calling himself, in his adulthood, Barack Hussein Obama.
How else to explain, other than by the tactic as noted above, how the plotters got away with their hijack of that office, and the consequent measures towards hijack of the country under his period of rule, and to have been totally signed off on by his Democrat Party successor?? Anybody with any decent understanding of the matter would know that the constitutional Framers, in fashioning the eligibility requirements for the office of the presidency, included the requirement that the candidate for, and occupant of, that particular office - and that particular federal office only, as an indication of its special nature in their eyes, and which factor I will address in its particular in a moment - would have NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Would have SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States.
How could they do this? By doing the best that they could, in their time; and leaving it up to future generations to hold the line, as they attempted to do, regarding this extremely important matter - as befitting that particular federal office, whose occupant would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces(1) - by requiring its occupant to have been born, quote, “in the country, of parents who are citizens”.
The quote is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattel’s ’The Law of Nations’.(2) Three copies of which source, as a matter of fact would have it, it is known that Benjamin Franklin, the Framers’s respected and elder mentor, and a delegate himself to those proceedings, was in possession. And so, not so incidentally, if any of those delegates were unsure of what they were being asked to include as one of the eligibility requirements for an occupant of the presidential office, all they would have had to do was to ask Msr. Franklin, sitting right there amongst them.
And that definition - of, quote, a ‘natural born’ citizen - was as well underscored, in the historical record, by the fact that Alexander Hamilton, in his role as a delegate himself to those Constitution-drafting proceedings, made a proposal that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen” - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., one born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof.
And I put it to you that the politicians of our day were fully aware of this definition of the term, and that eligibility requirement for that office, since both major parties tried a total of eight times, between 2003 and 2008 alone, to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress on this very issue - all the proposals having this particular factor as their common denominator - and they failed each time even to get their proposals out of committee, such was the sensitivity around this issue, of the citizenship requirement in particular. So: THEY KNEW.
And have known. What they were up to.
Which was, and is, the attempted overthrow of this nation. In order to make of the former United States of America merely a part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order. Which they planned to rule with an iron fist. With no more of the likes of freedom of expression.
As is being mirrored in the Red China of our day.
And in the taking down of conservative points of view on the mainstream media, and social media, of cur day, Here. In the former land of the free. And home of the brave.
Former, that is. Unless my fellow Americans rise to the occasion. That they were born to engage in. Whether they are aware of it or not.
Under the suffocating cloak of misinformation that they have been covered. Like a beast of burden. To be ridden by their erstwhile masters. Who need, now, to be thrown off.
And the land returned to its Promised Land status. Of a people who would be FREE.
From such yokes. Stifling them. Keeping them from uncovering their true potential.
As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.
And at a particularly crucial time in that endeavor.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
(1) A particular concern, as indicated by a letter by a leading statesman of the time to G. Washington in his role as Chair of the Convention proceedings; to wit:
“Dear Sir,
“Permit me to hint, whether it would not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Command in chief of the american army shall not be given to, nor devolved on, any but a natural born citizen.”
This letter - dated July 25, 1787 - was from John Jay. Who became one of the three (anonymous) authors of the Federalist Papers, a series of newspaper essays (beautifully) analyzing the proposed Constitution with the intention of selling the new government to the country’s people. And who also became, not so incidentally, the first Chief Justice of the new United States. A formidable statesman, then. Knowing whereof he spoke, regarding such matters.
And very prescient he was, too.
(2) Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212. Look it up. It’s right here on the Internet.
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