To the American Congress, Assembled:
For the benefit of some of you, let me summarize a matter of state:
The Constitution of the United States - that is to say, the law of the land - contains a particular eligibility requirement for the office of the presidency - and that particular federal office only, signifying its special nature in the eyes of the constitutional Framers. That eligibility requirement being, of the person occupying that office needing to be a, quote, ‘natural born’ citizen. As befitting an office whose occupant becomes as well, then, the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces. That birth requirement, then, making sure - at least as sure as the constitutional Framers could make of the matter in their day - that the occupant of that office had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the United States. The definition of a ‘natural born’ citizen - according to the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters; which there is ample evidence that the Framers were well aware of - being a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens”. Unquote.*
And that eligibility requirement for that particular office STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.
How in the world has this matter escaped the attention of the American people. Born to believe in, and live in, a government of, by, and for The People. And thus, their responsibility. Not just that of their elected representatives. Who demonstrated that truth, and in spades, when those representatives, of both major political parties of our day, allowed an ineligible citizen to occupy that office, in the elections both of 2008 and 2012. And thus, the citizenry having had an additional four years to find out the truth of the matter.
And act on it accordingly.
I can only conclude that the American people put too much faith in their elected representatives, to do the right thing, while in office.
Big mistake.
And we are not just talking about the Democrat Party being corrupt up to its eyeballs in this treasonous matter, in signing off unlawfully on the eligibility of their candidate for that office in 2008, and - as if that were not bad enough - again in 2012. The Republican Party engaged in this treasonous affair as well. One can only conclude, and as well, based on the history of the matter after the original breach in the wall of the Constitution - the rule of law in this country - that the officials of the Republican Party said to their counterparts in the Democrat Party the likes of, ‘We will not say anything about your candidate, if you will not say anything about any of the candidates that we will put up for the office, who may not strictly qualify for this, er, ’guideline’ regarding a candidate’s birth circumstances.' And lo and behold: the Republican Party officials put up not just one, and not just two, but even more such ineligible candidates for that particular office come the primary elections of 2016.
Thus making of the Constitution - the rule of law in this country - a wet noodle. A dead letter. Reducing said rule of law to the rule of men. Also known as arbitrary law. Also known as
And I, for one American, will - not - have it.
Accordingly - and given the nature of the national and world scene at this particular point in time - I will take over now, the reins of MY country. Under a particularly critical state of national emergency. And not only arrest the Usurper, for fraud, perjury, and treason. And dismiss all of the people that he appointed to the various executive-branch agencies and departments - and including to the SCOTUS, and inferior courts. And likewise rubbish bin all the legislation that he signed into law. And all of the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he issued. For it to be as though he had never been in that position. For, he was never there legally. But also, arrest the officials of both of the political parties responsible for this atrocious behavior, and assault against the Constitution; fine those parties heavily, and then have them dissolved, for their corrupt behavior, under RICO statutes regarding such entities.
And you can sit down. You are not going anywhere. Just yet. The Capitol is surrounded by Federal marshals.
I will now talk over your little pointy heads directly to the American people. You can listen in, if you are so inclined. To hear some Truth-telling. For a change.
The New World Order Deep State planned-for invasion of this country, by mercenaries from Central America and Middle Eastern terrorist groups and UN forces, is called off on account of reign. My reign. A roundup of such forces is occurring as we speak. Along with those federal, state, county and local officials whom we have been able to identify so far as being involved in this plot - especially including the mayors of those cities designating themselves as Sanctuary Cities, and the governors of those states designating themselves as such - to take over this country, and make of it merely a part of a region of the totalitarian New World Order planned for it by the Dark side.
That Day is done. It’s time for
the Real Thing.
More to come. For now; and to speak again now to those sellouts in attendance here in this corrupt body:
Sergeants at Arms:
Take them away. To await their trials.
And incarceration in FEMA camps until their day in court.
Under New Management, alright.
Just not that of the satanic forces, who have hankered for Power Over Others long enough.
It’s time to put them out of their misery.
And ours.
In order to get on with the business at hand: the creation of
a New World.
Under God.
A big surprise to some.
Who have just not been paying enough attention.
To what all has been going on.
Under their very noses.
As they were too engaged in their personal lives
to look out for all life.
Including that beyond our current ability to apprehend.
Where moth and rust doth not corrupt.
Verifying, that life as we know it has a Purpose beyond just in and for itself only. Is not the be-all and end-all of existence.
Is a school. And the purpose is
to graduate.
In stages.
Welcome to the next stage.
One and All
who are ready.
* Emer de Vattel: 'The Law of Nations,' Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.
Three copies of which Benjamin Franklin, the constitutional Framers's elder and well-respected mentor, and sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those proceedings, is known to have had, he thought of it so highly. As well, giving one of the copies to the Continental Congress, for their edification on the subject.
Three copies of which Benjamin Franklin, the constitutional Framers's elder and well-respected mentor, and sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those proceedings, is known to have had, he thought of it so highly. As well, giving one of the copies to the Continental Congress, for their edification on the subject.
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