I am a racist…
…according to the far Left’s definition of the term, because I am opposed to the flooding over our borders into this country of illegal aliens, along with ersatz ‘refugees,’ drug and gun runners, child and adult sex traffickers, Central American and Middle Eastern terrorists, MS-13 and other gang members; and on the list goes, of unvetted (or poorly vetted; or escapees into the interior) people who in their various ways are being used to sabotage and overthrow this country. As part of the Left’s campaign of ‘Resistance,’ to the administration of Pres.Trump, who, contrary to their high expectations of having fixed the 2016 elections (aided and abetted in their belief by the monopolistic MSM; with the social media platforms swinging into the 'party' line subsequently, with their heavy, and outrageous, censoring of 'conservative' perspectives), won the presidency, and thus foiled the Left’s best-laid plans. Of many years. And thus, they are highly pissed; and aim, not only to reverse the outcome of said election. But do the whole business in. Of a United States of America. And establish in its place merely a part of a region of their totalitarian New World Order.
Or at least, the NWO of their actual masters. Who are not Leftists so much as corporate heavies, not above using the classic Left (think the likes of Watermelons) as cannon fodder, to achieve their ambitions. Of controlling the whole world, at last. Which brings me to the next such partisan term to describe me:
I am an anti-Semite…
…according to the far Left and the far Right’s definition of the term, because I don’t think that either the state of Israel or the dual Israeli-American citizens in this country should be above legitimate criticism. The latter, when they exert undue control over the foreign policy of this country, constantly in the favor of the state of israel, and over the domestic policies of this country, in the favor of big government, ruling over the people with the power of a totalitarian, or at the very least, autocratic/dictatorial, state. And thus, continually attempting to take it over. As they did Russia, finally in the 1917 Revolution; and installed a reign of terror, as their base for 'international socialism,’ i.e., world domination and control by them. As part of their belief in their being a/the Chosen People. If many of them are actually pure atheists.
No, I take that back. Not ‘pure’ atheists. Many of them being outright satanists. And thus the reason why they have tried for centuries to overthrow Christianity. And would bring the whole of Western civilization down with them, if need be, to accomplish their goal; building their Dark kingdom on its ashes.*
But let me, in this particular, blog, continue, to the propagandic charge that
I am a sexist…
…according to the statists’s definition of the term (i.e, of both the far Left and the far Right), because I believe that the American people were suckered into ‘feminism’ and ‘Women’s Lib;’ in part to get more bodies into the work force, for their taxes, to be siphoned off by TPTB, and in part to break down the family unit, and thereby increase the role of the state in the ‘bringing up’ of/responsibility for the children. As all good statists wish for, from both the far Left and the far Right; communists and fascists alike.
But wait - there’s more. Not to forget the charge that
I am a homophobe…
… according to these, our erstwhile masters, and their foot-soldier minions, because I don’t believe that the LGBTQ+ spectrum is normal, and know for a fact that it is not (and needs to be identified as such, for appropriate correction of the causes to take place). That those on this spectrum are being used as cannon fodder, as just another minority group being used to bring down the established order, and usher in our e.m.’s New World Order.
Nothing wrong with a New World Order.
It all depends on which side it is on. And of.
The Dark. Or
the Light.
Take your pick, Citizen.
And you had better hurry in making your choice. Because
it is all down now either to the wheat. Or the chaff.
And I would hate to see a lot of you
blowing away with the wind.
In and of the New Day just ahead.
Characterized primarily by a whole new monetary and financial system.
But of more on that:
another time.
But soon.
Very. Soon.
* And not to get here into the subject of a question about their being, in fact, Semites; the most of Western Jews being descendants from a converted peoples, the Khazarians, who were, apparently, a Turkic people; and so the true Semites are the Arabs. But precisely who this ‘Turkic’ people were, to say, their actual origins, is lost in the mists of time. As far as I have been able to trace. And so, whether they were originally descended from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel or not is a moot point.
It doesn’t change their desired outcome. They still want to control the world.
P.S. I almost forgot about being Islamophobic, according to the narrative on such things; because the Muslims in general are not assimilating into the U.S. legal system in particular, insist on their own, Sharia, law, which in many ways is incompatible with the U.S. legal system. And it is a supremacist religion, and actually total lifestyle, not allowing its adherents to live and let live.
I don’t see how it’s going to make it in this country. Which is not going to go the way of so many other countries in history. Meaning, under that thumb.
Believe me.
P.P.S. Let there be no mistake where I stand on issues. I stand on the side of transparency and truth. And a truth currently needing to be expressed and addressed is deep concern for the precipitously rushed rollout of 5G going on, even before it has been properly vetted for its major safety issues.
Why Pres. Trump is allowing this I don’t know. I presume it is money talking - and big, big money at that. For whatever reason: This is a place where both liberals and conservatives can come together - even perhaps the far Left. (Watermelons, where are you when we really need you??)
More to come on this extremely important matter alone.
But to close on perhaps a 'conciliatory' note:
Please note that what we are involved in is a Synthesis. Not an either/or situation.
There is plenty of space wherein and whereby both sides of the current socio-econo-political scene can make common cause.
Indeed, it is the way forward.
And Up. Out of the level of the 'problem'.
To be thus solved.
Indeed, it is the way forward.
And Up. Out of the level of the 'problem'.
To be thus solved.
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