Friday, 26 April 2019

Letter To The White House...

...And Further Commentary

To: Pres. Donal J. Trump
     The White House

Date: April 26 2019

Dear Pres. Trump,

One of the eligibility requirements for the office that you hold is that the person needs to be a "natural born citizen".  The definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-building matters, Emer de Vattell's 'The Law of Nations,' defines that term as a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens". (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212.)   And as proof that that was, indeed, their intention, Alexander Hamilton, as a delegate to those proceedings, made a proposal there that the president need only be, quote, "born a Citizen" - and his proposal was SPECIFICALLY TURNED DOWN, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., that that person needed to be born 'of the country' - jus soli - and 'of the blood' - jus sanguinis.  BOTH PARENTS.

As a citizen of this country - and a NBC at that - I expect you to do what is necessary to set things to rights in this country - fully.     

Yours in truth,

Duane 'Stan' Stanfield


…and then, moving beyond the Drama (as e.g. in New Zealand with the UN’s small arms policy leading the way to the government there starting to go door-to-door and confiscating their citizenry’s weapons of self-defense; and that policy starting to be implemented in this country via the so-called Red Flag gun control laws; and Hispanic drug-cartel members and illegal aliens joining the U.S. military in order to compromise it, and under the command of many of Manchurian Candidate Obama’s appointees; and the poisoning of deer and elk in order to keep patriots from being able to live off the land when Der Tag is called and during the (attempted) takeover period; and the ‘new flu’ (actually a fungus) being rolled out as a bioweapon device, to get everybody vaccinated with toxic shots, and thus the moves in many states now to implement mandatory vaccinations, as the Darkside’s plans begin to come to a head, before Trump can cause any more damage to their best-laid plans): 

  The Game

I didn’t come here -
Down the octaves - 
To play The Game
Of third-dimensional
Life, in repetitive Time.
       I came here
To close it down,
      and open up
The Real Thing
For our next level
Of exploration.

Get with the mission
Or be left behind.
Your choice.

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