Wednesday, 3 April 2019

What Is The World Coming To

A good friend has sent me numerous articles over the last few years on the flat earth theory.  I have been willing to peruse them, because there is considerable good evidence that there is no curvature between points quite far distant from one another.  (Ships can be seen whole via telescope or telescopic lens still above the horizon at quite a distance, e.g.  Unlike the 'story' of Columbus, and his supposed 'Eureka' moment.)  But the planet is a very huge, er, ball...and I still have fallen back on a few basic points to discount the notion.

One is a letter to a very interesting alternative magazine a few years back - NEXUS magazine - from a yachtsman who denigrated the idea based on the fact that he plotted his trips via trigonometry, not geometry.  And I put that alongside other facts that I knew of from personal experience (for having lived in Australia for some years in the '90s): that the night sky overhead, er, Down Under is different from the one, er, Up Here (Polaris and the Big Dipper vs. the Southern Cross, e.g.); and two, that the seasons, er, Down Under are the exact opposite of get the idea.  And the business about the precession of the equinoxes from the tilt of our, er, globe.  But I have to put all that alongside something that I have just come across.

First, a comment.  I have long wondered, in this whole business, why, e.g., a plane taking off from New York City for L.A. couldn't just fly around overhead in place for a while, and let the earth's rotation bring L.A. down below it, for it simply to land there.  The thinking seems to be that the earth's atmosphere moves with it - otherwise there would be severe winds all the time, in its rotation underneath its atmosphere; or something - and so that somehow answers my question.  Well...but I let that one go.  Along with the question in my mind about a plane landing on a moving landing strip.   They don't seem to compensate for that movement...

But to move on.  (As it were.)  I have also discounted the maps of passenger airline flights which have them concentrated above the equator, because - I figured - it would be more dangerous to fly over vast stretches of ocean, er, down south, and also more expensive, than being able to land in some land-mass destination spots along the way.  But to get to the intriguing piece to the puzzle that has just come my way:

I have just this past day listened online to an interview with a pilot of many years' experience who began to question this whole business somewhere along the, er, way and reported that he plotted a straight-iine course between Brisbane and New York City.  But in doing so, he found himself, in reality, flying not over northern Mexico to get to NYC.  But Alaska.

Precisely as would be the case if the earth were, in very point of fact, flat.*

Where am I going with this  (As it were.)

We are getting into Jewish religious literature here.  The Bible.  Genesis.  Wherein it talks about the 'firmament' as though it were a dome.  Over a flat earth.

Now wait a minute.  What about comets and things like that.  Take Halley's Comet, which returns, right on time, every 72 years (or whatever it is).  And meteorites, and such.  Now, I grant that there is considerable evidence that NASA faked the Moon landings (to beat the Soviets in that race, and turn them off from attempting it, without the prestige factor available to them any longer).  But.   But.  But.........

And the Christians are hailing all this - and circumstances currently in the world, bringing to 'life' various comments in the so-called New Testament regarding conditions leading up to 'the Last Days'  - as The Signs of The Second Coming.  Which my research has led me to believe occurred with the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple there by Titus, painted by a plotter as the Son of Man, come not as anticipated to lead the Jews into military victory over their enemies, looking more and more to them like the Roman emperor of that time, but to be chastised for not bending the knee to him, as their lord and master in this world.  As signified by the material written after the fact to lead them to that conclusion, regarding such passages in that collection (coming to be known to posterity as the New Testament) as 'Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's' and 'Obey authority' and 'My kingdom is not of this world'.  Passages designed to make the Jews wake up to the power of Rome, and the folly of opposing it head-on.  In order, rather, to live to fight another day.  As Josephus did.  Josephus, the Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian, who saw the writing on the wall, in the Jewish Revolt going on at that time, and finagled his way into the imperial household of Vespasian, Titus's father.  By making him out to be a God over his messianic Son, Titus.  And then the younger son, Domitian, in his turn at the helm of the Roman empire.  While Josephus's fellow priestly-line friends, whom he brought with him into the safety of said household, became bishops - and even popes further down the road - of the new religion, Christianity.  And Josephus himself became someone else; a character in his writings: Saul become Paul.

All, another story.  But you get the idea.

History - and the Earth itself - are huge mysteries.

Obviously for a purpose.

That we are beginning to solve.

Or at least, become more aware of.


What is the world - and its inhabitants - coming to.

After all.

P.S. Which situation also seems to contain the very peculiar business of our current Sun seeming to be a simulation.
     As things get curiouser and curiouser.
     By the day.  Into
     The New.
     Whatever all that will entail.


* He reported that they were/are trained to plot their flight paths 'as though it were on a flat plane'.  But their manuals never subsequently change to allow for the 'real' situation.
   Because they already are???...

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