Friday, 29 March 2019

The Art Of The Deal

I referred in my last blog to the “former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin”.  I have just watched him read an open letter, which he paid to place as a full-page ad in his state of Montana’s capital-city newspaper this past weekend, regarding legislation undergoing hearings this past week in the federal Senate Judiciary Committee (under its chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham) on newly proposed gun confiscation federal laws (so-called ‘red flag’ laws).  

It is draconian legislation.  Nation takeover stuff.  And he fears that Pres. Trump, if it passes the (highly compromised) Senate, and is sent to the House - where it would undoubtedly pass, with that chamber’s majority of New World Order leftists - would sign it, buckling under the carefully planned and plotted public pressure, as enhanced by the NWO-controlled and double-standard MSM, in the wake of the New Zealand shooting.

Things are coming to a head in this country.

Pastor Baldwin’s Open Letter - “to Legislators, Judges, and Lawmen” - is, er, ‘extremely’ commendable.

I endorse this message.

And if there were going to be any further elections in this country, I would encourage Pastor Baldwin to run again for that office.  But I doubt that that state of affairs is on the agenda.

The agenda of a bigger Will than ours. 

And speaking of that, and of Pres.Trump.   

After reading Pastor Baldwin’s online article of this week on some background to Pres. Trump’s moves regarding the state of Israel, I fear that Pres. Trump, as good and honorable a man as he is, and as having sacrificed so much personally to take on that job, is too conflicted to be able to see this operation through to its natural conclusion. 

I can hear a conversation now:

‘I understand that you have been badmouthing me.  Listen, friend, and perhaps learn something about the world of politics: I had to do it, to get elected.’

‘I understand.’

‘ - What?’

‘I understand.  And I’ll take over now.’


‘That’s the deal.’


As part of how ‘bad’ it has gotten - to say, more precisely: how full-headed - I see in my daily mail that Tom DeWeese, of his American Policy Center, is keeping a good close eye on the machinations that started under the Usurper’s administration to establish a base of operations in this country of UN troops under something called the ’Strong Cities Network,’ whereby city mayors - artfully maneuvered into control by the NWO crowd - will call on the UN to re-establish control after clashes begin between the NWO cannon fodder and patriots.  The latter of whom have been all set up for being labeled ‘extremists’ and ‘potential domestic terrorists,’ engaged in ‘Right Wing Violence’ and ‘Far Right Extremism’ - naturally, in reaction to orchestrated provocations by the NWO crowd.  To kick in any day now.  With the Department of Homeland Security likewise ‘conflicted,’ by having bought into the Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘take’ on who needs to be watched and taken down in this country.  In a word: the patriots.  (In a few more words: conservatives, Christians, and ‘’white nationalists’.)  Because the SPLC is about as far Left as you can get, and still operate within the law.   

And tell us, Pres. Trump: Why have you allowed your DHS to be so compromised, by accepting such tainted material into their reports, and perspective??  And allowed them to amass such a huge amount of weaponry and ammo as quietly took place under the Usurper???  

This all being why the Left is trying, in a heated-up way now - and as orchestrated by the 4 a.m. drops from the CIA as to the main talking points for the day, and as appears on the teleprompters of our talking heads - to take away the guns of patriots, as they make their more overt moves now to take over the country.

My country.

And to all of which I say:

Hands.  Off.

There is a different outcome that is going to take place, than is dreamt of in your philosophy.


And learn.

It’s not the end of The Play because I and others like me are here.  We are here because it’s the end of The Play.

And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

As we begin to move up energetically into our real, to say (ultimately) Light, bodies.

And get on with

the Purpose


The Whole Thing.

Not just parts of it any longer.

Because that’s

the deal.

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