Friday, 1 March 2019

Further On Legacies; And Outcomes

In my last blog I talked in part about how the Obama EPA was attempting to take over regulatory power over virtually all private property in the nation under the guise of its power to ‘regulate’ the nation’s rivers and lakes.  Consider another extension of this same idea, of the expansion of governmental powers over us Americans; in this case, like Common Core, via a state-federal government initiative (with the feds footing most of the bill, they have achieved a foothold into the individual States’s ‘education’ business; and with federal powers derived from a figment of its imagination): 

from ’Big Pharma to Use Public Schools As Biochemical Mind Control Agents for Students’ - Dave Hodges  February 28

“This satanic mind control program has been repackaged and is back. In an article written by Alex Newman, entitled, Indiana Education
Bill Seeks Mental Health Control of all Kids, the author from Freedom Media Project, makes the following disturbing observations:

“Draconian “education” legislation to further erode parental rights and gather all sorts of “mental health” data on children, among other controversial elements, is making its way through the Indiana legislature now…

“…Under the state’s plan, a non-elected “Commission” will be established to set up a “social, emotional, and behavioral” plan for Indiana children. The commission will also define normal, with those outside of the norm being targeted for government “interventions.” There will also be “ongoing needs assessments” to determine what “services” to foist on children and families…

“…The legislation, dubbed SB 266, also furthers government meddling in the lives of children from birth through age 22. All children will be routinely screened for “mental-health” issues, with schools becoming de facto mental-health institutions…  

“Privacy and freedom are in the cross hairs, too. Even free will and individuality are under threat. Indeed, the broader intent behind the legislation is more indoctrination and even “behavior modification” of children, analysts who examined the bill concluded.

“‘This bill puts the ownership of children in the hands of government schools through the guise of mental health and safety,” warned veteran educator and Indiana education activist Mary Black, who spent four decades teaching children in the classroom. “The mandated mental health clinics in the schools will be used to indoctrinate children with the government-established right and wrong.’

“Unlike God’s laws, which never change, Black said the government’s laws and views will continually change. “Thus, the emphasis on the social-emotional wellness in the bill ensures that the necessary flexibility, adaptability, and group consensus will be indoctrinated into each child and lead to the ultimate goal of those pushing this bill: citizens who are conditioned to do as they are told,” she warned….

“Black said it was important for Indiana parents to get involved in the battle to stop the attack. “This bill is anti-child because the child’s God-given independence is taken from him or her,” warned the veteran teacher. “It is anti-parent because the parental right and God-given obligation to educate their child is taken from them. Indiana parents and children will be separated for the sake of the government.”

“Another controversial provision in the bill is the introduction of Social and Emotional 'Wellness' schemes linked to Zen meditation techniques, which are associated with Buddhism. Noting that God and prayer have been expelled from school, critics wondered why Eastern spiritual exercises were being encouraged and pushed in to tax-funded schools.

“…Originally, the legislation included provisions that were supposed to help strengthen privacy protections for children and families. However, legislators essentially combined multiple disastrous bills into one larger one…  

“…Nowhere does this bill involve the parents in the monitoring, tracking, and manipulation of their children. Instead, the legislation envisions having the government tell parents how to be parents, prescribing “research-based training for … parents.” This fits perfectly with federal policy documents from the Obama administration describing parents as “equal partners” with government in the raising of their own children…

“… — government is the new parent…

“…This sort of madness is not limited to Indiana, obviously. In fact, it is spreading nationwide, with powerful backing and funding coming from Washington, D.C., as well. It is past time for parents to take urgent steps to protect their children and to get involved in the fight. America’s future and liberty itself are literally at stake…”

Forget for now the extreme Christian perspective above on this not-funny business.  A legitimate concern is being voiced here.  As the New World Order crowd deepen their penetration into the nation.  And ready for their Next Steps.

To be met by a superseding impulse.  Generated from the Process that has been going on, in our human society.  Now reaching its final stage.  Of Synthesis.

To paraphrase what I said at the end of my last blog:

The Play is over.  We are moving out of the old, 3D paradigm.  And if you can’t handle the change - from either side of the Process leading to this fundamentally transformative moment - you need to be left behind.

 A New World awaits our arrival.

With appropriate celebrations at the ready.  

For our having graduated.

Those who make the grade, that is.

P.S. One of the Comments to this article (which speaks for itself; and grammar and spelling mistakes as in original):

Anonymous February 28, 2019 at 6:05 pm

“Thanks for researching and speaking out of this issues. I’m a parent of a teen who was pushed by the school to get on SSRI antidepressant medication. My kid had been on these pills (also at the school insistence) three years earlier for mild anxiety but nothing more. Two weeks after she started the pills, she became suicidal, was hospitalized and was assaulted by another kid there with her arm fractures. Then she fell at the hospital due to low blood pressure from the pills and sustained a concussion. She missed over 30 days of school due to the pills- inpatient and outpatient hospitals, nausea, vomiting and low blood pressure. None of this was going on before the pills; only after. Her parents took her off the pills and she went back to normal- mild anxiety sometimes that therapy alone helped. It all changes after they turn 14 or so. 3 years after our first teen antidepressant nightmare, the school went behind moms back and told dad to take her to a psychiatrist to start on pills. The psychiatrist, the school staff, the insurance company, government agencies such as DHS, all these “support agencies funded by government like NAMI exists only to refer to hospitals and more drugs for kids) even the PCP treated me like I was a meddling freak when I tried to warn about my child’s past reactions to the pills. A parent has no right to protect the child. Laws all favor allowing the kid to do what the school wants and any parent trying to intervene is threatened with harassment charges, Lawyers won’t touch the situation. Family courts side with the pharmaceutical machine. Two weeks after starting on the pills the second time against my protests, my child jumped off a roof fracturing her legs. Then, they put her back in a psych hospital. If the parent refuses to pay for a psych hospital, the state steps in and pays (she was NOT suicidal before the pills!). Parents have been blocked under threat of imprisonment from being able to advocate for their children, by government.

“Here’s how I finally handled it. I went to the claims section of my health insurance website, and was able to download the medical claims to excel, then graph them. I was easily able to show the peaks and valleys in medical expenses and injuries and hospitalizations costs- which very clearly indisputable spike almost exactly 2 weeks after starting these antidepressant pills. A Valley occurs in the graph after the medications are stopped. Antidepressant prescriptions can also be downloaded from health insurance claims, and compared to the injury and hospitalization claims on a graph. I fax my graph into doctors, hospitals, insurance company and everyone who was now responsible for my daughter’s well being (the state takes over the parent function as soon as the kid starts the pills). This way, they at least can’t say they didn’t know her history when they prescribe the pills again (they will try to refuse to speak to the parent to get the history, claiming you are an unhinged person violating the kids privacy rights). The situation with these drugs, schools, politics, “helping agencies” doctors is a complete nightmare. Its terrifying and dehumanizing and it tears families and children’s lives to pieces.”


P.P.S. As I told someone online recently who was concerned about the subject of Depression among our youth:
     One of the main causes of this symptom - for that is what it is; along with such similar symptoms as anxiety - is faulty nutrition.  Particularly, but not exclusively, due to a deficiency or imbalance in the B vitamins.  And the same with many other ailments of our day, physical, mental, and/or emotional.  Our children need the advice of a good naturopath, or even ‘just’ a nutritionist.  Not medications.  Which, as the above article demonstrates, can have terrible consequences.
     Whatever happened to the part of the Hippocratic oath that says: 
     ‘First, do no harm.’
     It really is time for Big Pharma to go.
     And a lot else of the old paradigm.
     Which has all been for our education.
     Now to be left behind.
     As we soar into
     The New.

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