Saturday, 16 March 2019

On Troughs And Waves

In an interesting and excellent article in the February 18th issue of TNA on the Federal Reserve(1) I see that its public/stated purpose was to flatten the booms and busts in the American economy, to keep financial matters as stable as possible.  When its real purpose was to make money - and oodles of it - for the bankers and industrialists who were behind the scheme.  (Think ‘The Creature of Jekyll Island’.)  In making money off those very booms and busts.  And including inducing wars, for their incredible moneymaking opportunities.  Such as World Wars I and II.(2)

It really is time to end all this sort of thing.  What "sort of thing" is that?  

Living as though there were no God.  Were nothing more than Man.  Rather than as though there is.

That there is.

What would that sort of living look like?                       
Certainly nothing like what is going on today.  In either the 'capitalist West' or the 'communist East'.  

A long subject.  But let me cut to the chase.

The bubble is about to burst.   The bubble of an artificial environment.  An artificial ‘reality’.  

Look at all the darkness around.  The lack of Truth and Justice.  In fact, their very opposite. The obvious signs of an agenda.  The agenda of the Cabal, and the New World Order addicts.  To bring this country down.  As the key to their operation.  For, as long as the United States stands in their way, they can’t advance their dark narrative.  

It has been a long time coming.  But the latter stages are now here.  The signs being all around us.  I won’t go into them here.  If you’re not aware of such things, you’re too asleep to ‘move with the times’.  Into

the New.  

Those who are ready: Let’s


P.S. I have ben following some of the voluminous material on the Internet regarding the curious ‘matter’ of the apparent still-alive state of being of JFK Jr., his wife Carolyn, and her sister, involved in support of Donald Trump in his presidency..  And this situation having been planned for a long time; particularly created by JFK Jr. who wanted to find out who killed his father, and, facing being killed by the same crowd if he ran for the Senate in 2000, against Hillary’s (and the Cabal's) plans for the same run, apparently figured that discretion was the better part of valor, and concocted a cover story for their disappearance into the underground, to fight another day.  Which day seems now to have arrived.  And not a day too soon, judging by so much of what is going down these days.
     All of which has a curious 'edge' to it, worth commenting on. I refer to how over the top the far Left has gone, in their various positions.  Consider such ‘items’ as AOC’s impossible position regarding socialistic spending in various sectors (given the current monetary and financial system, that is); and, on a presumably more serious note, ’the Dems,’ after their appalling and outrageous proposal regarding changes in the electoral system in the country - including giving the vote to illegal aliens - referring to objections to the latter state of affairs by Republicans as their simply trying to “discourage the practice”.  The practice!  The “practice” of illegal aliens - whom the Dems are now referring to as ‘“immigrants” and “newcomers” in an attempt to set that narrative - voting in our elections…Well, maybe it’s just a sort of acknowledgment of what has already been going on on the ground in this country.  (And maybe we should just call all of us merely ‘residents’?? and have done with such apparently antiquated categories as ‘citizenship’???)  But it does have an element of disbelief about it.  As in: You can’t make this stuff up. 
     What’s going on here? one has a considerable right to think, and wonder.  The Left is acting so dark in its behavior these days (and not the least regarding all the pedophilia, and slaughtering of babies and children for their body parts, going on), that it is almost as though all the darkness is coming out.  In the wash.
     A Great Wash.  Before a -
     the -
     Great Cleansing.   
     Me?  I can hardly wait for The Great Awakening.
     And I don’’t mean just about JFK Jr and his wife and sister-in-law.           


(1) ‘Trump and the Federal Reserve’.  By Charles Scalinger.
   He’s not sure of Pres. Trump’s motives in criticizing the Fed in a major way, feels that he may be “more interested in reforming the organization” than doing away with it/the central banking system altogether.  Which he recommends.
   As do I.

(2) With the U.S. brought into the first World War for the additional purpose of the Jews securing a homeland in the Middle East.  But that’s another, albeit related, subject.

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