Saturday, 16 March 2019

Postscript To Today's 'Droppings'

Like Taking Candy From A Baby

It was bad enough when Gov. Jerry Brown allowed illegal aliens to inundate this state - my home state! - and then added insult to injury by allowing them to flood from there onto the voter registration rolls.  But when Gov. Gavin Newsom has continued with the Democrats’s nefarious activities, and particularly by overseeing the finishing-up of the tunnels allowed to be burrowed into this state (under the guise of a high-speed rail system; creating such a system of another kind), not only for IAs to come in easier, but also for terrorists to slip in thereby, and fan out from here into the country at large, in preparation for the NWO crowd’s equivalent of a Tet Offensive,* the whole scenario, of antithetical reaction to the 'established order' in the country (conservatism, patriotism, gun rights, majority Christian, majority white; etc.) and raising it 'one' (i.e., to global control, by the Power Over Others crowd), has gone far enough.

Which will be put a stop to.  Or my name isn’t


And the I’s will have it.  In

The End

* ‘Oh, you must be one of those conspiracy theorists.’
   Excuse me.  But first: Are you aware that that term was created by the CIA, in order to deflect attention away from their shenanigans?
   ‘Come on.  They wouldn’t do that.  Like, tunnels ’n stuff.’
   Oh, really?
   Back to sleep, then.


P.S. And don’t get me started on 5G. 
   Lockheed Martin is involved in that rollout.   Via its L-3 Communications Holdings Inc.  Partly owned by Lehman Brothers Capital Partners.
   Heed the lock going on us, and our health.  By people who want to see the end of the United States, and its inclusion, piecemeal, into a region of their New World Order.  
   Their luciferian NWO, that is.
   Not to be confused with
   the real thing.

P.P.S. It’s the same sort of thing with the current massive attempts to roll out mandatory vaccinations on the American public.  Some years ago, some of these vaccines were found to have elements in them of what could be called killer cells.  This, in addition to anti-fertility agents, and so forth.  In short: A convenient medium for
   people control.
   Or rather, to them, and their way of thinking:
   cattle control.
   To be corralled, and culled, at their will.
   Bottom line:
   Smart Cities is a euphemism for Surveillance Cities.
   And worse.
   And so, don’t wonder any more why ‘the authorities’ don’t really care what parents say or think about having ’informed consent’ over the ‘health care’ of their children.  They are, in the eyes of our erstwhile masters, not your children.  They belong to the state.  As in Red China.
   That is to say,
   comes the real


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