Friday, 1 March 2019

On Getting Things Straight

Now let me get this straight, on this whole ’Russian Collusion’ thing.  To see if we can see ‘what’s wrong with this picture,’ as it has been laid out before the eyes of the American public, by the MSM.  Aka the Mockingbird press.

The Democratic National Committee’s emails are ‘hacked’ - or possibly simply leaked; the more accurate take on the matter, as subsequent investigations showed, regarding the time it took for the material to be downloaded - and the material released by Wikileaks, showing/proving a collusion between the DNC and the Clinton campaign camp to steal the primaries from Bernie Sanders.  But then something almost immediately happens to the story.  The story itself disappears (and a major story it is; involving RICO-type crime on the part of the DNC and the Clinton campaign team), and in its place, comes - via the MSM - the Russian Collusion story: that the emails were possibly hacked by Russian agents, in collusion with the Trump campaign team, for the purpose of eliminating Hillary from the electoral process, as the overwhelmingly ‘favorite’ to win the upcoming general election.  And the drumbeat began:  Russian Collusion Russian Collusion Russian Collusion.  Even though the only notable ‘Russian Collusion’ story at the time would have been the sale of a sizable chunk of the U.S.’s uranium deposits to the Russians, via the Hillary-led Department of State authorization of the deal.  

The plot then thickened, with the death of Seth Rich; a Bernie Sanders supporter and data analyst working for the DNC, who was reportedly unhappy with the corruption that he was privy to, in the DNC’s selling-out of Sanders.  Who had access to the DNC’s email system.  And who was then shot a couple of times late at night on the streets of Washington, D.C.  No robbery involved; watch and wallet intact, etc.  Taken to a hospital, for emergency surgery.  Which proved to be successful, leading him to be out of immediate danger.  Is taken to the Recovery unit, with a decent prognosis.  Whereupon (as reported on only by some voices in the alt media) some suits arrive at the scene, clear people out of the area, secure it, even to the point of keeping the surgical team from seeing their patient in follow-up procedures.  In whose hands Seth Rich then is reported to have died.

And Julian Assange of Wikileaks, in response to a question, denies that they got their leak from the Russians, and, though not naming who they did get the material from - standard policy for them, understandably, to protect their sources - issues a substantial reward for information regarding the death of Seth Rich.  

In the meantime, the Deputy AG (another, though related, story) appoints a former FBI chief (Robert Mueller) to act as a Special Counsel, to investigate Donald Trump and his team for possible collusion with the Russians in the DNC email affair.  And things get murkier and murkier and murkier from there.  Including, among other facts of the matter, that the then-current FBI chief - James Comey - who was fired by Pres. Trump, on the advice of both the Deputy AG and the AG himself, for his ‘inappropriate handling’ role in the FBI investigation of then-SoS Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email server. has a background of being involved businesswise with the Clintons.  And Mueller himself has a shady background (too detailed to go into here).

You can’t make this stuff up.

And here we are, some two years later, and said Special Counsel is about to issue his report.  Having found nothing yet linking either Trump or anybody on his campaign team with Russian Collusion.

Of course not.

Because there was none.

It was all made up.  As a cover. To eliminate the original story from the view of the American public.  And replace it with a cockamamie story.  Anything, to get the public from looking at

the original story.  About the DNC/HRC collusion.

I think I’ve got this straight.

I hope that the American people get here, too.

A lot depends on their doing so.


the very future of

the United States of America.

No longer to be in the hands of crooks.  Meaning: 

the crooked.

* And then there was the piece of the picture where John Podesta, chairman of Hillary’s campaign team (with his own shady background, involving pedophilia), was found, via leaked emails, to have said to someone after the leak of the DNC emails that “I’m definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker.”  (To which someone else on the email chain agreed wholeheartedly; saying: “We are in massive agreement.  I think we have to make examples now of the people who have violated the trust of HRC and the rest of the team.  People going forward need to know there are stiff consequences for leaking.”
   Stiff consequences.  Like, apparently, rigor mortis.


from ‘Bill Binney and Larry Johnson, How we Know the SNC was NOT “Hacked by the Russians”’ - James Fetter - March 1
(Excellent expert bg on the DNC ‘leak,’ not ‘hack’.)

Stan says:

Thanks for posting this, James.

Important stuff.

Now – for the record – how about posting info from the alt media regarding the mysterious death of Seth Rich in the hospital, after a successful operation? With some mysterious ‘suits’ being involved??

Let’s get the whole story out there. Before the Mueller attempt to muddy the waters.

I can only only think that people who only get their info from the MSM have been so brainwashed by that source that they don’t have any idea as to the truth of matters.  Which in this case is that there is absolutely no evidence of anything connecting Pres. Trump to an impeachable offense.  And that there is extremely likely none such yet to come out.  That we have simply been subjected to a show trial for some two years now.  

I can only conclude further that they have been so brainwashed by that media that they just don’t want to believe that this is not a two-party system; that they were supposed to rule - from the biased ‘polls’ that their (CIA-controlled) MSM reported to them to believe in - and just can’t face the facts.  Believe, from their indoctrination via their ‘education’ from K-12 all the way up through college that they are right, and the other side is wrong, and they need to save the planet and everybody on it, by hook or by crook.  They they are the wave of the future.  To rule by Whatever It Takes. By Any Means Necessary.  That is to say, to rule by corrupt measures.  By the idea that the end justifies the means.  Any and all means. 

They, and their parents, need to sue their school administrators.  They have been gypped of a decent education.  Or, more accurately, of any kind of education at all.  Rather, have been subjected to years of nothing but indoctrination.

People on the far Left:

Stop trying to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.  Or you will experience the proper consequences of your actions.

There is a New World for us, and all humanity, to enter into.

Just not the one of your philosophy.

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