Saturday, 6 April 2019

On Days Being Numbered

Austin, Texas must be an interesting place in which to live.  Just yesterday I came across a beautiful story in my emails about a guy who put years of effort into creating a mini-home community for the homeless there - which is on the verge now of expanding.  And is helping the villagers gain vocational skills - in “micro-enterprise opportunities” - to further get back on their feet.

Another form of vocational skill developing is also going on in Austin, I see.  A mailing that I just recently received talked in part about how the city of Austin is now compelling churches to hire homosexual and transgender pastors.  Which is contrary to Christian teaching.  But no matter.  This is increasingly the Brave New World in American culture and legal norms.  Including our children being taken to hear from a drag queen during - get this - career day.  With our kids - as young as the age of three - regularly being exposed to this sort of thing.  Not just to begin to let them be aware of the BNW that they are growing up into.  But actually even to encourage the kids to see this sort of thing as “glamorous” and “positive”.

One of these characters calls himself/herself/itself ‘Jessica L’Whor’.  Hey - why not have a real whore pitch her role-model career choice to little kids too??  And explaining what the word means while she is at it???  Or he.  In the latter case, perhaps adding the meaning of ‘gigolo’ to the mix...*   

It really is not on for our schools to be encouraging impressionable little children to think that they should consider the cross-dressing sexual disorientation for themselves as well; as though the LGBTQ+ scene is simply a matter of something to be decided off the top of their head.  Rather than deep in their brain.  As having been affected in the womb by environmental circumstances.  Which evidence of something wrong going on in our environment, to cause this epidemic of gender confusion to reach such alarming proportions and to continue, should have been addressed long ago.  By a society with its head reasonably screwed on.  Rather than up.

Oh  And we were speaking of Austin, before I got so rudely sidetracked.  That fair city is also the home of Alex Jones’s studios.

Go figure that one, in this context.

Only in America.

But not much longer.

A change is coming through.

And just in time, apparently.

P.S. That change includes this business of our children increasingly being seen as the property of the state.  Not the responsibility of their parents.  In which BNW children are taken off to see a session with a drag queen even against the specific wishes of the child's parents.  (This is public schools, remember.  Being paid for by the parents.)  And vaccinated against the better advices of their parents.  Many of whom have done so much of their homework on this matter that they are rightly outraged at this wholesale takeover of their, and the nation's, children.
     As I say...


* I do not mean to demean 'drag queens' - the LGBTQ+ crowd - per se.  I take exception to their often going too far, in attempting to claim their place in society; sometimes implying, or outright claiming, that their condition is 'normal'.  It is not.  Should be seen for what it is:
    a canary in a coal mine.
   Read on...

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