I, like many other Americans, I am sure, have noticed the plethora of Jewish surnames involved in the various attempts to fake down Pres. Trump. It will be healthy for the country - as it was when a Jewish judge presided, very fairly, over the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, in their traitorous activities to this country - when the DOJ’s IG Report from a Jew, Michael Horowitz, comes out, and, reportedly, although Horowitz was even an Obama appointee to the job, exonerates Trump, just as the Mueller Special Counsel Investigation Report has. Otherwise, we are headed for some rocky times indeed in this country. And that includes the plethora of such 'names' involved in the likes of abortion specifically - up to and including birth, now; with the kid gloves off, as it were - and ‘Women’s Lib’ in general. (Both movements not coincidentally having been originated from so-called ’Hymie Town’ itself, New York City.) It would be well to take a look at this phenomenon, for complete information’s sake.
Let’s start with the Talmud. Which is a different religious and philosophical matter from the Torah; the main version originating from the Jews’s stay in Babylonia, during their Captivity, and being influenced there by what is called the Babylonian Mysteries. The Talmud, fixated as it is on 3D life, condones pedophilia, and pederasty. (The latter possibly originating from the idea of showing the young lions who’s boss. And they then in their turn.) Which has to be, at least in part, why so many Jews are so sexually inclined and aggressive. Including the females. Both ‘orientations’ of whom have chafed under the moral code of the Christians, and so-obviously can hardly wait to do them in. For their (perceived) moral ‘superiority’. (And for constantly blaming them for ‘killing Jesus’.) Whereas the Jews know from their history that they are descended from royalty. A pharaonic line in Egypt. The Shepherd Kings. Aka the Hyksos. Aka the habiru (Hebrew to us); a word meaning (according to at least one source; and possibly prejudicially elaborated on a touch) ‘the bandits from across the river’. That river being the Nile. And to this day, such motivated Jews (whether bloodline Jews or not; another story)(1) want to control all the land - for their Eretz Israel (Greater Israel) - ’between the two rivers’: the Nile and the Euphrates. As even overtly displayed on their national flag in this day.(2) And thus regain their superiority. Over the goyim. Us cattle, to them.
The far leftist Jews must think we whites - and blacks alike - are real, well, dummies. Take the likes of 9/11. They even rub our noses in their perfidy regarding that atrocity, by (in a number of ways; another story) showing their hand in it, and we still don’t see. How do they do it? Because of their control over the MSM. Which is essentially a monopoly. (And thus subject to being broken up.)
Fortunately, more and more of the citizenry are waking up, and getting their news from the alt/independent media. Not the kept press. The fake-news media, of growing renown, thanks to Pres. Trump’s incessant rebranding of them.(3)
But, to wrap up this short communication on Life In Our Times; a quote from James Paul Warburg, of the notorious international banker family, (and think the Federal Reserve) audaciously even to a U.S. Senate subcommittee (hearings on revision of the UN Charter), in 1950:
“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
Just so. The NWO Jews mean to do it either way. And to get there, under such authoritarian attitude and rule: The country is thus headed for the likes of mandatory vaccination in all states, with no allowance for exceptions. (See comments by the FDA Commissioner. A Jew.) As with false flag ops staged in order to generate pressure to take away the public’s weapons of self-defense, there will be occasional outbreaks of the likes of measles in the country.(4) From unvaccinated ‘immigrants’. To say: illegal aliens. To whom the finger is not going to be pointed (for political - and outright nation-hijacking - reasons). But at all those ‘anti-vaxxer’ parents, who, having done their homework (still available), don’t want their kids to get the jabs. Shame! Shame! Causing terrible outcomes!!
‘Shame’ indeed. For, oh - and what about all those ingredients in the vaccines, that are designed to make us sick. And even to kill us. Having been cleverly weaponized. You know. Those ingredients that you have read about in -
Oh. That’s right.
Such info is being taken down even from the alt media too, now, isn’t it.
Because it’s all against the official line. Excuse me; against ‘good science’.
And alt that conservative and Christian speech, that has been censored - in many ways - on the basis that it’s ‘hate speech’??
Sleeves rolled up - and not for toxic jabs??
Let’s roll.
(1) Having to do with the former country in Mid Europe called Khazaria, whose people were converted wholesale to Judaism by their king, in order to appease their neighbors, who wanted them to settle down and stop being, well, bandits, and doing the likes of robbing travelers through their territory. They were given the choice of one of three religions of The People of The Book. Their king chose Judaism. (Well, why not; the idea of being a Chosen People, and all that.)
Some researchers think that they might have been remnants of the Lost Ten Tribes of israel. Others simply call them a Turkic people, originally out of the Caucasus area. I haven’t found any substantial agreement on the matter, as to their origins. Anyway, this is the origin of the idea of Ashkenazim - the European branch of Judaism/Jewry. As compared to the Sephardi Jews from Africa.
(2) And is that ever another subject, in itself.
(3) And why is CNN still in business, after their audacious effrontery of having their war correspondent in the first Gulf War ostensibly reporting from a rooftop in Tel Aviv, under Scud missile attack - even to the point of his donning a gas mask on camera at the sound of an air defense siren, and a stagehand handing a metal helmet to the man he had been interviewing, only for them to take their protection gear off when the All Clear sounded. A close one. All the way over in a sound stage in Florida or Georgia, I forget which it turned out some time later to have been staged at. And that’s not the only falsifying that CNN has been proven to have engaged in. Outrageous. Their license to use the public airwaves should have been pulled long ago.
(4) Which is a mild-to-moderate childhood disease known traditionally to mature both the immune system and the body in general, resulting in a spurt of height. But with its vaccinal suppression, and which does not give true, lifelong immunity (only ‘sensitivity’), it is occurring on the one hand in babies with no ‘natural’ protection from it via the (no longer present) maternal antibodies, and on the other hand, cases of it occur later in life, when it takes a greater toll on the body than when dealt with normally, via ’nature’s way’. But it is still treatable - with the likes of vitamin A - until we can get back to a normal state of affairs regarding it; and, with the likes of cleaner water and better hygiene and nutrition, treat with all the childhood diseases in a more natural way, than Big Pharma's way.
Hey - mothers even used to have ‘measles parties’ by taking their kids to the bedroom of a childhood friend down with it so that their child could get that valuable 'rite of passage' over with. And it is no accident that measles used to be considered a ‘mild to moderate’ childhood disease, until the advent of the vaccine for it, upon which it miraculously became in the Merck Manual a ‘moderate to severe’ disease. Go figure.
(As for the MMR shot: The vaccine strain of the measles virus has been found in the damaged gut of children diagnosed with autism; with inflammation in general helping it to cross the blood-brain barrier and wreak havoc in the brain. Don’t let anybody tell you that there is no relationship between that shot and autism. The shills for Big Pharma try to argue that ‘correlation is not causation’. They have a dog in that fight. Take money out of the equation, and we will hear a different tune.)
P.S. I see that Pres. Trump has ‘fully recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights’. What the hell is that all about?? The Golan Heights don’t belong to the state of israel. Trump is making it appear as though he is in the pocket of AIPAC. Who need to be taken down a notch, for all their illicit activity interfering with the U.S.’s foreign (and domestic) policy.
And don’t give me any boo-hoo business about ‘little Israel’. (And especially not about Greater Israel.) Whatever gave the Israelis the idea that they were above criticism, subject to scrutiny of their activities just like any other nation??
Oh, that’s right. They are ‘special’.
‘specialy arrogant.
I’m tempted to say, and feel, that ‘this won’t end well’. Except that it would appear to be part of
The Plan.
So - we’ll see.
But save the celebrations, and High Fives, Israel, and NeoCons in this country. You still need to be held to an accounting for the likes of your Five Dancing israelis, regarding the 9/11 atrocity.
And back to the Lavon Affair. And the strafing and attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty. And the sin at least of omission regarding the suicide attack on the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut. And, to cap it all off, the sins of both omission and commission regarding 9/11.
And. You. Will.
For, the Truth will out.
As to everything under the Sun.
That’s where we are at.
To say:
At the end of
The Play.
And the beginning of
The Real Thing.
Which includes the monetary and financial systems. Not just for this country.
But for the world.
Stay tuned.
And just to note:
It looks as though we may get that world government that you were interested in after all, James Paul.
Just in a different format, is all.
A rather crucial difference.
One that makes
all the difference.
From Dark. To Light.
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