In my lsat blog I referred to Orwell’s 1984, and its reference to ‘Facecrime,’ that was applied in reality to Nick Sandmann in the recent ’Confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial’. By our modern-day Thought Police, in charge in particular of the major social media platforms (FB, Twitter, YT, Google), with their blatant attempts to ‘control the narrative,’ in the form of censoring - ‘shadow banning’ and censoring outright - conservative comment. Not just what could possibly be called ‘hate speech’. But anything that deviates from the ‘official narrative’. According to their totalitarian thinking.
These Bolsheviks. These Maoists. Of our time.
Who operate by the belief system of ‘Free speech for me but not for three’. Because they are so wedded, so committed, to their vision for the future. Of nothing less than 1984 Revisited.
What a weak vision for the future.
And not just weak.
But toxic.
Devastating. To the human spirit.
Which, rather, is enhanced by the American principle of
free speech.
Of Voltaire’s philosophy; translated as ‘I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it’.
Come on, Americans.
You can do better than this.
Seemingly lying down in the face of this onslaught on all that makes us a cut above the animals.
Stand up.
Stand strong.
And God will be with you.
In your throwing off of such chains. As would bind you to the iron wheel of your erstwhile masters forever. Plugging away. Pulling away. Like a good slave would.
Or is it ‘as’?
But then, how would you know.
You know - or at least seem to know - only what your erstwhile masters have directed you to know.
Controlling your ability to read material outside of the authorized material submitted to you, to digest. And parrot back. ‘Yes sir.’ ‘No sir.’ ‘Three bags full, sir.’
Get up off your knees.
And stop licking the ass of your erstwhile masters.
You can do better than this.
you were born to be able to do better than this.
Because you are a child of God.
A fractal of The One.
A fractal of The One.
Not a plaything of a demented creature, which lost its way in Matter, and decided to attempt to rule all that it surveyed.
Let’s see your best.
Not your worst.
And it had better be soon.
you don’t have much more time.
To make up your mind.
Which Master you will serve.
Or that decision will be made for you.
by you.
As a free-willed soul. Capable of making up your own mind.
About to be turned into
merely a machine.
Automatically serving your unknown Master.
For not having any sort of normal human say in the matter.
I hate to see you on your knees, before arrogant would-be masters.
Stand up.
Stand tall.
That’s the ticket, to the future.
A better future.
The better future.
Which is just waiting for you.
To inherit it.
Like -
or as -
the child of God that you are.
No matter what your erstwhile masters attempt to make you into.
In service to them.
On your knees.
And even if that’s only metaphorically speaking. When they make you into
a mere
With no say in
Stuck in The Process as you will have become.
Because you failed to act -
of your own volition -
As we speak.
And time as well to get -
really get -
the Other
And You
the Other.
Since All
This message, in the spirit of our collective awareness, and awakening: your
Elder Brother
What - did you think that this was all for nothing??
We are all heading up a mountain. We each have our own path up it, is all.
Good luck on your particular journey.
But journey it is.
it’s in your DNA.
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