A friend has forwarded me an article at Common Dreams that has caused discussion on her email ‘community’ link, about so-called ‘anti-Semitism’. My response:
Subject: On Israel lobby
Excellent article, and subject. This 'anti-Semitic' business is [as quite often used) arrant nonsense. A ploy to keep the Israeli state, and extensive Jewish influence on U.S. politics, from legitimate criticism. Even honest Jews have said that.
Wait until the truth about 9/11 starts coming out: the role of Mossad in that atrocity. (To advance the Israeli cause in the Middle East, for a 'Greater israel'). And the role of Mossad - with Rahm Emanuel's help - in attempting to get race riots going in this country, starting with the Smollett caper in Chicago (and attempts before that). As an avenue for takeover. A la the Bolsheviks. Who are doing all that they can to foment violence in this country, in order to have the excuse to bring in UN troops, to 'quell the disturbances', meaning actually to suppress the whites. To take away their guns; etc. etc. It's all part of a larger scenario.
I have serious concerns about the (deliberate) rise of Islam in this country, and its Sharia law, undercutting our Constitutional law. But we have long needed a better balance in the political discourse in this country, that has the 'temerity' to point out the undue influence of the Israeli lobby on our politics. Let's hear ALL sides of issues. Enough of this censorship going on. Disgusting; especially for a free country, to have to be subjected to such crap.
As you can see, a particular sore subject for me. Anyway: Thanks for the posting. Glad to hear of the discussion going on on the subject.
This friend also sent me a link to an article in Collective Evolution on the subject of the mandating of vaccines, AND the censoring, by Zuckerberg & Co., of info on (to say, criticism of. Legitimate criticism of) the subject of vaxes. My response:
Another excellent subject. Well done for forwarding this to your list, (name).
I first came across info on this vax dirty business when living Down Under in the mid-'90s, and ended up reading a very large no. of books and mag articles on the subject, and watching a video or two. And have kept in touch with the ‘dialogue' over it ever since. This is, pure and simple, a people control thing, with the cover of a public 'health' matter. People need to not buy into the mandatory route. There are people trying to turn the world into their gulag, with the people controlled like they are currently in Red China. Dangerous business. The more info there is out there on the subject, the better. Again: info is the key. And the right to it. To break the censorship of TPTB. As in many areas.
We really need to get beyond the Drama. And to
the Real Thing.
Just as soon as we can.
Our golden future awaits us.
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