Monday, 4 March 2019

Par For The Course


We are all points of consciousness.  That means that we are all, in/at our essence, fractals of The All That Is.  And that further means that we should be living up to our potential, as apprentice gods.

And that is why I am so disgusted with people like those at the ACLU (a mailing from which organization I have just received, and scanned through), who knowingly tell falsehoods, contributing to the overthrow of this country, in order to bring in the totalitarian, Red China-like NWO of their masters.  They know damned well, e.g., that ’voter ID’ is a legitimate ask and requirement.  They are, by their specious actions, complicit in the flooding into this country of illegal aliens, to help in that overthrow; plus with all the other illegal voters who are on the voter registration rolls, non-citizens and so forth.

And having said that: It would all appear to be par for the course.  Part of

The Process.

Giving us a Drama to engage in.  A school, in and by which to teach us our lessons.

As gods in the making.

And so, we need to cut each other

some slack.

As hard as that may be.

Caught up in The Drama as we are.

And our parts in it.

But -



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